Carroll v. Trump ($88 million judgment for Carroll)

So? The left wing media is all on Trump. Don’t you get how these garbage networks work? Oh wait I forgot. You can’t go a single day without talking about Trump 😂😂😂😂
I think a former president getting slapped with a $5 million jury verdict for sexual assault seems like something any reasonable national journalist would lead with.
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Right ... It's such a routine occurrence for a former President to be found liable for sexual battery and defamation, and ordered to pay $5 million in damages, resulting from the verdict in a civil lawsuit.

This $hit happens all the time.
Meh. Your boy was accused too but he’s a communist like you so he’s safe
I think a former president getting slapped with a $5 million jury verdict for sexual assault seems like something any reasonable national journalist would lead with.

If the national journalists were actually unbiased and fair then I would agree. I know you will disagree and that’s fine. But let’s be honest. Since 2016 has the overall journalism been unbiased and fair when it comes to Trump? No.
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I really like the ones who go all in on the unrelated whatabouts while claiming to despise Trump. They know who they are.
The quality “I pretend not to like Trump” posters all blew their cover and hit the road after the election. Now it’s just these cheap knockoffs.
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If the national journalists were actually unbiased and fair then I would agree. I know you will disagree and that’s fine. But let’s be honest. Since 2016 has the overall journalism been unbiased and fair when it comes to Trump? No.
Fair or not, the former POTUS got slapped with a $5 million verdict for sexual assault and defamation. Those are the facts. There's no bias in reporting those facts. This is legitimately unprecedented and certainly the biggest news of the day. If you want to complain about bias in media, the bias is in Fox not covering the story as the lead.
Fair or not, the former POTUS got slapped with a $5 million verdict for sexual assault and defamation. Those are the facts. There's no bias in reporting those facts. This is legitimately unprecedented and certainly the biggest news of the day. If you want to complain about bias in media, the bias is in Fox not covering the story as the lead.

Lets see how the liberal networks cover tomorrow
If the national journalists were actually unbiased and fair then I would agree. I know you will disagree and that’s fine. But let’s be honest. Since 2016 has the overall journalism been unbiased and fair when it comes to Trump? No.
Was it with Obama? I mean JFC you had Trump running around all of the tv claiming to have proof Obama wasn't a citizen. I agree Trump was mistreated. I also have zero sympathy for him based on his bs then. He also shot himself
In both feet, hands, chest, and brain bx he has no filter. Yeah the press was unfair. But he mostly killed himself
Fair or not, the former POTUS got slapped with a $5 million verdict for sexual assault and defamation. Those are the facts. There's no bias in reporting those facts. This is legitimately unprecedented and certainly the biggest news of the day. If you want to complain about bias in media, the bias is in Fox not covering the story as the lead.
Nor should they. I bet your networks don’t cover the dementia patients accusations
Fair or not, the former POTUS got slapped with a $5 million verdict for sexual assault and defamation. Those are the facts. There's no bias in reporting those facts. This is legitimately unprecedented and certainly the biggest news of the day. If you want to complain about bias in media, the bias is in Fox not covering the story as the lead.

The march of Fox into the dust heap of oblivion continues.
I really like the ones who go all in on the unrelated whatabouts while claiming to despise Trump. They know who they are.
Since BB felt the need to @ me on this.

Trump is a POS human being.

I still have doubts whether he was actually guilty of THIS particular case because the woman can't even remember WHEN it happened. That's a red flag to me.

But I also said I have zero doubts Trump has been abusive towards some women in his life.

I don't want Trump or Biden. Unlike @BowlBrother85 who constantly hangs on Biden's nuts while trying to claim he's not hanging on Biden's nuts.
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I think a former president getting slapped with a $5 million jury verdict for sexual assault seems like something any reasonable national journalist would lead with.

Thoughts if a sitting president has evidence coming out against him taking $1M from a foreign entity? Would this be a focus of national media if that occurred?
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@AirVol is the king of whataboutisms. @Weezer is the king of moral equivalence.

Now that I think about it, the two really aren't that different:

(1) But what about that thing that hunter did, isn't it just as bad as ....


(2) Yeah, I know Trump constantly lies, but Joe Biden lied once X years ago too. You see, both candidates have lied, so the two candidates are really on the same moral footing.
Thoughts if a sitting president has evidence coming out against him taking $1M from a foreign entity? Would this be a focus of national media if that occurred?

What about, what about, what about.

How about you just admit Trump is scum and a conman with no business being within 100 miles of the WH.
Thoughts if a sitting president has evidence coming out against him taking $1M from a foreign entity? Would this be a focus of national media if that occurred?
Sure, once you bring the goods. To my knowledge, there's been a lot of talk, but no evidence to date.
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@AirVol is the king of whataboutisms. @Weezer is the king of moral equivalence.

Now that I think about it, the two really aren't that different:

(1) But what about that thing that hunter did, isn't it just as bad as ....


(2) Yeah, I know Trump constantly lies, but Joe Biden lied once X years ago too. You see, both candidates have lied, so the two candidates are really on the same moral footing.
Biden lies every day. Get out of here with that BS about lying once X years ago.
What about, what about, what about.

How about you just admit Trump is scum and a conman with no business being within 100 miles of the WH.
But you were cool with an admitted sexual harrasrer of young interns, in the oval office, then perjuring themselves. Yet you think trump
Is a problem in this arena. You are once again a clown.
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