Children don't belong to parents, they belong to the community

We’re witnessing a once in a 100 year misstep right now.

Democrats are going out of their way to fumble one of their primary pillars of influence.

This is shocking. What’s the angle here, or do they just not see it?
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Wisconsin mom says school district threatening legal action to 'bully' her criticism to silence

The Wisconsin mom responded to the Oconomowoc School District's legal threats by saying she won't back down to 'tyranny'

A Wisconsin mom alleges that the Oconomowoc Area School District was trying to quell her criticism of materials, such as books, within the district by threatening her with legal action.

After Alexandra Schweitzer, the president of a No Left Turn in Education chapter in the state, raised concerns about the appropriateness of materials in the district, the district responded with a cease and desist letter that threatened the possibility of future litigation if she continued to make "defamatory statements" via meetings or in email. Her counsel, the Wisconsin Law & Liberty group, responded Friday stating that Schweitzer "will not be revoking any statement she made" and accused the district of using taxpayer dollars to silence a parent.

"In fact, use of outside counsel by the Oconomowoc Area School District… to send threatening letters to parents who speak in good faith about their experiences with a school district is antithetical to our Constitution and to your clients’ obligation as public officials," the law group said in response.

"This is a really serious claim that the district is making in response to really trying to be a bullying tactic to parents," the mom's attorney, Libby Sobic, told Fox News Digital. "They do not have a legal claim available to them, not only where our client statement's true, but secondly, she doesn't meet any of the requirements of defamation under the law."

"My biggest message to parents and taxpayers is the parent is the primary educator of the child. And we have a right to know what's going on inside the classroom… And I'm here because many, many parents don't want to stand up... They're scared their child will get bullied or they're scared they'll get blacklisted themselves. And I'm not going to stand down to tyranny like that," she said.

In the cease and desist, the district said that Schweitzer's defamatory claims included her statements regarding the district's use of a book called "The 57 Bus," which the mom said contains sexually explicit texts. The district said that only portions of the text were read to students "for the purpose of critical thinking and writing craft" and were not available to students. They also claimed that books Schweitzer deemed inappropriate were not available "to… students in the library for checkout… [or] in the District's curriculum."

Wisconsin mom says school district threatening legal action to 'bully' her criticism to silence
California Equity Director blasts the parent 'resisters' to district's agenda in leaked meeting notes

The Poway Unified District Equity director said that Equity is a 'lense with which we look at everything'

A California director for equity and inclusion director in the Poway Unified School District blasted the parents who disagree with her agenda as "resisters," according to meeting summary notes obtained by Fox News Digital.

The meeting was held by JEDI – which stands for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. According to the group's chair, Casey Doan, it's organized by the Palomar Council PTA in the Poway Unified School District. Additionally, on the group's website, they claim to work directly with the district.

The meeting notes, which detailed a rare glimpse of the conversations that occur behind closed doors, were found in a private Facebook group called "PUSD Parents 4 JEDI" and were posted by Doan.

California equity director blasts the parent 'resisters' to district's agenda in leaked meeting notes
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Rhode Island Mother Billed $74K for trying to review school curriculum: They're 'stonewalling parents'

Parents around the United States are being charged for public record requests from schools

A Rhode Island mother who was billed $74,000 for trying to review a school curriculum told "America’s Newsroom" on Tuesday that schools are "stonewalling parents with exorbitant prices" for public information that taxpayers already paid for.

"I received an estimate for, say, $80 for information that I requested," Nicole Solas said. "And then when I requested similar information, a month later, the price skyrocketed to $2,600. So schools will charge you whatever price they want to charge you. So that way you're not going to know what your kids are learning in school."

Rhode Island mother billed $74K for trying to review school curriculum: They're 'stonewalling parents'
Washington State School Board Director to Teach Sexual 'Pleasure' Class to 9-year-olds at Sex Shop

A Washington state school board director who owns a sex shop is making headlines after announcing she will teach sex education classes for children as young as 9 on topics such as "sexual anatomy for pleasure" and "safer sex practices for all kinds of sexual activities."

Mason announced there will be four, three-hour sex education classes held at WinkWink next month as part of an event billed the "Uncringe Academy." The classes, which Mason will teach, are broken down by age, with 9- to 12-year-olds in one class and 13- to 17-year-olds in another class.

Class topics include, "What IS sex? Kinds of solo and partnered sexual activities," "Sexual anatomy for pleasure and reproduction," "Gender and sexual identities," "Safer sex practices for all kinds of sexual activities," among others. The description of the classes stipulates that the "workshops are divided by age and presentation of topics will vary for developmental appropriateness (sic)."


