CNN reporter having meltdown on twitter over satire news story.

We hand out billions in farm subsidies every year. It’s time they stop along with the price and production controls.
I agree but this bailout was in addition to the usual subsidies. There's a huge difference. Especially in budgetary matters. This was due to Trump's pathetic negotiating tactics. He thinks these deals are the same as real estate deals. He specifically made that claim on national TV. It's nowhere near the same. He doesn't know the difference between a distributive negotiation and an integrated negotiation.
So you pay attention to what their message is but you know that they are lying to you?.?.
And then you go on to say you don't do continuums in politics but that you pick the one you think will screw you over the least. If that's not a continuum, I don't know what is.
I view honesty as one of multiple criteria.
If I have 4 choices that are pretty much the same across the board except for honesty, I'll pick the most honest.
Sort of like policy. No one candidate matches my preferred policies straight down the line. I rank them, weight them,.....kind of put them on a continuum.
If one candidate ranks a little higher on the policy continuum but ranks much lower on the honesty continuum, then I have a decision to make.
You are basically doing what one must do in order to justify their support for Trump, I get it.
All of his negatives you overlook with the absurd notion that all candidates share those negatives equally.
You view his positives as discernible and feel you can differentiate, but not his negatives. Convenient.

Screw me over the least based on their polices and plans they are promoting to get my vote not how many lies they will tell , as I’ve said many times they all lie so that enough for me to know this . I never said I was trying to justify Trump , look back through my posts and you’ll find hypocrisy is my big motivator and my views are that the Democrats are hypocritical and catch breaks from the MSM for doing it . What amazes me is the left would have such an easy time beating a Trump if they could just be honest , stop being hypocrites , stop shooting yourself in the foot by being at a minimum seemingly underhanded in how they go about things . For whatever the reasons you just can’t help yourselves painting with broad brushes and trying to take away rights of voters before an election . Smh .
Yes. China hasn't claimed anything you're saying. You're parroting Trump's claims

No they're not. His policies have benefited corporations and the wealthiest Americans much more than the middle class

First off, I am not jealous of corporations or even the wealthiest Americans... I appreciate corporations bc without there would be no jobs nor any of the cool products that we all enjoy.

As for his trade deal, we shall see since the Chinese are suppose to be here on the fifteenth to sign the agreement.

What has the dems offered up that is better for the middle class? I think one of the first bills they introduced after taking over the house was the anti-lynching bill.... There hasn’t been a lynching in more than 40 years.
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#79's easy to identify a lie here and there from every point is the sheer volume of Trump's and the outrageous false claims he makes about himself. Watergate was the least of Nixon's transgressions as we found out just a few short years ago. We'll find out the same about Trump down the road too

Your post said Trump lies about things no other president lies about , I just gave you multiple examples of lies each president lied about that NO OTHER PRESIDENT has lied about . I can easily go back through and pull up lies from other presidents lying about themselves . I just assumed you would know this by looking at the names of the ones I posted .
First off, I am not jealous of corporations or even the wealthiest Americans... I appreciate corporations bc without there would be no jobs nor any of the cool products that we all enjoy.

As for his trade deal, we shall see since the Chinese are suppose to be here on the fifteenth to sign the agreement.

What has the dems offered up that is better for the middle class? I think one of the first bills they introduced after taking over the house was the anti-lynching bill.... There hasn’t been a lynching in more than 40 years.
You made the claim about Trump and I responded with facts. I said nothing about the Democrats. Great diversion, but I'm not a Trumper so it doesn't work

As for Chinese we'll see what happens. Trump needs to learn how to negotiate with world leaders. It isn't some real estate deal he's making on the florida coast
Your post said Trump lies about things no other president lies about , I just gave you multiple examples of lies each president lied about that NO OTHER PRESIDENT has lied about . I can easily go back through and pull up lies from other presidents lying about themselves . I just assumed you would know this by looking at the names of the ones I posted .

Wow. I stand by by assertion. The record is clearly on my side
Wow. I stand by by assertion. The record is clearly on my side

I just proved what you said was not correct by giving you very specific examples to refute it . Of course you’ll stand by your statement . Lol
You made the claim about Trump and I responded with facts. I said nothing about the Democrats. Great diversion, but I'm not a Trumper so it doesn't work

As for Chinese we'll see what happens. Trump needs to learn how to negotiate with world leaders. It isn't some real estate deal he's making on the florida coast

You stated opinion not facts..... I’m not a trumpet either and want the best person in office.... Trump is head and shoulders above the rest right now.
I'd rather vote for Phillip Mamouf-Wifarts. At least he's a spineless politician who accepts bribes from specials interests, and not a spineless politician who accepts bribes from special interests.
I know plenty of people who believe that unemployment was 9.4% under Obama and 3.4% under Trump. Still see that stroke of ignorance on Facebook today
I know people who still believe that Bush and McCain and Romney and Trump were Neo nazis when they ran for president and we’re going to put blacks back into slavery and enslave women.
I think you may be missing his point.

(It's that Trump voters are gullible. The Russians, for one, can tell you all about that.)
Russia had nothing to do with why trump voters voted for him. As long as it wasn’t a politician they were getting the vote. It could have been Gates and he would have gotten the votes. Dems are so brainwashed.
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Yeah, that wall is going up quick and Mexico is paying for it!
Seeing as that was about issue #439 in my priority list, I'm not too concerned. And, there has been some progress, despite huge obstacles.

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