CBS to Announcers: "Stick To Sports"

I'm certain I'm not voting for Trump. Biden has never been a radical leftist his entire political life. Most of the things you say are false and exactly the opposite of the truth.

You support a traitor and a lifelong conman who can't tell the truth about anything. Don't worry. I will still have your back when this country needs defending.

You make yourself sound like a hysterical nincompoop when you use words like traitor. Just an FYI
I'm certain I'm not voting for Trump. Biden has never been a radical leftist his entire political life. Most of the things you say are false and exactly the opposite of the truth.

You support a traitor and a lifelong conman who can't tell the truth about anything. Don't worry. I will still have your back when this country needs defending.

He's never supported giving illegals free healthcare before either but he raised his hand to do exactly that at a Dem debate.
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You don't have a "fit" candidate to choose from so you might as well vote for the guy who supports policies you agree with.

You want to bring our boys home from the Middle East?
You want gov't support for small businesses?
You want illegal aliens to be denied free healthcare/gov't benefits like stimulus checks?

If you answered yes, Trump's your man
I want someone who doesn't put himself above the country. That's not Trump. I want someone who is a true patriot. That's not Trump. I want someone who won't put loyalty above righteousness. That's not Trump
I want someone who doesn't constantly lie and make false claims. That's not Trump. I want someone who doesn't kowtow to dictators. That's not Trump. I want someone who actually understands how to negotiate international trade deals. That's not Trump. I want someone who isn't racist, xenophobic and misogynist. That isn't Trump
You make yourself sound like a hysterical nincompoop when you use words like traitor. Just an FYI
That's your opinion, which BTW, isn't all that qualified. We'll see how you react when everything starts coming out about his role with the Russians
NO, it was just what I thought of at the moment. People who usually talk big and ignorantly at the same time are likely insecure and small minded.

Appreciate you stalking me....little that better?
Not the first time you've used it. Probably not the last.

Hearing footsteps?

Paranoia strikes deep.
Into your life it will creep.
Starts when you're mostly afraid

You skeered?
Not the first time you've used it. Probably not the last.

Hearing footsteps?

Paranoia strikes deep.
Into your life it will creep.
Starts when you're mostly afraid

You skeered?
Step out of line, and the man comes and takes you away.
And now you proved me wrong.....LMFAO...235? Do your realize how many retired military officers there are that are still alive? LOL

Weren’t you the same guy earlier in this thread touting his 2 or 3 buddies on the couch who despised trump? We’re supposed to accept that but the article citing hundreds who support trump is laugh worthy? Great logic there genius..
I'm certain I'm not voting for Trump. Biden has never been a radical leftist his entire political life. Most of the things you say are false and exactly the opposite of the truth.

You support a traitor and a lifelong conman who can't tell the truth about anything. Don't worry. I will still have your back when this country needs defending.
He has always been a radical liberal, he just seems to be a moderate because the rest of your party has moved so far left very quickly

You support a corrupt idiot who doesn’t even know his own name

Again, I don’t need nor do I want your kind having my back
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Weren’t you the same guy earlier in this thread touting his 2 or 3 buddies on the couch who despised trump? We’re supposed to accept that but the article citing hundreds who support trump is laugh worthy? Great logic there genius..
I wasn't claiming the guys I was watching with were some sort of a barometer......I was laughing at his astonishment over 235. My point was that I was watching with 3 other Republicans to Justin's point that only America hating Democrats watch. Try to follow along and stick to the subject. or better yet, STFU if you don't know any better
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He has always been a radical liberal, he just seems to be a moderate because the rest of your party has moved so far left very quickly

You support a corrupt idiot who doesn’t even know his own name

Again, I don’t need nor do I want your kind having my back
Everyone like me has your back. You know, the real patriots of this country
That's your opinion, which BTW, isn't all that qualified. We'll see how you react when everything starts coming out about his role with the Russians

Hell, you guys have been promising all this Russian dirt for 4 years now. If ya had it why didn't you give it to the Muell?

Annnnd I'm just as qualified as you "pilot".
I wasn't claiming the guys I was watching with were some sort of a barometer......I was laughing at his astonishment over 235. My point was that I was watching with 3 other Republicans to Justin's point that only America hating Democrats watch. Try to follow along and stick to the subject. or better yet, STFU if you don't know any better

Yeah we all seen your idiotic point Nancy. And now you’re all pissed because I rubbed your face all in your illogical bull*** posts. Loosen your pu*** hat girl, maybe you’ll be able to actually use what little bit of a brain you have.
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Not trying to impress anyone, I just call you all what you are. Not jealous of anyone and my life is great, but yes I am angry what you all are doing to this country.

Nope not me. I grew up in Memphis and moved to Middle TN when in 2003. I was 21

Your anger is misguided - but that's what Trumpism does, it leads you further and further down the rabbit hole of misinformation.

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