Cars, Tires, Tooling, Equipment, Food Products, Electronics, Controls, Aircraft, Chemicals, Rubber products, etc.
I literally work in Procurement for a major Manufacturing company and purchase products in the United States.
Just in Tennessee alone, off the top my head, we have one of the largest manufacturing sites in the globe (Nissan Car Plant in Smyrna Tennessee), a BMW Plant in Chattanooga, GM in Spring Hill, Electrolux in Clarkesville, 5 Bridgestone Plants (Metalpha in Clarksville, LaVergne Tire Plant, Warren County Tire Plant, Dickson Car Plant, Firestone Industrial Products in Dyersburg), Schneider Electric in Murfreesboro, Aerostructures in Nashville, Weston Foods in Lebanon, Tyson Food, Lays Potato has a plant, Purity Ice Cream, Coca-Cola Bottling Plant in Tullahoma, I could keep going.
Here is a website listing many locations: