CBS predictions

next time you "underachieve" to the tune of 12 wins and a play away from a national title shot, let me know.

Did they win the SEC championship? That UGA team that still couldn't win the big game just lost ab 10 defensive starters. Quit looking for arguments. Doesn't matter how many plays away you are.
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IT's your location. I just moved near Chattanooga and am starting to hate them more, myself. I work with a lot of bama and uga guys, some of whom probably use to be Tenn fans.

I would say outside of traditional hate ( Bama, Fla) the team I hate the most is USCjr. For the same reason as you guys, I lived (was stationed) right in the middle of Cock Country (no homo) and those fans are pretty bad.

The worst part is how winning a little has made them so arrogant and forgetful. Vandy's the same way but with less to actually talk about.

Try living within earshot of Nashville sports talk radio. One win against the worst UT team in recent memory and they have crowned themselves as THE team in Tennessee now. I can't wait to see our boys shut these pansies up.
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next time you "underachieve" to the tune of 12 wins and a play away from a national title shot, let me know.

UGA and Richt are not the perennial chokers and underachievers everyone on here makes them out to be.
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Did they win the SEC championship? That UGA team that still couldn't win the big game just lost ab 10 defensive starters. Quit looking for arguments. Doesn't matter how many plays away you are.

personnally, i don't have georgia winning the sec east either.

however, i think it's silly to thumb my nose at them because they've had the unfortunate problem of being in the same league as the national champion.
next time you "underachieve" to the tune of 12 wins and a play away from a national title shot, let me know.

TN had similar seasons that were considered a disappointment several times under Fulmer. 1999 & 2001 come to mind. CMR will screw it up. He is due a let down season.
TN had similar seasons that were considered a disappointment several times under Fulmer. 1999 & 2001 come to mind. CMR will screw it up. He is due a let down season.

again, for me, that's really not fair

let's use last year as an example.

do you think georgia was better than alabama? if not, they didn't underachieve. they finished right where they should have.
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Try living within earshot of Nashville sports talk radio. One win against the worst UT team in recent memory and they have crowned themselves as THE team in Tennessee now. I can't wait to see our boys shut these pansies up.

Yea, of all opposing team fans, Vandy is really making a push toward the top. How can they not understand remaining humble? Their OOC is a weak as it gets, they have only beaten us 3 times in 33 years, and they still suck really bad. I mean, 9-3, ok, so what? Win a conference or a division for that matter, just once! Than you can brag. I am looking forward to that game more than any other this season.

I hope we just destroy them. 50-0 blowout. And I hope it's a must win for them to get to another 6-6 bowl game.
Just watched the SEC Championship on ESPN and Georgia was just as good as Alabama. They did lose a lot on defense but to say they are garbage and choke artists is just uneducated and quite frankly foolish. I hate Georgia and Richt just as much as anyone but they are definitely my pick to win the east. As far as Vandy finishing ahead of us, what have we shown in the last 3 years for anyone to predict any different. They blew us out last year. And we lost our 3 best players and the returning defense was the worst in UT history. I'm not saying I don't think we are going to turn it around, because I do, and I believe Butch is the best thing to happen to UT since the turn of the century, but the fact remains that we have not played a down yet. The spring game looked terrible. We have no proven playmakers on offense, so the fact that one person actually predicts us to finish 4th in our division should make you excited and proud that obviously the media believes in Butch as much as we all do. All that said I do believe we will win 8 games this year and surprise a few people with some upsets. Thank you and GBO!!!
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again, for me, that's really not fair

let's use last year as an example.

do you think georgia was better than alabama? if not, they didn't underachieve. they finished right where they should have.

CMR found a way to get his UGA team stomped to the ground by a undermaned Kiffin coached team in 2009. Kiffin is not a good coach and that TN team in 2009 had Crompton as QB and walkons on the offensive line. He finds a way to lose right when everyone starts to get back on the UGA bandwagon. I predict this season will be a "disappointment" for Dawg fans. Less than 10 wins.
Richt's record and winning % over the last 13 yrs in the toughest conference in America speaks for itself. many national titles? Looking at the talent he's had in-state alone. Look at recruiting classes. Your argument sells the point that he is an above average coach. Your argument is lacking evidence he is top notch. With the schedules that school has pulled off as well as stacked talent year after year, he should have at least two if not more titles in Athens.
#42 many national titles? Looking at the talent he's had in-state alone. Look at recruiting classes. Your argument sells the point that he is an above average coach. Your argument is lacking evidence he is top notch. With the schedules that school has pulled off as well as stacked talent year after year, he should have at least two if not more titles in Athens.

So unless you've won a NC, you're an underachiever? Because that was my original point, that he wasn't the choker and underachiever everyone makes him out to be.
So unless you've won a NC, you're an underachiever? Because that was my original point, that he wasn't the choker and underachiever everyone makes him out to be.

Umm...if you consider all the factors mentioned, I'd say yeah he was an underachiever.
To save myself a blood pressure spike I ignored the link, b/c opinions are like...well you know the rest ! :)
I just glanced through that list. As with MOST things sports related, it is apparent that the consensus is to take what happened last year and say that it will happen this year. A monkey could do that.

Just a question: how many of those guys predicted aTm would do what they did last year? or that Vandy would have the upswing they have? or that Arkansas and Auburn last year would be so horrible? If I had to guess, I would say none.
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So unless you've won a NC, you're an underachiever? Because that was my original point, that he wasn't the choker and underachiever everyone makes him out to be.

It all depends on what you have to work with, doesn't it?

Let's say that you took the Steeler's roster and put it in the SEC east. Lets then say that Richt was the coach of that team, and he won 10 games a season over 14 years. Would anyone say that he didn't underachieve even though he might have an incredibly high winning percentage?

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