China After Covid 19?

I would argue that’s because of absurd regulations and taxes not China. But the tariffs aren’t helping us.
What is the data? They just bought 1.3 million tons if corn and other commodities as I listed. The point being long term no one knows the true impact of the tariffs. You could argue that tarrifs have accelerated supply chain movement away from China that would be immeasurable in security terms.
Exactly tax them like they tax our goods, and our manufacturing infrastructure sucks. I work for a large supplier of goods for the manufacturing industry. A customer ours is currently fabricating components for an American refinery and they want American made everything. Problem is we can't provide many of the things required to manufacture these components because literally no one in America makes them. We are talking nuts and bolts and no one here makes them because they are too large.
Because instead of quality, people want cheap
What is the data? They just bought 1.3 million tons if corn and other commodities as I listed. The point being long term no one knows the true impact of the tariffs. You could argue that tarrifs have accelerated Supply chain movement away from China that would be immeasurable in security terms,
See the article I posted a few back
I would argue that’s because of absurd regulations and taxes not China. But the tariffs aren’t helping us.
Tax and Tariff China like they tax us, bring manufacturing back home. Leave international orgs headed by China when they lie about a worldwide pandemic. Biden has literally stated he wants the opposite of all this.
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Actually that's not even true, we pay too much for cheap imported crap. And we buy too much stuff we just don't need.
Yeah. My point was coming from I can go to the store for something. I find it its $4 but the package says made in China. I keep looking I find one for $10 that says made in the USA.
I get it, but honestly most of the time the American product isn't any better.

A large portion of American manufacturing uses cheap labor as well, whether it be using temp agencies or paying a s*** wage. Hiring practices have to be inclusive to less qualified people and it stretches actual qualified people to the brink. It’s always about trying to make more with less while spending less and checking the “diversity” box.
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A large portion of American manufacturing uses cheap labor as well, whether it be using temp agencies or paying a s*** wage. Hiring practices have to be inclusive to less qualified people and it stretches actual qualified people to the brink. It’s always about trying to make more with less while spending less and checking the “diversity” box.
Very valid point. These quota programs often lead to lesser candidates getting jobs they dont deserve to fill a number or percentage. What happened to gaining work experience by starting at the bottom and earning your way to the top?
Very valid point. These quota programs often lead to lesser candidates getting jobs they dont deserve to fill a number or percentage. What happened to gaining work experience by starting at the bottom and earning your way to the top?
No one, outside of federal jobs, have mandated quota programs
No one, outside of federal jobs, have mandated quota programs
Ok but why should there be any quota. I would argue that more qualified candidates will get passed up to fill up a number, than a qualified candidate getting passed due to a racial or serial bais
A large portion of American manufacturing uses cheap labor as well, whether it be using temp agencies or paying a s*** wage. Hiring practices have to be inclusive to less qualified people and it stretches actual qualified people to the brink. It’s always about trying to make more with less while spending less and checking the “diversity” box.
Don't forget the global trend of LEAN manufacturing. In theory it is great, and when practiced the way it was originally intended is a game changer. But American executives are geared to a very specific portion of LEAN principles and forget they often are the source of obstacles LEAN seeks to remove, they compensate by turning LEAN into a squeezing blood from the turnip situation and the employees are miserable.
Chinese Communists See U.S. as ‘a Defeated Power’ in Pandemic Fight


China’s communist regime is sounding increasingly triumphalist in the wake of the economic destruction wreaked by the coronavirus pandemic that originated in Wuhan, China.

“China’s Communist Party, under its leader, Xi Jinping, has promoted the idea that the country is on a trajectory to power past Western rivals,” the New York Times reports.

The China’s Communist Party (CCP) propaganda characterizes Western countries, and the United States in particular, as being crippled by the virus and internal strife – with one retired Chinese general going so far as to call the United States a “defeated power” in the “fight against the pandemic.”

Chinese Communists See U.S. as ‘a Defeated Power’ in Pandemic Fight
Chinese Communists See U.S. as ‘a Defeated Power’ in Pandemic Fight


China’s communist regime is sounding increasingly triumphalist in the wake of the economic destruction wreaked by the coronavirus pandemic that originated in Wuhan, China.

“China’s Communist Party, under its leader, Xi Jinping, has promoted the idea that the country is on a trajectory to power past Western rivals,” the New York Times reports.

The China’s Communist Party (CCP) propaganda characterizes Western countries, and the United States in particular, as being crippled by the virus and internal strife – with one retired Chinese general going so far as to call the United States a “defeated power” in the “fight against the pandemic.”

Chinese Communists See U.S. as ‘a Defeated Power’ in Pandemic Fight
fools wearing masks
Tax and Tariff China like they tax us, bring manufacturing back home. Leave international orgs headed by China when they lie about a worldwide pandemic. Harris has literally stated he wants the opposite of all this.

The left will continue to decimate our economy, harris will probably pay back china from the tariffs
Chinese Communists See U.S. as ‘a Defeated Power’ in Pandemic Fight


China’s communist regime is sounding increasingly triumphalist in the wake of the economic destruction wreaked by the coronavirus pandemic that originated in Wuhan, China.

“China’s Communist Party, under its leader, Xi Jinping, has promoted the idea that the country is on a trajectory to power past Western rivals,” the New York Times reports.

The China’s Communist Party (CCP) propaganda characterizes Western countries, and the United States in particular, as being crippled by the virus and internal strife – with one retired Chinese general going so far as to call the United States a “defeated power” in the “fight against the pandemic.”

Chinese Communists See U.S. as ‘a Defeated Power’ in Pandemic Fight

If i was china,, I would attack Taiwan as soon as harris is sworn in. We wouldn't do anything, we will just go to the UN to complain
If China invaded us tomm, Would we make a stand and defend this country and go to war like we did when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor? I’m not sure we would sadly I think we would roll over and submit to China
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