Jenn Mason, school board director at Bellingham School District in Washington state. Google Maps shot of WinkWink sex shop in Washington state. (Bellingham Public Schools/Google Maps)

Washington state school board director to teach sexual 'pleasure' class to 9-year-olds at sex shop
Seattle Public Schools Direct Students to Sex-Change Resources

The Seattle Public School District encourages transgenderism on its LGBTQIA Resources page and refers students to multiple clinics that assist sex-change attempts with hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and surgery.

Seattle Public Schools, which include K-8 institutions, make up the largest district in the state of Washington. The district’s resource page directs students to several clinics that will aid a child’s sex-change attempts. The Seattle Children’s Gender Clinic, for example, is promoted on the school district’s website. The clinic offers “gender-affirming care,” which consists of puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and even surgery that permanently alters a patient’s body. These services are available to minors.

The Seattle Public Schools site lists a variety of additional resources that directly encourage transgenderism and radical views on sex. One such resource is the Rainbow Library booklist, which includes books intended for children as young as five regarding LGBT issues. The books address a variety of topics, including the Stonewall Riots and the status of men who identify as transgender competing in women’s sports. One book, titled “Felix Ever After,” follows the transition and love life of a teenager who identifies as transgender.

Seattle Public Schools Direct Students to Sex-Change Resources
Seattle Public Schools Direct Students to Sex-Change Resources

The Seattle Public School District encourages transgenderism on its LGBTQIA Resources page and refers students to multiple clinics that assist sex-change attempts with hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and surgery.

Seattle Public Schools, which include K-8 institutions, make up the largest district in the state of Washington. The district’s resource page directs students to several clinics that will aid a child’s sex-change attempts. The Seattle Children’s Gender Clinic, for example, is promoted on the school district’s website. The clinic offers “gender-affirming care,” which consists of puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and even surgery that permanently alters a patient’s body. These services are available to minors.

The Seattle Public Schools site lists a variety of additional resources that directly encourage transgenderism and radical views on sex. One such resource is the Rainbow Library booklist, which includes books intended for children as young as five regarding LGBT issues. The books address a variety of topics, including the Stonewall Riots and the status of men who identify as transgender competing in women’s sports. One book, titled “Felix Ever After,” follows the transition and love life of a teenager who identifies as transgender.

Seattle Public Schools Direct Students to Sex-Change Resources
I heard recently that a planned parenthood building in Knoxville that was destroyed by arson was giving children hormone therapy without parental consent. That was news to me as that hasn’t been spoken about at the local level in the media.
NEA Teachers Union Spending 140K For 'Enemies List' Opposition Research of Groups turning up heat on schools

An NEA member told Fox News Digital that the teachers' union has 'no ability to tolerate somebody who doesn't agree with them'

FIRST ON FOX – The National Education Association passed a resolution during their annual Representative Assembly in Chicago that would allocate thousands of dollars to conduct opposition research on 25 organizations that are supposedly attacking gender identity and sexual orientation freedoms in public schools.

The cost for compiling the list and for the research would amount to $140,625, NBI 15 said. The research will include probing into groups' funding sources, the leaders of the organizations, "connections to known entities that are seeking to dismantle public education, organization headquarters and chapter locations."


Rebecca ‘Becky’ Pringle is the president of the National Education Association, speaks during a House Oversight and Reform Committee, June 8, 2022. (Andrew Harnik/AP/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

NEA teachers union spending 140K for 'enemies list' opposition research of groups turning up heat on schools
NEA Teachers Union Spending 140K For 'Enemies List' Opposition Research of Groups turning up heat on schools

An NEA member told Fox News Digital that the teachers' union has 'no ability to tolerate somebody who doesn't agree with them'

FIRST ON FOX – The National Education Association passed a resolution during their annual Representative Assembly in Chicago that would allocate thousands of dollars to conduct opposition research on 25 organizations that are supposedly attacking gender identity and sexual orientation freedoms in public schools.

The cost for compiling the list and for the research would amount to $140,625, NBI 15 said. The research will include probing into groups' funding sources, the leaders of the organizations, "connections to known entities that are seeking to dismantle public education, organization headquarters and chapter locations."


Rebecca ‘Becky’ Pringle is the president of the National Education Association, speaks during a House Oversight and Reform Committee, June 8, 2022. (Andrew Harnik/AP/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

NEA teachers union spending 140K for 'enemies list' opposition research of groups turning up heat on schools

What is all this sexuality stuff? Always about sexuality or sex. Demonic IMO
Rhode Island Mother Billed $74K for trying to review school curriculum: They're 'stonewalling parents'

Parents around the United States are being charged for public record requests from schools

A Rhode Island mother who was billed $74,000 for trying to review a school curriculum told "America’s Newsroom" on Tuesday that schools are "stonewalling parents with exorbitant prices" for public information that taxpayers already paid for.

