Clarence Thomas in Hot Water (Alito too!)

Behind a paywall.

But they met in the 1990s and have been hanging out, vacationing together for over 30 years and it's just now an issue for you?
"But babe, I've been banging this dude for 20 years behind your back and not disclosing it to you, and now it's an issue for you?"

Just to give you some context for how idiotic you sound.
He is a f#cking judge on the highest court in the land. There are different and much higher standards that must be upheld.

You would not defend any justice appointed by a democrat embroiled in the same bullsh!t. Have some integrity and call bs on this.

You believe if a left wing judge was on a boat with a friend I would want them removed?

I need a higher standard than that to ruin someone’s name and career
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They weren't hiding their friendship or trips together. It's been out in the open for decades.

The reason all of Twitter is ablaze with this story right now is precisely because the full extent of it was not known or disclosed (as it should have been) before today.
You believe if a left wing judge was on a boat with a friend I would want them removed?

I need a higher standard than that to ruin someone’s name and career

You need a higher standard than corruption to ruin the career of a Supreme Court justice? Seriously? (I assume you'd say the same of Trump.) What's your standard--a mass shooting by Thomas?

This is the highest court in America. The justices are expected to have ethical standards but the conservatives clearly don't. Scalia was much the same. Justices shouldn't be speaking at political events--but the conservatives do it. I've not read of similar behavior by the progressives on SCOTUS, and if they do they should be called out, too. You don't go on expensive junkets with political activists and corporate executives if you're a judge. This isn't rocket science--but apparently it is for some people. This is a man whose wife is a wacky extremist and who helped organize the Jan. 6 insurrection and Thomas did not recuse himself from a case related to the riot. He's a fraud.

Clarence Thomas has always been a joke. Besides being corrupt, he's the biggest lightweight in the history of the court. He should never have been nominated in the first place. He went 10 years--10 years--without asking a question during oral arguments before the court. He's just a water carrier for conservative issues and always been---has never shown any independent judgment. Most Supremes do in fact show independent judgment on some cases--they do not follow their judicial leanings (progressive, conservative) on every case. That's not the case with Thomas.
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You need a higher standard than corruption to ruin the career of a Supreme Court justice? Seriously? (I assume you'd say the same of Trump.) What's your standard--a mass shooting by Thomas?

This is the highest court in America. The justices are expected to have ethical standards but the conservatives clearly don't. Scalia was much the same. Justices shouldn't be speaking at political events--but the conservatives do it. I've not read of similar behavior by the progressives on SCOTUS, and if they do they should be called out, too. You don't go on expensive junkets with political activists and corporate executives if you're a judge. This isn't rocket science--but apparently it is for some people. This is a man whose wife is a wacky extremist and who helped organize the Jan. 6 insurrection and Thomas did not recuse himself from a case related to the riot. He's a fraud.

Clarence Thomas has always been a joke. Besides being corrupt, he's the biggest lightweight in the history of the court. He should never have been nominated in the first place. He went 10 years--10 years--without asking a question during oral arguments before the court. He's just a water carrier for conservative issues and always been---has never shown any independent judgment. Most Supremes do in fact show independent judgment on some cases--they do not follow their judicial leanings (progressive, conservative) on every case. That's not the case with Thomas.

What corruption are you speaking of exactly? You believe the poorest of the 9 judges is the corrupt one? How so?
Saying someone is in hot water - which Thomas is and which is what I said - is not saying he's done or "we got him now." Obviously, he's not done because he would have to be impeached to be removed, and that's never going to happen.
It was a euphemism for your “gotcha” posts.
Read the article. What Thomas has done is pretty damn egregious.

Can't imagine the number of brain hemorrhages the right would have if Sotomayor was vacationing in luxury with Soros while he picked up the tab.

Yeah, but it's not that, so...
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Members of Congress have no duty of impartiality. It is of paramount importance that members of the judiciary remain impartial. Even the appearance of bias or impropriety taints the process.

The fact that people are even asking....
That’s the only thing that impresses me about trump. 7-8 years worth of investigations and they’ve found nothing.

Very few politicians could survive that level of scrutiny
I don’t think they even found polyps.
You need a higher standard than corruption to ruin the career of a Supreme Court justice? Seriously? (I assume you'd say the same of Trump.) What's your standard--a mass shooting by Thomas?

This is the highest court in America. The justices are expected to have ethical standards but the conservatives clearly don't. Scalia was much the same. Justices shouldn't be speaking at political events--but the conservatives do it. I've not read of similar behavior by the progressives on SCOTUS, and if they do they should be called out, too. You don't go on expensive junkets with political activists and corporate executives if you're a judge. This isn't rocket science--but apparently it is for some people. This is a man whose wife is a wacky extremist and who helped organize the Jan. 6 insurrection and Thomas did not recuse himself from a case related to the riot. He's a fraud.

Clarence Thomas has always been a joke. Besides being corrupt, he's the biggest lightweight in the history of the court. He should never have been nominated in the first place. He went 10 years--10 years--without asking a question during oral arguments before the court. He's just a water carrier for conservative issues and always been---has never shown any independent judgment. Most Supremes do in fact show independent judgment on some cases--they do not follow their judicial leanings (progressive, conservative) on every case. That's not the case with Thomas.

Did you take issue with RGB inserting herself into the 2016 campaign? Or Sotomayor giving a political talk at the American Constitution Society convention which is a liberal organization?
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Just now heard about it.

Exactly. This isn't happening in a vacuum, if you do some googling you'll find articles going back well over a decade, hell EL linked one from 2011. This is a coordinated effort to try to get Thomas off the court before the 2024 election. He's the easiest target for the left since he's black and doesn't adhere to the progressive ideals he's expected to follow.
Kavanaugh was listed at below 100k net worth and Thomas north of 1M.

How is this even possible in either case? I can't believe these numbers. I got 2.5x as much equity in my home as K's net worth and over $100k in my 401k, and I spent the first 15 years of my adult life making bad financial decisions and getting saddled with tons of cancer debt, I don't have a job that pays a ton, and I'm only 41. This dude is a joke or the numbers aren't real.
How is this even possible in either case? I can't believe these numbers. I got 2.5x as much equity in my home as K's net worth and over $100k in my 401k, and I spent the first 15 years of my adult life making bad financial decisions and getting saddled with tons of cancer debt, I don't have a job that pays a ton, and I'm only 41. This dude is a joke or the numbers aren't real.

BKs net worth is estimated at just a little over $1 mil. Right at what Thomas' is. IDK where CW got his number.
How is this even possible in either case? I can't believe these numbers. I got 2.5x as much equity in my home as K's net worth and over $100k in my 401k, and I spent the first 15 years of my adult life making bad financial decisions and getting saddled with tons of cancer debt, I don't have a job that pays a ton, and I'm only 41. This dude is a joke or the numbers aren't real.

They may not be including primary residence
Exactly. This isn't happening in a vacuum, if you do some googling you'll find articles going back well over a decade, hell EL linked one from 2011. This is a coordinated effort to try to get Thomas off the court before the 2024 election. He's the easiest target for the left since he's black and doesn't adhere to the progressive ideals he's expected to follow.

He has the appearance of being compromised. It is not good.

There is no way to remove him because of the spineless wimps in Congress.

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