China After Covid 19?

When will us and the whole world kick China in the balls for releasing this virus on the world and the nearly 2 million dead worldwide now.
After electing a Xi sucking socialist? LOL As Ross Perot once famously said (and he was right) "There's gonna be a giant sucking sound" (as jobs leave this country).. Stand by people. Black unemployment will soar again....

And then there's the Commie Slut.....
Make no mistake about it China is public enemy number one I firmly believe we will go to war against them in the next twenty years or sooner.
Why? We are gonna get all kinds of cheap **** from their sweatshops. iPhones will remain around $1000 for the foreseeable future... Walmart will keep bringing you cheap... well everything... and our technology... well, who cares about that anymore?
Joe Biden will bend the knee to China a total lapdog. Not saying Trump was perfect but he stood up to them he saw how they were screwing us over and then they get butthurt and bam this virus shows up and I don’t think that was a coincidence. They couldn’t put Trump in a box and leash on him like they can with Biden.
Is the word honest part of the political language ?

Well, it's relative, so it will be less honest as this one was. If you look at the history of marxists, dictatorships, they're never satisfied, they continue advancing. Stalin, marx didn't stop at killing 'x' amount of people.

They had to continue killing more because people will always try to stand in their way.
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If China invaded us tomm, Would we make a stand and defend this country and go to war like we did when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor? I’m not sure we would sadly I think we would roll over and submit to China

Agreed, what's so messed up is that we've contributed so much to communism's rise, we don't see communism as being bad. We are literally funding our downfall.

I bet if the board's leftists were honest, most would agree that communism is good, even if it's just to stick it to trump supporters.
China will take Taiwan 1st, to see what we'll do. As i said, they should do it during the Harris regime. They'll get very little push back.
I agree that we would probably do nothing, but what would China actually gain by taking Taiwan? Very little territory and a world of hurt from economic sanctions. I would think Vietnam ,Cambodia and Laos would be the target. A lot of land along the Mekong to grow crops to feed the population and keep down internal strife. Also China does not have much of a Navy to support a continued fight in Taiwan. Vietnam is also a country that is taking a lot of the lower end work (textile) away from China. Plus this invasion would be completely supported over land.
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I agree that we would probably do nothing, but what would China actually gain by taking Taiwan? Very little territory and a world of hurt from economic sanctions. I would think Vietnam ,Cambodia and Laos would be the target. A lot of land along the Mekong to grow crops to feed the population and keep down internal strife. Also China does not have much of a Navy to support a continued fight in Taiwan. Vietnam is also a country that is taking a lot of the lower end work (textile) away from China. Plus this invasion would be completely supported over land.

The world won't sanction China.
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When will us and the whole world kick China in the balls for releasing this virus on the world and the nearly 2 million dead worldwide now.

The site that tracks CV cases worldwide says that with a population of 1,439,323,776 China has 86,758 active Covid cases. There are basically two ways to go with that kind of data. China is lying through their teeth, or China had everything prepped to care for itself and released CV on purpose.

China was a much smaller problem until Nixon opened up relations and we started trading and the shipping jobs there. A lot of people believe Nixon's big failing was Watergate; Nixon's big failing was treating Chinese leaders as human beings and China as a respectable country.
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If China invaded us tomm, Would we make a stand and defend this country and go to war like we did when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor? I’m not sure we would sadly I think we would roll over and submit to China

Well, we might put up a stand against China until they refused to sell us goods that we needed to continue the war against them ... wouldn't even matter if the "Chinese" companies had US names.
If China invaded us tomm, Would we make a stand and defend this country and go to war like we did when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor? I’m not sure we would sadly I think we would roll over and submit to China
Half the country blames Trump for the virus! So of course they wouldn't fight back, 98% of those on the left including the dementia patient and heels would welcome them with open arms.
Envision her meeting with Arab governmental officials. I wonder how much 'respect' she will get when they know how she got to where she is.
I don't thinks her nervous laugh will get her far in the middle east, anywhere actually. The US is screwed and our liberal buddies can laugh as our country falls further into disrepair. All I can say is welcome to armageddon.
I agree that we would probably do nothing, but what would China actually gain by taking Taiwan? Very little territory and a world of hurt from economic sanctions. I would think Vietnam ,Cambodia and Laos would be the target. A lot of land along the Mekong to grow crops to feed the population and keep down internal strife. Also China does not have much of a Navy to support a continued fight in Taiwan. Vietnam is also a country that is taking a lot of the lower end work (textile) away from China. Plus this invasion would be completely supported over land.

As I recall, China has a road network all the way down through Laos and Cambodia to a port in Cambodia and with a Chinese base at that port. With that China has the land mass and coastline to directly threaten any country from Australia to Japan. You are looking at a WW2 type scenario except against a nation with a huge population, rich resources (including the manufacturing and technology we gave them - including by theft), and a huge land base to work from. They wouldn't have to invade the US any more than the Japanese did, but the real difference would be the staying power that the Japanese didn't have. You also have to remember the Chinese run the Panama Canal and have swindled their way into bases near the Suez Canal.
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China will never spill their blood to take over the US, they don't need to.

We play Candyland and the Chinese play Go (the complex board game that's all about strategy and tactics). We don't have the patience and the focus to beat the Chinese. They play the long game, and our population turns negative when body bags start coming home. Their people have no choice about supporting a war, and ours won't support war once the initial popularity wears off.

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