CNN reporter having meltdown on twitter over satire news story.

I think you may be missing his point.

(It's that Trump voters are gullible. The Russians, for one, can tell you all about that.)
Let's not even go there, I'm no Trump voter but do you remember the idiocy spewed by Obama's supporters after he won the election? They believe all their wildest dreams of free crap were able to come true LOL!
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Here is another example of right wing misinformation and misuse of social media:

Rep. Paul Gosar shares fake image of Obama with Iranian president - CNNPolitics

A Republican congressman posted a fake photo of former President Barack Obama shaking hands with the Iranian president.

"The world is a better place without these guys in power," Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar said in his caption of the doctored photo.

The gullible and ignorant saw it, believed it, and agreed with it.

He was called out on posting fake information:

Democratic Rep. Sean Casten of Illinois called Gosar's post "irresponsible."

"The world would be a better place if elected officials didn't share photoshopped images and take pride in being ignorant," Casten said on Twitter.

.......and here is his defense.

Gosar later defended himself, saying that it was not implied that the photo wasn't altered.
"To the dim witted one said this wasn't photoshopped. No one said the president of Iran was dead. No one said Obama met with Rouhani in person," Gosar said on Twitter.

This is what we are dealing with, much more from the right than from the left.

Those in charge on the right, in no small part thanks to Trump, now realize that they can toss out lies and misinformation and that is all their base will remember. I see the success of this strategy on this very board.
Those in charge on the right, in no small part thanks to Trump, now realize that they can toss out lies and misinformation and that is all their base will remember. I see the success of this strategy on this very board.
That has been both surprising and disappointing. I knew there was that segment but had no idea it was as large as it evidently is.
You should, because everybody lies, just not equally.
Viewing everyone as equally dishonest seems kind of silly.

I don’t do continuum’s in politics , it allows me to be free to pick the ones I think will screw me over the least based on what their plan and message is . Example .. I know you think all of the Dem candidates lie less than Trump . So for no other reason than that given the choice , you’d vote for one of them regardless of their plans for our country , what the cost is , or what path it would send us down. I expect them all to lie to me so I am more interested in what they will do for me and mine policy and plan wise .
I don’t do continuum’s in politics , it allows me to be free to pick the ones I think will screw me over the least based on what their plan and message is . Example .. I know you think all of the Dem candidates lie less than Trump . So for no other reason than that given the choice , you’d vote for one of them regardless of their plans for our country , what the cost is , or what path it would send us down. I expect them all to lie to me so I am more interested in what they will do for me and mine policy and plan wise .
Trump lies about things that no other President would ever consider lying about. He's also made false claims about himself like no other President
Trump lies about things that no other President would ever consider lying about. He's also made false claims about himself like no other President

So did Clinton ( no blow job in the oval ) , so did Nixon (watergate ) , JFK ( the soviets have more missiles than us ) , LBJ...( we are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousands miles to do what Asian boys should be doing for themselves . ) ... I can go on and on but I’m sure you get the point .
So did Clinton ( no blow job in the oval ) , so did Nixon (watergate ) , JFK ( the soviets have more missiles than us ) , LBJ...( we are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousands miles to do what Asian boys should be doing for themselves . ) ... I can go on and on but I’m sure you get the point .'s easy to identify a lie here and there from every point is the sheer volume of Trump's and the outrageous false claims he makes about himself. Watergate was the least of Nixon's transgressions as we found out just a few short years ago. We'll find out the same about Trump down the road too
I don’t do continuum’s in politics , it allows me to be free to pick the ones I think will screw me over the least based on what their plan and message is . Example .. I know you think all of the Dem candidates lie less than Trump . So for no other reason than that given the choice , you’d vote for one of them regardless of their plans for our country , what the cost is , or what path it would send us down. I expect them all to lie to me so I am more interested in what they will do for me and mine policy and plan wise .
So you pay attention to what their message is but you know that they are lying to you?.?.
And then you go on to say you don't do continuums in politics but that you pick the one you think will screw you over the least. If that's not a continuum, I don't know what is.
I view honesty as one of multiple criteria.
If I have 4 choices that are pretty much the same across the board except for honesty, I'll pick the most honest.
Sort of like policy. No one candidate matches my preferred policies straight down the line. I rank them, weight them,.....kind of put them on a continuum.
If one candidate ranks a little higher on the policy continuum but ranks much lower on the honesty continuum, then I have a decision to make.
You are basically doing what one must do in order to justify their support for Trump, I get it.
All of his negatives you overlook with the absurd notion that all candidates share those negatives equally.
You view his positives as discernible and feel you can differentiate, but not his negatives. Convenient.
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So did Clinton ( no blow job in the oval ) , so did Nixon (watergate ) , JFK ( the soviets have more missiles than us ) , LBJ...( we are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousands miles to do what Asian boys should be doing for themselves . ) ... I can go on and on but I’m sure you get the point .
They all lie, just not nearly to the degree that Trump lies. THAT IS THE UNAVOIDABLE POINT.
What you are saying is kind of like saying, they all raise the deficit, so deficit spending is not an issue.
If you had a president that raised the deficit at a rate of more than 4 times any previous president, would that be a problem or something to be shrugged off as "well, they all do it"?
Rhetorical question, we both know the answer.
Lots of farmers have lost their asses with Trump. Auto execs aren't happy with him either

Are you sure about that? China has agreed to purchase more than 16 billion plus agriculture from the US than they use too and the automakers are supporting trump in his fight to keep emissions levels at a decent level. He may take some high risk chances but his ideas are geared toward helping the working man.
Are you sure about that? China has agreed to purchase more than 16 billion plus agriculture from the US than they use too and the automakers are supporting trump in his fight to keep emissions levels at a decent level. He may take some high risk chances but his ideas are geared toward helping the working man.
Yes. China hasn't claimed anything you're saying. You're parroting Trump's claims

No they're not. His policies have benefited corporations and the wealthiest Americans much more than the middle class
That "bafoon" has an understanding of patriotism that an America hating twit like you could never understand.

He's a salesman. He's found a product that makes him look really good to a loyal audience.

At one time he loved steaks, wine, and University just as much.

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