Climate change denial has little more than a conspiracy theory. The scientific consensus is in.
This post is 100% spot on.I don’t give 2 ***** about man made climate change. It’s not an immediate threat. Global pollution, specifically of our oceans is a legitimate and immediate threat. Nobody is aware of the problem or cares at all. There’s no money or control over people in solving that problem so as a people we pretend it doesn’t exist.
You want people to believe you about climate change ?
1) stop getting caught faking the data.
2) be right about any all
3) start taking the legitimate problems seriously.
4) spend any money.....because right now there’s none being spent.....on survival of the supposed coming disaster.
It’s insane to believe that a problem is coming and spend 100% of your resources on study and alarmists preaching and 0% on preparation. (Maybe that’s why anyone without an agenda doesn’t believe you)
I’m an actual environmentalists. I have done more for my planet than 100 of the hipsters crying about the climate will ever do.
A) No I’m afraid you’ve basically admitted a lack of reading comprehension.Lol at that temperature model comparison. From the conclusion.
A) they basically admitted a lack of correlation to CO2 levels and temperature change.
B) I’d call the percentage variances large frankly
C) Time constant anybody?! The trend noted in all the graphs was fairly constant! And I’ll bet if you extrapolate it back in time farther that holds true!
It is interesting, I guess, but WS already pointed out some of the obvious problems with this hypothesis. I just want to chime in and point out that ScienceDaily itself is not a journal; it’s a news website. And at the time that article was posted, in 2006(!), the website was run by two people and just reprinted press releases. I don’t know why the University of Leicester thought that preprint was worthy of a press release. It obviously hadn’t been through peer review, and never even made it into the Russian pop science magazine where the writers were attempting to get it published.Global-warming May Have Been Jump-started By The Tunguska Meteorite Churning Up Atmosphere
I don't know how much you know about Science Daily, but it is well respected. There are several facts in the article.
Fact: Just a rise of 1% of water vapour could raise the global average temperature of Earth's surface more then 4 degrees Celsius.
-I'll wait for your refutation
Fact: Water vapor has an affect on climate which far outweighs the effects of carbon dioxide and other gases released by human activities.
-I'll wait for your to refutation
Fact: The Tunguska event is the largest impact event on Earth in recorded history. Studies have yielded different estimates of the meteoroid's size, on the order of 60 to 190 metres (200 to 620 feet), depending on whether the body was a comet or a denser asteroid.[4] For emphasis: (Largest EVER in recor!)
-I'll wait for your refutation.
Claim: As such, Shaidurov has concluded that only an enormous natural phenomenon, such as an asteroid or comet impact or airburst, could seriously disturb atmospheric water levels, destroying persistent so-called 'silver', or noctilucent, clouds composed of ice crystals in the high altitude mesosphere (50 to 85km). The Tunguska Event was just such an event, and coincides with the period of time during which global temperatures appear to have been rising the most steadily - the twentieth century.
Guess what? This claim could be wrong. But it doesn't really matter from my perspective. Volcanoes and events like this most certainly affect the amount of greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere. Whether the Tunguska event triggerd GW, I don't know. It's an interesting hypothesis.
What do you mean? Every major auto maker has hybrid and fully electric vehicles coming to market. Coal power was basically given the death knell by Obama. The ridiculous fuel standards have not been rolled back. Just what the **** more should we be doing other than crippling the entire economy?A) No I’m afraid you’ve basically admitted a lack of reading comprehension.
B) That’s fine. You can call them whatever you want. Call them peaches. The fact is it doesn’t really matter if real climate sensitivity to CO2 is 30% higher or lower than predicted. Either way we’re still not doing enough to cut emissions. If we are so lucky that lukewarmers are correct then achieving the 2C goal just goes from impossible to very difficult.
C) I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say there. The warming trend goes back to around the start of the industrial revolution - that’s kind of the point. It did pick up as greenhouse gas emissions really started taking off post WWII.
What do you mean? Every major auto maker has hybrid and fully electric vehicles coming to market. Coal power was basically given the death knell by Obama. The ridiculous fuel standards have not been rolled back. Just what the **** more should we be doing other than crippling the entire economy?
LolHe mocked global warming, not climate change. Many real scientists think we are heading to a cooling phase, not warming.
The scientists that haven't been blacklisted. Only scientists that follow the talking points get paid.
I’m very skeptical of these numbers.It is interesting, I guess, but WS already pointed out some of the obvious problems with this hypothesis. I just want to chime in and point out that ScienceDaily itself is not a journal; it’s a news website. And at the time that article was posted, in 2006(!), the website was run by two people and just reprinted press releases. I don’t know why the University of Leicester thought that preprint was worthy of a press release. It obviously hadn’t been through peer review, and never even made it into the Russian pop science magazine where the writers were attempting to get it published.
Climate misinformers will run with pretty ridiculous hypotheses and misrepresentations in an effort to blame global warming on anything but greenhouse gas emissions, so it’s telling that the Tunguska idea never gained any traction even in the climate denial blogosphere.
