Carroll v. Trump ($88 million judgment for Carroll)

Probably helped this money whore last year when NY changed its laws, opening the door for this screw job. She had no witnesses, no proof, just her testimony. What a joke our justice system has become.
Based on lots of stories coming out of Hollywood throughout its history. It appears he was at least accurate, even if he was monumentally stooopid to say it out loud. It is called the casting couch for a reason you know
... and as we have seen from the Harvey Weinstein saga, not every woman goes along with it. His fat a$$ is in jail for a reason you know.
Well, if you liberals hadn't elected dementia Joe, we wouldn't be voting between these two again.
That goes both ways doesn't it? If conservatives hadn't elected Trump, we wouldn't be voting between these guys again. Nominating Trump for a 3rd straight cycle ... will be hard to defend.
Probably helped this money whore last year when NY changed its laws, opening the door for this screw job. She had no witnesses, no proof, just her testimony. What a joke our justice system has become.
You mad, bro?

I'll give you props though -- you didn't do your standard "But what about [insert Hillary/Hunter/Soros] ...."
That was low-hanging fruit ... By any standard, Trump is highly litigious.

When it comes to paying 3rd party contractors, Trump's modus operandi has been to default on his contractually agreed upon payments, force the contractor to sue him, and then counter sue for breach of contract ... and then after a prolonged negotiation, involving subpoenas and threats, finally reach a settlement for less than the initial payment amount. It's how he has done business for over 40 years.
Anyone that doesn’t is a partisan hack.
For Republicans to pick Trump 3 straight election cycles .... would basically be an acknowledgement that it's his party.

On the other side, most Democrats do not want Biden to run. The polls reflect this.

There is a difference in how the two party's feel about their douche bag. Republicans love theirs ... while most Democrats wish Biden would step aside.
Don't lump Biden in with Trump. Only one of the two is a vile cockroach. It's really astounding how utterly clueless MAGA are about the gangster. Actually, they probably aren't totally clueless, they just don't care.. Trump isn't fit to be a dog-catcher, much less president. An absolutely disgraceful human being--and now a convicted sexual abuser. And there is more serious legal jeopardy to come for him..
No, both are pretty much vile cockroaches. You obviously haven't read much about Joe over the years. Either that, or the "D" next to his name has you hanging on his junk.
Biden's been an excellent president. Professional administration--unlike the cockroach who proceeded him; competent pros running the major agencies; a stellar list of legislative achievements. That MAGA don't like him is so predictable as to be irrelevant. He also kicked a scumbag out of the presidency: For that every American should be deeply grateful.
Trolling is against board rules.

We haven't had an excellent President since probably George Washington, and he didn't even want the job.

And Biden has been one of the worst Presidents ever.
Anyone traumatized like this woman says she was, she’d know the date and time which she knew neither. But court was in NY, so Trump had no chance.
This is really the only thing that bothers me. How do you find someone guilty or libel or whatever it's called in a civil court when the so-called victim can't even remember the year it supposedly happened, let along the date? I have zero doubts Trump has acted inappropriately with lots of women, but I'm not convinced this was one of them. Shades of the Kavanaugh accuser all over again. "It happened! I just can't remember when!" I have trouble buying that argument.
This is really the only thing that bothers me. How do you find someone guilty or libel or whatever it's called in a civil court when the so-called victim can't even remember the year it supposedly happened, let along the date? I have zero doubts Trump has acted inappropriately with lots of women, but I'm not convinced this was one of them. Shades of the Kavanaugh accuser all over again. "It happened! I just can't remember when!" I have trouble buying that argument.
I got in the worst fight in my life and took a pretty severe beating over a Super Bowl bet when I was in my twenties. I don't remember if it was '72 '73 or '74. I don't even remember who was in the Super Bowl. I just know it wasn't Dallas. The playoffs were about to start and this drunk clown who I barely knew was was shouting out "I'll bet $50 dollars Dallas wins the Super Bowl". I thought, hell I've got everybody else and took his bet. When Dallas was eliminated I went to collect my bet. He let me know if I wanted it I was gong to have to take it. Well, all I collected was two black eyes and a chipped tooth and while I've thought about it a lot over the years I can't tell you what year it was.
I got in the worst fight in my life and took a pretty severe beating over a Super Bowl bet when I was in my twenties. I don't remember if it was '72 '73 or '74. I don't even remember who was in the Super Bowl. I just know it wasn't Dallas. The playoffs were about to start and this drunk clown who I barely knew was was shouting out "I'll bet $50 dollars Dallas wins the Super Bowl". I thought, hell I've got everybody else and took his bet. When Dallas was eliminated I went to collect my bet. He let me know if I wanted it I was gong to have to take it. Well, all I collected was two black eyes and a chipped tooth and while I've thought about it a lot over the years I can't tell you what year it was.
Still not buying a woman not only doesn't remember the day she was raped, but the year. But I don't have to buy it. I wasn't on the jury.
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Trolling is against board rules.

We haven't had an excellent President since probably George Washington, and he didn't even want the job.

And Biden has been one of the worst Presidents ever.
He made infrastructure a point of emphasis ... For all of Trump's bloated budgets ... Incredibly, he never addressed one of the most important things - even though he had pledged to during the 2016 campaign This will be of consequence to future generations.

And we have had many good presidents. Ike was very good. Ditto FDR and Teddy was well.
That was low-hanging fruit ... By any standard, Trump is highly litigious.

When it comes to paying 3rd party contractors, Trump's modus operandi has been to default on his contractually agreed upon payments, force the contractor to sue him, and then counter sue for breach of contract ... and then after a prolonged negotiation, involving subpoenas and threats, finally reach a settlement for less than the initial payment amount. It's how he has done business for over 40 years.

No argument on that. NY Real estate is a cesspool business and when he was coming up, was still run by the mob. But its not just Trump that operates that way, its all of them. And come to think of it, he is the only big developer (or was) from the 90s who is not of the tribe. With all the foreign and lefty corporate money poured in, there is a lot of competition now so the tribe real estate titans (Helmsley, Tishman, etc) arent quite what they once were in influence.
She’s a court whore. She makes money taking people to court. It’s the democratic way.

At the end of the day a jury believed her. And it wasn't just her word against his: Friends testified that she told them of the assault soon after it happened. That is solid evidence--not the best evidence, but it's evidence nonetheless. And then there was the trump tape in which he's heard admitting to assaulting women and his typically cringey deposition testimony. She had pursued this case against a fat cat/president/ex-president for a very long time. Very few people would do that unless they were convinced that they'd been victimized. But, yea, trump's such a sweet guy that it's crazy that he lost--again. o_O He's now a convicted sexual abuser--and there's more to come.
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