Chris Hatcher

GA, you think Hatcher might have a shot at the WVU gig?

i dont want to see hatcher leave southern. but i think before he gets a head coach shot at a "bigger" school, the powers that be are going to watch him and how he resurrects the powerhouse that is Georgia Southern Football.
For what it is worth, I believe Hatcher has the mind to be a great OC. Kippy has done a great job at developing talent at the NFL level but I do believe that he will bring in very little new ideas in terms of offensive game planning, plays, and prep.
GM has very good ideas on a spread pass attack but does not have the experience to employ it at the SEC level IMO.
I am getting more and more sold on this Hatcher guy. Does anyone think he is even on the radar? If not we should flood Hamilton's email about this guy to raise wariness.(probably wouldn’t do much but worth a shot) How soon do you think we will find a new OC? Will we need to find a replacement soon to help with recruiting? I just hope we find someone who is young and with try new things.

If you have Hamilton's email, shoot it over to me. I'll start the show.
GA, you think Hatcher might have a shot at the WVU gig?

I'd be a little surprised if he got a shot at a job like that this soon; especially with him having no connections in that part of the country to fall back on recruiting-wise. My guess is that you'll either see him get a coordinator job or he'll go some place like Troy, Southern Miss, MTSU, UAB etc for a head coaching job.
I wish we could start an e-mail campaign for Hatcher...anybody have the AD's address?
the only reason I don't put Carroll or Stoops is the fear of them heading to the NFL keeps the fans on their toes. No one ever imagines Mr. Sweatervest leaving Cbus. Of course, you are right, none of those three would get fired, even with 0-12 seasons next year.

Stoops DID have a winless season in 2004 (i think?) thanks to NCAA sanctions.

Carroll might be looking at 1 (or 2) in the near future as well...

And given the dirty history of Tressel at Youngstown State and the Mo' Clarrett nonsense, it wouldn't surprise me if something came up there, but I think they are trying to run a clean program from here on out.

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