Also, volcanoes release orders of magnitude less CO2 than humans. We can measure this directly and can tell by its isotope ratio that the increased CO2 is due to fossil fuel combustion. Large volcanic eruptions generally have a short-term cooling influence due to the sulfate aerosol emissions.
While the conclusions of the paper (and especially the social impact) are overstated by the quoted coauthor and are presented stupidly by CNN, the underlying physical science makes sense. Land use changes do contribute to climate change a tiny bit and have been researched and included in models for years.Here you go climatards..
I guess the new thing is Ice Age deniers.
Seriously though, the earth has been through radical temperature change.
“Geologists and paleontologists think that during much of the Paleocene and early Eocene, the poles were free of ice caps, and palm trees and crocodiles lived above the Arctic Circle, while much of the continental United States had a sub-tropical environment.”
This is followed by multiple ice ages. All of these changes occurred when mankind either didn’t exist or had no impact on greenhouse gasses. Even if mankind could affect global temperature, there is likely a number of factors that could easily swing it the other way.
1) Stop falling for fake news.I don’t give 2 ***** about man made climate change. It’s not an immediate threat. Global pollution, specifically of our oceans is a legitimate and immediate threat. Nobody is aware of the problem or cares at all. There’s no money or control over people in solving that problem so as a people we pretend it doesn’t exist.
You want people to believe you about climate change ?
1) stop getting caught faking the data.
2) be right about any all
3) start taking the legitimate problems seriously.
4) spend any money.....because right now there’s none being spent.....on survival of the supposed coming disaster.
It’s insane to believe that a problem is coming and spend 100% of your resources on study and alarmists preaching and 0% on preparation. (Maybe that’s why anyone without an agenda doesn’t believe you)
I’m an actual environmentalists. I have done more for my planet than 100 of the hipsters crying about the climate will ever do.
Just curious, what preindustrial world wide temperature trend study did we have?A) No I’m afraid you’ve basically admitted a lack of reading comprehension.
B) That’s fine. You can call them whatever you want. Call them peaches. The fact is it doesn’t really matter if real climate sensitivity to CO2 is 30% higher or lower than predicted. Either way we’re still not doing enough to cut emissions. If we are so lucky that lukewarmers are correct then achieving the 2C goal just goes from impossible to very difficult.
C) I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say there. The warming trend goes back to around the start of the industrial revolution - that’s kind of the point. It did pick up as greenhouse gas emissions really started taking off post WWII.
I'm still in the Seattle area. I've been taking on a lot of work and then spend what little free time I have with my wife (just married 2 years ago) helping with her career and playing a lot of ball/trying to get back into shape from a back injury.@BartW; Hey man, where are you spending most your time these days?
Sounds all good man. I wish I was still in Washington, despite all of the snowI'm still in the Seattle area. I've been taking on a lot of work and then spend what little free time I have with my wife (just married 2 years ago) helping with her career and playing a lot of ball/trying to get back into shape from a back injury.
I post occasionally but usually just browse on mobile here and there. I split my VN time mostly between the basketball and recruiting forums. I took a rare trip to the Lady Vols forum after running into one of our softball recruits yesterday.
I’ve cut down on screen time a bunch and it feels good. I like y’all fineI just don’t care to get into these longwinded discussions nowadays, especially when on mobile.
I’ll get back to y’all in a little while though. I gotta run – wifey is working today and left something important at home, as usual.
A) yeah I comprehended it just fine.A) No I’m afraid you’ve basically admitted a lack of reading comprehension.
B) That’s fine. You can call them whatever you want. Call them peaches. The fact is it doesn’t really matter if real climate sensitivity to CO2 is 30% higher or lower than predicted. Either way we’re still not doing enough to cut emissions. If we are so lucky that lukewarmers are correct then achieving the 2C goal just goes from impossible to very difficult.
C) I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say there. The warming trend goes back to around the start of the industrial revolution - that’s kind of the point. It did pick up as greenhouse gas emissions really started taking off post WWII.
There is a whole field of science called paleoclimatology that studies this. There are numerous such studies using different proxies that work over different timescales. The most recent and comprehensive global synthesis of proxy data over the past 2000 years, as far as I know, is the PAGES-2k report from 2013.Just curious, what preindustrial world wide temperature trend study did we have?
Yes that’s right. It absorbs outgoing IR radiation and reradiates it back toward the surface. CO2 doesn’t 'create' that energy.Hey @BartW the increased CO2 works as an insulation right? Like it just traps in heat? Doesnt do any of the warming itself right?
Oh stop being so alarmist.What do you mean? Every major auto maker has hybrid and fully electric vehicles coming to market. Coal power was basically given the death knell by Obama. The ridiculous fuel standards have not been rolled back. Just what the **** more should we be doing other than crippling the entire economy?
They’re measured via direct sampling and remote sensing. I believe there was even a discussion about it somewhat recently ITT (not even the old CC thread). Here are two of the first links that pop up on Google:I’m very skeptical of these numbers.
Tell me how it’s measured directly. The majority of the earths surface is covered In water and there are likely hundreds if not thousands of gassing vents around the globe.
It’s not just erupting volcanoes that emit CO2.