Clay Travis matching NIL

You're being 5x the attention whore in this thread than Clay is for using his status to motivate people to help addition to not understanding the basics of fundraising strategy.

I upped my donations when the NCAA news came out.
Except this is an anonymous message board. That's great you've upped your donations. I understand it fine, thank you
Some people can't separate their politics from the rest of their lives. Clay loves Tennessee and has never been afraid to call out the missteps that left us wandering in the desert for 20 years. He's also a fantastic writer.
You're speaking about yourself in that first comment. Easy
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Except this is an anonymous message board. That's great you've upped your donations. I understand it fine, thank you
You evidently didn't read the tweet. He only said he would make the donation if so many people sign up. He is trying to help the cause. How is that bringing attention to himself? Eric already said that he had made donations previously, yet you didn't know about them. Sounds like a you problem.
Love Clay Travis! Great guy who started a company that employees dozens of hard working individuals. He’s done so much for both the state and university of Tennessee. It seems that some are still salty at his bold takes and stealing employees from the dying FM airwaves. I guess anyone who publicity states that they will match a donation is only doing so self-servingly 🙄. Y’all don’t understand the power of promoting through social media when you have a platform as big as he does. But carry on.
Clay Travis is an idiot. And if anyone thinks that the way college football should evolve is for UT and everyone else to engage in bidding
wars for high-school prospects, they're crazy. There are large numbers of charitable organizations that are far more deserving of money. A bunch of crazy schools and their crazy fans trying to outspend one another for players. Yea, makes a LOT of sense. Ya'll go for it. Send the collective your
kid's lunch money.

I chuckle at all the vitriol for the NCAA. It's so parochial--everybody getting their backs up because it DARES to investigate their team. How dare they! Every sport needs and has rules, and somebody has to enforce them. It's a tough task--nearly impossible, especially now--but all of your who want to be indignant about the NCAA do put forth your ideas about how college football should be governed.
When he was on 104.5 the Zone, he literally took threads from this forum and tried to pass it off as an inside source of accurate info

Now this I remember.

I think Clay is an interesting guy and seems to be a stand up individual personally, but some of his tactics and the way he makes everything about himself and his tendency of putting himself on a pedestal can rub people the wrong way. It has me and I’m generally supportive of his positions.

But he’s always been consistent in his support for the state and most times the University. This is definitely one of the times when it’s most needed and his platform elevates the argument beyond what would be otherwise possible. Good on him for taking this on, it’s a win/win for us and for him.
Clay Travis is an idiot. And if anyone thinks that the way college football should evolve is for UT and everyone else to engage in bidding
wars for high-school prospects, they're crazy. There are large numbers of charitable organizations that are far more deserving of money. A bunch of crazy schools and their crazy fans trying to outspend one another for players. Yea, makes a LOT of sense. Ya'll go for it. Send the collective your
kid's lunch money.

I chuckle at all the vitriol for the NCAA. It's so parochial--everybody getting their backs up because it DARES to investigate their team. How dare they! Every sport needs and has rules, and somebody has to enforce them. It's a tough task--nearly impossible, especially now--but all of your who want to be indignant about the NCAA do put forth your ideas about how college football should be governed.
Taking the NCAA's side? Woof... Must be a Vandy fan.

The issue isn't enforcement - I'd wager we're all pro-enforcement. It's intentionally selective enforcement + retroactive manipulation of rules to do it. Support of the NCAA in this case is not a sound option for any Tennessee fan.
I think you're confusing me with someone else. Yes, he's donating money and telling everyone he's doing it. Think just a little bit. His announced 6 figure donation will yield 7 figure returns. Yes, it's a grift because he's drawing attention to his donation
And so are those living souls with buildings named after them on campus?
Clay Travis is an idiot. And if anyone thinks that the way college football should evolve is for UT and everyone else to engage in bidding
wars for high-school prospects, they're crazy. There are large numbers of charitable organizations that are far more deserving of money. A bunch of crazy schools and their crazy fans trying to outspend one another for players. Yea, makes a LOT of sense. Ya'll go for it. Send the collective your
kid's lunch money.

I chuckle at all the vitriol for the NCAA. It's so parochial--everybody getting their backs up because it DARES to investigate their team. How dare they! Every sport needs and has rules, and somebody has to enforce them. It's a tough task--nearly impossible, especially now--but all of your who want to be indignant about the NCAA do put forth your ideas about how college football should be governed.
Downvote. Finger hovering over ignore button.

