Charges Dropped in the Jussie Smollett Case

Lunatic group BLM will start burning & looting cities tonight bc he's been found guilty.
The tape clearly shows he was beaten up by pale Trump supporters w/red hats.
Nah they've switched to running over old women and children in holiday parades.
You know, mostly peaceful murder.
This aged well lol.
How some in the media embraced Jussie Smollett's discredited tale

The Chicago police superintendent made no effort to hide his fury as he denounced Jussie Smollett for "despicable" conduct in falsely claiming to be the victim of a racist and homophobic assault.

He also had a few choice words for the media for overplaying the melodrama.

"I just wish that the families of gun violence in this city got this much attention," Eddie Johnson said.

It still seems incredible that a star of the Fox show "Empire" would blow up his career and traumatize his city for what the cops say was an effort to force his bosses to give him a raise. And it left his defenders scrambling for something to say.

Johnson was extremely forceful at a televised news conference, saying he had to divert precious resources to investigate what was billed as a hate crime and turned out to be a hateful hoax.

"Why would anyone — especially an African-American man — use the symbolism of a noose to make false accusations?" Johnson asked. "How could someone look at the hatred and suffering associated with that symbol and see an opportunity to manipulate that symbol to further his own public profile?"

Washington Post Global Opinion Editor Karen Attiah tweeted:

"Regarding the heinous attack on @JussieSmollett, yet another reminder that Trump’s ascendance and the resulting climate of hate has meant that lives have been increasingly at stake since 2015."

Buzzfeed writer Kevin Fallon tweeted: "Anyone who thinks supporting You Know Who isn't tantamount to providing artillery for weaponized bigotry needs to take a hard look in the mirror."

Don Lemon said he called Smollett every day to see how he was doing. And the CNN host didn't exactly condemn him.

How some in the media embraced Jussie Smollett's discredited tale
How some in the media embraced Jussie Smollett's discredited tale

The Chicago police superintendent made no effort to hide his fury as he denounced Jussie Smollett for "despicable" conduct in falsely claiming to be the victim of a racist and homophobic assault.

He also had a few choice words for the media for overplaying the melodrama.

"I just wish that the families of gun violence in this city got this much attention," Eddie Johnson said.

It still seems incredible that a star of the Fox show "Empire" would blow up his career and traumatize his city for what the cops say was an effort to force his bosses to give him a raise. And it left his defenders scrambling for something to say.

Johnson was extremely forceful at a televised news conference, saying he had to divert precious resources to investigate what was billed as a hate crime and turned out to be a hateful hoax.

"Why would anyone — especially an African-American man — use the symbolism of a noose to make false accusations?" Johnson asked. "How could someone look at the hatred and suffering associated with that symbol and see an opportunity to manipulate that symbol to further his own public profile?"

Washington Post Global Opinion Editor Karen Attiah tweeted:

"Regarding the heinous attack on @JussieSmollett, yet another reminder that Trump’s ascendance and the resulting climate of hate has meant that lives have been increasingly at stake since 2015."

Buzzfeed writer Kevin Fallon tweeted: "Anyone who thinks supporting You Know Who isn't tantamount to providing artillery for weaponized bigotry needs to take a hard look in the mirror."

Don Lemon said he called Smollett every day to see how he was doing. And the CNN host didn't exactly condemn him.

How some in the media embraced Jussie Smollett's discredited tale

Man oh man.....quadrupiling down and a Trump reference. Sick minds

Washington Post Global Opinion Editor Karen Attiah tweeted:

"Regarding the heinous attack on @JussieSmollett, yet another reminder that Trump’s ascendance and the resulting climate of hate has meant that lives have been increasingly at stake since 2015."

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