"I received an estimate for, say, $80 for information that I requested," Nicole Solas said. "And then when I requested similar information, a month later, the price skyrocketed to $2,600. So schools will charge you whatever price they want to charge you. So that way you're not going to know what your kids are learning in school."

Rhode Island mother billed $74K for trying to review school curriculum: They're 'stonewalling parents'
File an FOIA
Rhode Island Mother Billed $74K for trying to review school curriculum: They're 'stonewalling parents'

Parents around the United States are being charged for public record requests from schools

A Rhode Island mother who was billed $74,000 for trying to review a school curriculum told "America’s Newsroom" on Tuesday that schools are "stonewalling parents with exorbitant prices" for public information that taxpayers already paid for.

"I received an estimate for, say, $80 for information that I requested," Nicole Solas said. "And then when I requested similar information, a month later, the price skyrocketed to $2,600. So schools will charge you whatever price they want to charge you. So that way you're not going to know what your kids are learning in school."

Rhode Island mother billed $74K for trying to review school curriculum: They're 'stonewalling parents'
And they say guns are the problem?
California school board weighs Planned Parenthood clinic on High School Campus

A southern California school board will consider an agreement Monday for Planned Parenthood Los Angeles to open a clinic at a local high school.

The seven-member school board of the Norwalk-LaMirada Unified School District will vote during a meeting Monday evening on allowing Planned Parenthood to open and operate a clinic for reproductive health care at John Glenn High School in Norwalk.

Abortions and gender-affirming hormone therapy are not listed as services that will be provided at the on-campus site, but clinic staff will be permitted to make referrals to other Planned Parenthood centers "for services not offered" at the school, according to the proposal.

California school board weighs Planned Parenthood clinic on high school campus
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LA Schools Promote 'Queer All School Year' Calendar, Documents Show

The Los Angeles Unified School District offers schools and teachers a "Queer All School Year" calendar that provides a blueprint for promoting LGBT pride throughout the year.

Documents from the Los Angeles Unified School District Human Relations, Diversity, and Equity office contain a month-by-month plan for schools to promote gay and transgender ideology to students in different ways.

The documents, obtained by conservative education activist and Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Christopher Rufo, encourage school staff to "support students in starting a GSA or Rainbow Club" in August, "prep for next month's Solidarity Week and teach LGBT- inclusive curriculum all year" in September, and "post LGBTQ-affirming signs in your office, classrooms, and around campus" in December.

LA schools promote 'Queer All School Year' calendar, documents show
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LA Schools Promote 'Queer All School Year' Calendar, Documents Show

The Los Angeles Unified School District offers schools and teachers a "Queer All School Year" calendar that provides a blueprint for promoting LGBT pride throughout the year.

Documents from the Los Angeles Unified School District Human Relations, Diversity, and Equity office contain a month-by-month plan for schools to promote gay and transgender ideology to students in different ways.

The documents, obtained by conservative education activist and Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Christopher Rufo, encourage school staff to "support students in starting a GSA or Rainbow Club" in August, "prep for next month's Solidarity Week and teach LGBT- inclusive curriculum all year" in September, and "post LGBTQ-affirming signs in your office, classrooms, and around campus" in December.

LA schools promote 'Queer All School Year' calendar, documents show

What is it with these is a spiritual battle
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California school board weighs Planned Parenthood clinic on High School Campus

A southern California school board will consider an agreement Monday for Planned Parenthood Los Angeles to open a clinic at a local high school.

The seven-member school board of the Norwalk-LaMirada Unified School District will vote during a meeting Monday evening on allowing Planned Parenthood to open and operate a clinic for reproductive health care at John Glenn High School in Norwalk.

Abortions and gender-affirming hormone therapy are not listed as services that will be provided at the on-campus site, but clinic staff will be permitted to make referrals to other Planned Parenthood centers "for services not offered" at the school, according to the proposal.

California school board weighs Planned Parenthood clinic on high school campus
LA Schools Promote 'Queer All School Year' Calendar, Documents Show

The Los Angeles Unified School District offers schools and teachers a "Queer All School Year" calendar that provides a blueprint for promoting LGBT pride throughout the year.

Documents from the Los Angeles Unified School District Human Relations, Diversity, and Equity office contain a month-by-month plan for schools to promote gay and transgender ideology to students in different ways.

The documents, obtained by conservative education activist and Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Christopher Rufo, encourage school staff to "support students in starting a GSA or Rainbow Club" in August, "prep for next month's Solidarity Week and teach LGBT- inclusive curriculum all year" in September, and "post LGBTQ-affirming signs in your office, classrooms, and around campus" in December.

LA schools promote 'Queer All School Year' calendar, documents show

The left is nothing but pure evil!

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