Choose your '13-'14 QB

Who do you want to start?

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Man I was ecstatic when I found out Riley was a Vol. Kid has serious talent. Same with Paul Harris, I bet he has a swain or bret Smith type career at Tennessee. The man's work ethic is slim to none.

Don't know how to react SLIM to none or SECOND to none?
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This is why Ferguson gets no love.

Worley- Back up to Bray for two years, has SEC experience.

Peterman- Tim Tebow type, (Hey, it worked for Florida)

Dobbs- Has a 4.0 and is black. (VN knows black QB are the best)

Ferguson-Only lost one game in his life, and that was to Marquez North.
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Worley would be the best option if we were still a pro style offense...And Ferguson wouldn't be far behind. But Dobbs is the best to run the read option style offense which we apparently have now.
I would say AJ Mcarron is acceptable...
I would love to have him. My post about Alabama qb's was a sarcastic response to someone who said that Alabama hadn't had a qb with any significant NFL experience since Stabler. I reminded him of Scott Hunter and Richard Todd. McCarron , with his back to the wall, is every thing that Bray isn't.
This thread is grossly mis-titled. Should be "Who Do You Prefer to be Your '13-'14 QB. Because you bunch of wannabes don't choose the QB. Some guy named Lyle Allen Jones Jr. makes that decision. :whistling:

Who the heck is Lyle Allen Jones Jr and when did he become the HeadEMEFFINCoach of my beloved Vols?

I could see it being Dobbs/Ferguson over Worley/Peterman/High just like Ainge/Schaeffer over Leak/Clausen/Jim Bob Cooter in 2004.
This thread is grossly mis-titled. Should be "Who Do You Prefer to be Your '13-'14 QB. Because you bunch of wannabes don't choose the QB. Some guy named Lyle Allen Jones Jr. makes that decision. :whistling:

Yes because we actually think this is what decides who will be the QB next season...haha its just a poll on a forum to see what the fan base thinks of our QB situation next year
Yeah in high school. We saw what he does in the SEC. This aint high school anymore. Some guys just aren't good enough to play in this league.

Well how do you know Dobbs or Ferguson will be any good if you're using that argument?
It's gonna be Worley or Peterman.

True freshman don't start in the SEC.

Mr. Erik Ainge, Brent Schaeffer, Peyton Manning, Casey Clausen,and so on all humbly disagree with you! We can win the East. Go Vols!
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Well how do you know Dobbs or Ferguson will be any good if you're using that argument?

I absolutely don't. I'm just going by, yeah we've seen what Worley can do, I don't think there are any surprises there. Might as well through Dobbs out there and see if we can throw off some defensive coordinators enough to pull out a few W's.
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I will gladly take a freshman over Worley. SEC experience excuse doesnt work if weve had WRs throw more TDs against opponents than Worley which has 1 TD to 5 INTs. Ive thrown as many TDs as Worley has in the past year.
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I will gladly take a freshman over Worley. SEC experience excuse doesnt work if weve had WRs throw more TDs against opponents than Worley which has 1 TD to 5 INTs. Ive thrown as many TDs as Worley has in the past year.
I can think of 2 more TD passes that he would have if our highly skilled receivers would have been able to actually catch the ball. Against South Carolina in 2011, Worley hit Da'Rick right square in the hands on a long bomb near the goal line. What do you know? The ball bounced right off Da'Rick's waiting hands.

Against Vandy this year, Worley threw a perfect pass in the endzone to a waiting Justin Hunter from about the 25 yard line . What do you know? Hunter forgot to put his hands in front of his face, and the ball clanked off his facemask, and fell to the turf.

As far as interceptions go, I obviously don't remember all five, but I do remember the one where Coradelle Patterson turned in on an out pattern, according to his coaches, and Worley threw it into the waiting hands of a Vandy defensive back. Vandy's defensive back, unlike Tennessee's receivers , was able to catch a ball thrown by Worley.
I'll take my chances with Dobbs from what I saw at the Orange and White game. Air Bud was a close 2nd. Worley and Peterman don't belong on the list. How did these guys make it to Tennessee? Oh how far we've fallen.

So True, with that being said, recruiting is picking up speed for 2014 and in 3-4 years we may be back competing for's to the future
Go Vols
Dobb's hasn't played one down of college ball yet....I'd prefer to let him get a year of practice under his belt....Red shirt him and then cut him loose on the world in 2014

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