Child Rapist To Be Beheaded And Crucified

What have we learned, we want to use the eye for an eye bible argument which has nothing to do with an eye for an eye. Jewish law dealt with compensation which meant what the eye was worth.

Charlie Daniels got this one wrong... the stump in the swamp is moronic.

i'm not religious. if the family of the victims of the crime want the slimeball to live. be my guest. don't tell me seeing the guy die (i don't mean literraly btw) doesn't create a sense of closure or justice for the victims.
Ok, so life in prison cures this automatically.

charlie mansion comes up for parole on a regular basis. there are idiots arguing polanski should be set free. god knows what can happen 30 years later. also some crimes are so disgusting and henious they require the person to forfit thier life. others may disagree certainly, but that is my belief.
i'm not religious. if the family of the victims of the crime want the slimeball to live. be my guest. don't tell me seeing the guy die (i don't mean literraly btw) doesn't create a sense of closure or justice for the victims.

I can only speak from what I have witnessed. In my case, no, it made things worse. The couple divorced and the mother committed suicide.
I can only speak from what I have witnessed. In my case, no, it made things worse. The couple divorced and the mother committed suicide.

my guess is the death of their daughter/son had far more to do with that than their killer being punished.
There is a difference between somebody killing for killings sake, and killing someone for punishment of a heinous crime.

But why even send people to jail if punishment doesn't change the fact that someone raped or murdered someone, since there is nothing you can do after the fact?
There is a difference between somebody killing for killings sake, and killing someone for punishment of a heinous crime.

But why even send people to jail if punishment doesn't change the fact that someone raped or murdered someone, since there is nothing you can do after the fact?

No idea what you are trying to say.

Your guess would be wrong, unless both of them lied direclty to me and one of my troops.

people lie to themselves all the time. the killer created this situation. victims feel the need to lash out at someone. some chose the killer, others their spouse, others the system.
people lie to themselves all the time. the killer created this situation. victims feel the need to lash out at someone. some chose the killer, others their spouse, others the system.

I cannot change your mind, you believe revenge is the answer to cure the death of a child.

I witnessed what happened, it destroyed their marriage and ended up in the death of the mother.

Every bit of it dealt with the death penalty.

i'm sure you've seen the statistics about divorce rate for people who have lost children to acts of violence. you are far more likely to get divorced than stay together.
i'm sure you've seen the statistics about divorce rate for people who have lost children to acts of violence. you are far more likely to get divorced than stay together.

Right, and I am telling you the reason for the divorce was the issue of the death penalty.

The State of Ohio should have never put the family in the situation to where it exploded.
when it comes to child molestors you are probably right since it's an illness, but i bet it's pretty effective for crimes of free will.

Like drug kingpins and the such? I think that is a crazy argument because these people live under the threat of death daily, and there methods of execution will probably be more torturous than anything we can come up with....all without the bother and expense of due process.

I am for capital punishment for justice reasons, not deterrence reasons.
I cannot change your mind, you believe revenge is the answer to cure the death of a child.

I witnessed what happened, it destroyed their marriage and ended up in the death of the mother.

Every bit of it dealt with the death penalty.


It is not always about revenge. And in too many cases, justice is not served, for the crime committed.

If you attempt, and carry out a murder, you are no longer useful in society, period.

And to think we will work inmates for 16 hrs. a day, when they are serving a life sentence, is funny. Those days are over as well. If you want to pay to keep people as such up, for 40 yrs., go right ahead.

Id just asoon not.

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