CBS to Announcers: "Stick To Sports"

Good. I lost all interest in baseball a few years ago during the World Baseball Classic held in Cuba and the announcers couldn’t stop extolling they virtues of the Castro brothers.
sounds like the party that has an a$$ for a mascot.
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Yep..... it has with me..... I still plan on watching the Steelers play tomm but I was out running around today and realized I hadn’t watched a single minute or checked a single score.
I started watching the Steelers in 1971, and have been fan for 49 years. Even took the bus up to Baltimore in 76 to watch the Steelers vs the colts in a playoff game. But not tonite, I’m done with all these “opressed ” millionaire crybabies.
I started watching the Steelers in 1971, and have been fan for 49 years. Even took the bus up to Baltimore in 76 to watch the Steelers vs the colts in a playoff game. But not tonite, I’m done with all these “opressed ” millionaire crybabies.
I’m watching but I’m not hyped like I usually am..... didn’t watch a single minute yesterday
Only America hating democrats

Nope, I love America - warts and all - and I'm also a sports junkie and will continue to watch sports. It's unfortunate that your ignorance prevents you from watching as well, and don't kid yourself, it is ignorance - just because you don't want to hear about societal issues doesn't mean they don't exist. The society we live in is not perfect and most informed adults are able to handle athletes speaking their minds.
LOL... That's a good one! I watched last night's game with 3 other fellows, all lifelong Republicans and all retired military. Funny thing though, all of us despise Trump like most retired officers
Yeah sure you did. I have no doubt you watched but it's more likely you watched with pro antifa, pro BLM radicals like yourself.
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Nope, I love America - warts and all - and I'm also a sports junkie and will continue to watch sports. It's unfortunate that your ignorance prevents you from watching as well, and don't kid yourself, it is ignorance - just because you don't want to hear about societal issues doesn't mean they don't exist. The society we live in is not perfect and most informed adults are able to handle athletes speaking their minds.
Why do you won’t to call others who disagree with you ignorant? It’s not like they called you a moron.
Nope, I love America - warts and all - and I'm also a sports junkie and will continue to watch sports. It's unfortunate that your ignorance prevents you from watching as well, and don't kid yourself, it is ignorance - just because you don't want to hear about societal issues doesn't mean they don't exist. The society we live in is not perfect and most informed adults are able to handle athletes speaking their minds.
Only injustice is from your party that prevents black kids from leaving failing schools. Other than that there isn't injustices in this country due to race, this is made up crap pushed by America hating democrats like you.

And I'm not going to watch a bunch of spoiled grown men who play with a ball for a living, many making 8 digits per year tell me that I'm privileged and them and their pals are discriminated against.
Yeah sure you did. I have no doubt you watched but it's more likely you watched with pro antifa, pro BLM radicals like yourself.
You never disappoint with your remarkably ignorant drivel. Thanks. I will still always have your back anyway, little man. The first amendment is certainly your friend
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You never disappoint with your remarkably ignorant drivel. Thanks. I will still always have your back anyway, little man. The first amendment is certainly your friend
So "little man" is now your "go to" put down, is it?
You never disappoint with your remarkably ignorant drivel. Thanks. I will still always have your back anyway, little man. The first amendment is certainly your friend
I don't need nor want people like you "having my back". I am surprised to had time to watch I figured you and your friends would be out looting a business or burning a city down.
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Only injustice is from your party that prevents black kids from leaving failing schools. Other than that there isn't injustices in this country due to race, this is made up crap pushed by America hating democrats like you.

And I'm not going to watch a bunch of spoiled grown men who play with a ball for a living, many making 8 digits per year tell me that I'm privileged and them and their pals are discriminated against.
Are you trying to impress someone in here? It seems like you think it's cool to call someone an American hating Democrat. You're really angry and jealous. Maybe you should seek therapy.

Did you ever work at Bear Trace Tims Ford? I remember a cart guy there who was a big UT fan named Justin. He brought us a cart when one of ours broke down. I thought he was nice kid
So "little man" is now your "go to" put down, is it?
NO, it was just what I thought of at the moment. People who usually talk big and ignorantly at the same time are likely insecure and small minded.

Appreciate you stalking me....little that better?
I don't need nor want people like you "having my back". I am surprised to had time to watch I figured you and your friends would be out looting a business or burning a city down.
You're so smart and cool....yeah, you do need it. What would this country be like if people like you had to defend it?
Are you trying to impress someone in here? It seems like you think it's cool to call someone an American hating Democrat. You're really angry and jealous. Maybe you should seek therapy.

Did you ever work at Bear Trace Tims Ford? I remember a cart guy there who was a big UT fan named Justin. He brought us a cart when one of ours broke down. I thought he was nice kid
Not trying to impress anyone, I just call you all what you are. Not jealous of anyone and my life is great, but yes I am angry what you all are doing to this country.

Nope not me. I grew up in Memphis and moved to Middle TN when in 2003. I was 21

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