Some of you are so anti-NIL and crowd funded player compensation that it’s hard to understand why. And the argument that there are charities much more deserving is failed by its premise, which is that the charities are indeed the alternative as opposed to an addition. Let’s say I am going to give $10k annually to charities. I’m not going to stop doing that bc I contribute to Vol Club. It’s just money I would have spent on myself that instead I’m spending on my desire for Tennessee Football to reach the top again. That’s a misassumption on your part that $ towards Vol Club means money not towards charity. I would argue that the view I just presented is more likely the view of those donating. And does my $10k towards charity mean any less because there’s an organization I contribute to that’s not a charity? Is my integrity any less intact? Who gave you the right to tell me how to spend my money? The assumptions you’re making about how people are allocating their dollars is uninformed, negative, and just makes you look like a chest thumping, ideology biased protestor.

I should hope the dollars are affordable by those donating and not coming out of their kids lunch money or their charitable donations they were planning to make. And I assume the best here where you assume the worst. People’s priorities are not out of whack because of NIL. And quite frankly, it’s not yours or anyone else’s place to say that they are.
Clay is a great guy actually. You might not like him politically but he has always been a very strong UT supporter and also a champion for all things The State of Tennessee.

I’ve interacted with him several dozen times over the past 6-7 years or so. Always has been really cool and a strong family man.

I like Everything about Clay Travis. He is very intelligent with a ton of common sense. And a great American. Don't like Him? Reflection on you.
I chuckle at all the vitriol for the NCAA. It's so parochial--everybody getting their backs up because it DARES to investigate their team. How dare they! Every sport needs and has rules, and somebody has to enforce them. It's a tough task--nearly impossible, especially now--but all of your who want to be indignant about the NCAA do put forth your ideas about how college football should be governed.
I dont mind being investigated. I welcome it. If we are cheating bad enough to warrant an investigation then we deserve it, BUT when you have a corrupt organization (NCAA) refusing to Investigate their cash cows (bama, uga, ohio state) and clearly taking "advice and tips" from said teams to investigate their rivals, thats where i draw the line. If you are going to have a governing system it needs to be fair and free of corruption.
Clay Travis is an idiot. And if anyone thinks that the way college football should evolve is for UT and everyone else to engage in bidding
wars for high-school prospects, they're crazy. There are large numbers of charitable organizations that are far more deserving of money. A bunch of crazy schools and their crazy fans trying to outspend one another for players. Yea, makes a LOT of sense. Ya'll go for it. Send the collective your
kid's lunch money.

I chuckle at all the vitriol for the NCAA. It's so parochial--everybody getting their backs up because it DARES to investigate their team. How dare they! Every sport needs and has rules, and somebody has to enforce them. It's a tough task--nearly impossible, especially now--but all of your who want to be indignant about the NCAA do put forth your ideas about how college football should be governed.

Every sport needs and has rules, and somebody has to enforce them. It's a tough task--nearly impossible, especially now--but all of your who want to be indignant about the NCAA do put forth your ideas about how college football should be governed.
I don't think anyone has said that sport doesn't need rules and enforcement. I do think people are pretty much over the NCAA's selective and arbitrary enforcement, years-long processes, and repeated failures to even keep their attempts at management somewhat legal. To your question, I believe college football is ultimately going to be governed in a way that allows universities to directly pay student-athletes fair market value for their participation in sport. Either we'll figure out a way to make that work, or we won't and we'll wind up with club sports like the rest of the world, and they'll be affiliated with but not part of the universities.
Your sourness is hurting only you, just fyi.
It's good thing. I've taken a beating for it😉. I didn't read his tweet thoroughly the first time. Still don't like the guy because he used this forum as an "inside" source when he was hosting sports talk. Claimed it was an insider with the football program
It's good thing. I've taken a beating for it😉. I didn't read his tweet thoroughly the first time. Still don't like the guy because he used this forum as an "inside" source when he was hosting sports talk. Claimed it was an insider with the football program
Yeah he’s not a reporter or “journalist” of integrity (not much of a fan of his either). But is anyone in this day and age where the speed with which you report/tweet means more than the accuracy of the facts or the thoughtfulness of the commentary?

Hopefully we can make him follow through on that $100k bet he just made!

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