Coaching Carousel in Hindsight, turned into.. something else

Amd saying he shouldn’t be held accountable for something he said because it was 10 years ago is absolutely defending him.

So lets say its 2004 and you are 15 going into high school and you get with your high school sweetheart and you both send a few dirty messages and pictures back and forth, but later have a bad break up.

Its now 2019 and you are 30 and you have finished college and are trying to run for judge of a county. If those 15 year old freshman messages turned up, should you be held accountable for 15 year old you?

I could care less about Gruden and his dumb screw up. He sent a message to coworkers using a company email about where he worked defacing the company he worked for. That will get you axed anywhere. I'm also not trying to paint you as some dirty texter. I want to focus on the accountably part.

Hell I know I did stuff I wasn't proud of. Nothing life changing, but I have said stuff out of anger. Done things that me and friends thought was funny at the time that I look back on as I have aged and thought I wish I had done stuff differently. I was picked on and bullied in school for my short size and I was quiet and my family very poor. I was called every name and have letters that was taped to my locker calling me every slur but cracker. As much as I hated them at that time, I wouldn't go after them now for it if I seen them doing well in life. People change, I want to know if we should each be held accountable for past actions what time frame are we putting on it?
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Was Gruden targeted?

Clay Travis: Words are worse than actions in this world
Oct. 14, 2021 - 3:04 - OutKick founder reacts to Jon Gruden, Roger Goodell and leaked emails on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'
Was Gruden targeted?

Sorry for being a bit dumb on all of this story, but was there a reason someone would target him? As in the Raders wanted him gone for some reason or someone ran across his emails and found dirty laundry and wanted 15 mins of fame of leaking them?
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So lets say its 2004 and you are 15 going into high school and you get with your high school sweetheart and you both send a few dirty messages and pictures back and forth, but later have a bad break up.

Its now 2019 and you are 30 and you have finished college and are trying to run for judge of a county. If those 15 year old freshman messages turned up, should you be held accountable for 15 year old you?

I could care less about Gruden and his dumb screw up. He sent a message to coworkers using a company email about where he worked defacing the company he worked for. That will get you axed anywhere. I'm also not trying to paint you as some dirty texter. I want to focus on the accountably part.

Hell I know I did stuff I wasn't proud of. Nothing life changing, but I have said stuff out of anger. Done things that me and friends thought was funny at the time that I look back on as I have aged and thought I wish I had done stuff differently. I was picked on and bullied in school for my short size and I was quiet and my family very poor. I was called every name and have letters that was taped to my locker calling me every slur but cracker. As much as I hated them at that time, I wouldn't go after them now for it if I seen them doing well in life. People change, I want to know if we should each be held accountable for past actions what time frame are we putting on it?

My god you missed the point man. And why are you so hell bent on defending this guy anyway? He’s a piece of garbage.
But I’ll try again…10 years ago gruden was nearly 50 years old amd had been a head coach in the nfl for roughy 15 years making 10’s of millions along the way.
To act like a 50 year old dude (that’s been coaching black guys for decades) making blatant racist comments is the same thing as a 15 year old KID sending an inappropriate message to his girl friend is the same thing is so beyond ridiculous I don’t know why I’m even taking the time to reply. Gruden was a naive little kid at that time. He was at the top of his professional career. It’s unbelievably sad people are defending the guy
My god you missed the point man. And why are you so hell bent on defending this guy anyway? He’s a piece of garbage.
But I’ll try again…10 years ago gruden was nearly 50 years old amd had been a head coach in the nfl for roughy 15 years making 10’s of millions along the way.
To act like a 50 year old dude (that’s been coaching black guys for decades) making blatant racist comments is the same thing as a 15 year old KID sending an inappropriate message to his girl friend is the same thing is so beyond ridiculous I don’t know why I’m even taking the time to reply. Gruden was a naive little kid at that time. He was at the top of his professional career. It’s unbelievably sad people are defending the guy

For someone who said I missed the point, you must not read pass a second grade level. I plainly said "I could care less about Gruden and his dumb screw up", and "He sent a message to coworkers using a company email about where he worked defacing the company he worked for. That will get you axed anywhere." You point to where that defends him. Try harder.

In your post before you said "saying he shouldn’t be held accountable for something he said because it was 10 years ago is absolutely defending him". I even pointed out I just wanted to know where accountably should start and stop using him in this topic as a example to go off of. "I want to focus on the accountably part". "I want to know if we should each be held accountable for past actions what time frame are we putting on it?" Not about Gruden, but people in general.

So I'm not sure why you took the time to reply either. You glossed over that I pointed out he was rightfully let go. Then turned the question I ask about personal accountably and where it should start and stop per person and somehow think I care if Gruden has a job.

I know your type can't help themselves but to reply for a last word. So let me try it again hopefully simpler. At what age and the gap between them do we forgive a persons past actions? {Not Gruden}

For a example, should Northam still be held accountable for his blackface/KKK from when he was 28? He is what 62 now that's a 34 year difference. That's what I am asking for. A simple what age do we no longer hold something over another's head? 2 years, 5 years, 15 years, or forever even past death?

Edited for source article on Northam: Ralph Northam
My god you missed the point man. And why are you so hell bent on defending this guy anyway? He’s a piece of garbage.
But I’ll try again…10 years ago gruden was nearly 50 years old amd had been a head coach in the nfl for roughy 15 years making 10’s of millions along the way.
To act like a 50 year old dude (that’s been coaching black guys for decades) making blatant racist comments is the same thing as a 15 year old KID sending an inappropriate message to his girl friend is the same thing is so beyond ridiculous I don’t know why I’m even taking the time to reply. Gruden was a naive little kid at that time. He was at the top of his professional career. It’s unbelievably sad people are defending the guy

Isn't it just one comment? And if Gruden had actually used the term rubber lips in the past to refer to someone who is lying, then it's possible to not be racist at all, isn't it? And it's childish, but if someone just makes a comment about someone they're angry at - being fat, having a big nose/ears, or lips - is it certain that it's racial or are you projecting?

The gay slurs are recurring, there's a pattern there and the words used are explicit slurs.

I'd like to see a pattern of "blatant racist comments" from Gruden before concluding that a guy who played, who's been in football since age 15, primarily coached black athletes for decades and doubtless has numerous associations and friendships with black people in/outside of coaching, that he's a racist. Someone should be able to come up with an explicit, unmistakable slur, like Gov. Northam's "coon", for example.
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