CBJ and the Student Section

I know this has been discussed, I'm sure some would say too much. So, students currently have to pay for tickets and don't like this, correct? Is there any way we could continue to charge for student tickets, but offer some type of reimbursement or future ticket if and only if the student section sells and is actually full on game day? This way students would potentially encourage each other to buy tix and go to game. Not sure how that would work logistically but I'm sure something could be figured out.

In before all the responses about why this shouldn't be needed. I personally don't think paying $10 or whatever it is should be a huge deal. I also don't think price is the only problem, I just think that's the easy/quick answer.

But, this might be a compromise: Ok, if it's a big deal that we're charging, fill up the student section and we'll reward you.
I know this has been discussed, I'm sure some would say too much. So, students currently have to pay for tickets and don't like this, correct? Is there any way we could continue to charge for student tickets, but offer some type of reimbursement or future ticket if and only if the student section sells and is actually full on game day? This way students would potentially encourage each other to buy tix and go to game. Not sure how that would work logistically but I'm sure something could be figured out.

In before all the responses about why this shouldn't be needed. I personally don't think paying $10 or whatever it is should be a huge deal. I also don't think price is the only problem, I just think that's the easy/quick answer.

But, this might be a compromise: Ok, if it's a big deal that we're charging, fill up the student section and we'll reward you.

Hells bells they are charging $7 for a coke... the game should be free to students with the purchase of a coke and a smokey dog.
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Hells bells they are charging $7 for a coke... the game should be free to students with the purchase of a coke and a smokey dog.

Yea, I don't disagree. I don't think it should be a big deal for students to pay $10....but I also don't see why the university feels the need to charge.

I could blame both sides all day long. But, considering that it continues to be a problem, wish somebody would figure something out to get the student section full every Saturday.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's ridiculous. There are 8 home games a year? 8 Saturdays in an entire year to tailgate and party in Neyland? Come on.
Yea, I don't disagree. I don't think it should be a big deal for students to pay $10....but I also don't see why the university feels the need to charge.

I could blame both sides all day long. But, considering that it continues to be a problem, wish somebody would figure something out to get the student section full every Saturday.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's ridiculous. There are 8 home games a year? 8 Saturdays in an entire year to tailgate and party in Neyland? Come on.

I was being serious.
Just to fill in those that are asking about Orange Nation. ON wasn't banned, but it was eventually abandoned for three reasons which I will list in the order that I feel they impacted the organization.

1) Charging students for tickets caused the block seating for ON to disappear. This was the bread and butter of the organization and ON lost about 80% of its membership due to this.

2) In the summer prior to what would eventually be its final year, 08-09, ON negotiated a one-year, $30k sponsorship from a local credit union which was allocated to be spent $15k per semester. The money was deposited into a checking account at said credit union and was to require dual authorization for purchases and withdrawals. The credit union, for reasons which I still don't understand, let the president take out a check card on the account which was not subject to the aforementioned dual authorization. The president went on to make personal purchases, pay for utilities/rent, and finance trips to Harrahs Casino among other things. That money was gone by October 31st, 2008.

3) Student rewards program. In the aftermath of the ON financial fiasco, the 5 remaining board members worked with the athletic department to kindle a relationship and rebuild ON as part of this program. Board members eventually gave up due to lack of enthusiasm and direction. Students no longer had a need for anything the organization used to offer as there were already alternatives which were becoming immensely popular.
I know this has been discussed, I'm sure some would say too much. So, students currently have to pay for tickets and don't like this, correct? Is there any way we could continue to charge for student tickets, but offer some type of reimbursement or future ticket if and only if the student section sells and is actually full on game day? This way students would potentially encourage each other to buy tix and go to game. Not sure how that would work logistically but I'm sure something could be figured out.

In before all the responses about why this shouldn't be needed. I personally don't think paying $10 or whatever it is should be a huge deal. I also don't think price is the only problem, I just think that's the easy/quick answer.

But, this might be a compromise: Ok, if it's a big deal that we're charging, fill up the student section and we'll reward you.

Students not showing isn't the problem (at least at Austin Peay game) There were 10,000+ students..aka pretty much sold out...
Yea, I don't disagree. I don't think it should be a big deal for students to pay $10....but I also don't see why the university feels the need to charge.

I could blame both sides all day long. But, considering that it continues to be a problem, wish somebody would figure something out to get the student section full every Saturday.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's ridiculous. There are 8 home games a year? 8 Saturdays in an entire year to tailgate and party in Neyland? Come on.

The student section was sold out last week.... nice try though, please come again.
I would love to avoid the word "Rowdy" in the name.

Whatchu got against "Rowdy"???


"Rowdy" Ronda Rousey says "sup"
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First we need to fill the seats. When I was a student there was no charge other than the activities fee. If there is going to be a charge for example 10 bucks maybe the student can receive a voucher that can be redeemed at the concessions or gift shop.
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Smokey's Howlers?

I like your suggestion, Lake. Some possible alternatives may be:

Orange Juicers. Volume Vols. Tangerine Thunder.
Rocky Top Rockers. Ochreous Army. Citrus sinensis Section. Citrus Commandos. Smokey's Dog Pound.
Smokey's Kennel Club (maybe change the "C" to "K")
Mandarin Monster House. Valencia Vols. Hamlin Howlers.
The Citrus Acids. Bluetick Central. Orange T-cup. Power T Club. Student Body Orange ( or for short, The SBO)
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