CBJ and the Student Section

No reason whatsoever to charge students for tickets. Used to get tickets free .... was included in $50 student activity fee. The $ made off students is negligible especially given that virtually none are going to the games.

This! If they buy a Coke, the margin is made up for.
Whatchu got against "Rowdy"???


"Rowdy" Ronda Rousey says "sup"

I'm sure she loves how big that belt is. Hides her penis pretty good.
I'm sure she loves how big that belt is. Hides her penis pretty good.

Know how I know you're a dude that's into dudes?? You just looked at a smoking hot blonde and said she had a weenus. Pretty sure VolNation isn't the place for your weird fantasies, bro.

That's not even taking into account that she could probably whip everyone's *** on this board without breaking a sweat (or a nail for that matter).
Just curious. Anyone know what the student ticket allotment is per game?

3K, 5K???? Also, what is the student ticket price?

As a student, I like the idea of having a name for our section. However, the problem lies in that as students, we will probably never agree on a good name.

As students, you will not have the option of choosing...you will be told what to do, how to cheer and what to call yourselves. Get yourself back in line!! :crazy:
Just curious. Anyone know what the student ticket allotment is per game?

3K, 5K???? Also, what is the student ticket price?


10-12,000, depending on the game. Way too many, based on attendance the last few years.

It's $10/ticket, the lowest in the SEC.
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Just curious. Anyone know what the student ticket allotment is per game?

3K, 5K???? Also, what is the student ticket price?


It used to be around 12K, from what I remember. I'm sure that number fluctuated depending on the opposing team and how many tix they received.

When I was at UT, they issued SRO tickets for many games because all the seats were taken. Times have changed, for sure.
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I don't know where you got your information, but the student section hasn't sold out for a game since last decade.

I remember when I was a student they (the university) stated they were going to decrease the size of the student section at basketball games if the average attendance didn't increase over a certain amount of time.

Has their been any serious talk from the University or Athletic Deparment about decreasing the student allotment for football?

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