Coaching Carousel in Hindsight, turned into.. something else

Funny how youth defend the system which has been proven time and again that it was set up to hold minorities, women, and anyone else that wasn't white males back.
Well, no. It really wasn't.... and even if it was it certainly isn't. If you do not succeed in America today then look at yourself and the people and culture that you came from. Want to be successful? Virtually 100% of the time you can do so by NOT BEING A RACIST but rather emulating successful people regardless of what they look like.

Victim shaming is what predators do. I bet you blame women for getting attacked, too.
And this kind of evasion is what liars do. Again, you are NOT a victim when YOU are in control of how YOU choose to respond to the challenges in front of you.

And no... I support REAL victims. Women who are attacked included... as well as REAL victims of racial discrimination. Those however are pretty rare... so folks like you had to find another mechanism to blame those whose values and behavior have led to success for the failure of those whose values and behavior have produced failure.

The blight of illegitimate births in the black community has been known since the 1960's. A study was performed predicting crime, poor education, poverty, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, violence, and various other problems because of that one factor. At the time, black illegitimacy was 35%. Today it is 70%. Get fathers and mothers to make commitments to one another and to their own kids... and watch ALL of those problems blamed on the "system" dissipate into thin air. Truth is... you can see the exact same trends among all races.

Blaming others, blaming "the system", and calling people racist for not giving you what you have not EARNED or accepting ridiculous arguments.. won't fix anything. The "system" remarkably works extremely well for black people who assimilate to it... the folks that race hustlers call sell outs who are nothing of the sort.
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@sjt18 Your original comment reminds me of a discussion I had with a young black lady a year or so ago. A friend of mine who has a photography business decided she wanted to do free portraits of young black people only, this was just after the Floyd killing. She offered free portraits of which she posted to facebook daily. However, there was a stipulation, she had a questionnaire that had to be answered, the questions were the same for everyone, the questions and answers were posted along with their beautiful portrait.

One question: Do you recall the first time you experienced racism? The young lady's answer goes like this; I was in the 4th grade, my teacher who was white always picked on me about my work. She did that because I was black. Because I know the young lady, I followed up with a couple of questions. 1) Were you the only black person in the class? No 2) How many black people were in your class? I was 1 of three 3.) Yet she picked on you, not the others? Yes 4.) How do you know that she didn't think she had a student who was capable of doing more than what she was doing and decided to push you to do better? I never thought of that.

At any rate, because of your comment, it made me think of that. Have a good day!

I had a related experience in the late 90's. I struck up a conversation with a very nice black lady working in reception at a hotel I stayed at. We talked about kids and she volunteered to talk about the problem she faced with her 13 year old daughter in a multi-racial, middle class, Chicago suburb. The daughter had always been an excellent student. She had always had lots of friends without regard to their color. She had always been well behaved and responsible. But when she got to middle school her black classmates began to call her names and harass her for trying to "be white". Why? Because she wasn't prejudiced, made good grades, and avoided trouble. The mom was pretty distraught.

This was 25 years ago... it has only gotten worse for kids who want to be successful but are attacked for being "sell outs".
Well, no. It really wasn't.... and even if it was it certainly isn't. If you do not succeed in America today then look at yourself and the people and culture that you came from. Want to be successful? Virtually 100% of the time you can do so by NOT BEING A RACIST but rather emulating successful people regardless of what they look like.

And this kind of evasion is what liars do. Again, you are NOT a victim when YOU are in control of how YOU choose to respond to the challenges in front of you.

And no... I support REAL victims. Women who are attacked included... as well as REAL victims of racial discrimination. Those however are pretty rare... so folks like you had to find another mechanism to blame those whose values and behavior have led to success for the failure of those whose values and behavior have produced failure.

The blight of illegitimate births in the black community has been known since the 1960's. A study was performed predicting crime, poor education, poverty, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, violence, and various other problems because of that one factor. At the time, black illegitimacy was 35%. Today it is 70%. Get fathers and mothers to make commitments to one another and to their own kids... and watch ALL of those problems blamed on the "system" dissipate into thin air. Truth is... you can see the exact same trends among all races.

Blaming others, blaming "the system", and calling people racist for not giving you what you have not EARNED or accepting ridiculous arguments.. won't fix anything. The "system" remarkably works extremely well for black people who assimilate to it... the folks that race hustlers call sell outs who are nothing of the sort.
This is a terrible post. Awful and misinformed. One of the worst I’ve read in awhile. People like you should do much more listening than commenting on subjects such as this. 🤦‍♂️
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This is a terrible post. Awful and misinformed. One of the worst I’ve read in awhile. People like you should do much more listening than commenting on subjects such as this. 🤦‍♂️
Prove it rather than declaring it.

No. It isn't misinformed or "awful". Even if woke ideas and CRT were not false and dependent on revisionist history that assigns motives to people who cannot speak for themselves and malice to people who likely didn't hold it.... the objective is STILL perverse and harmful. If you truly want to HELP people and particularly black people then you help them let go of such baggage and embrace things KNOWN to make people successful. Particularly you do not burn businesses and neighborhoods because you're "mad" and have been "unjustly treated". You don't emotionally jump to conclusions like with Michael Brown and start violent protests... when the kid attacked a police officer who defended himself.

You are being indoctrinated by malevolent people. They aren't out for your good. They are motivated by hatred and a desire to see "someone" punished for abuse not even done to them. They've chosen people who are NOT GUILTY of anything other than living peaceful, successful lives. People who haven't held anyone down and in MANY cases have helped people up. People who harbor NO racist motives or intent whatsoever. People who have adopted MLK's ideal of judging people on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.

But these people and perhaps you based on your avatar... are angry and full of hatred. So someone has to be the object of that hatred... and truth or justice makes no difference.
Prove it rather than declaring it.

No. It isn't misinformed or "awful". Even if woke ideas and CRT were not false and dependent on revisionist history that assigns motives to people who cannot speak for themselves and malice to people who likely didn't hold it.... the objective is STILL perverse and harmful. If you truly want to HELP people and particularly black people then you help them let go of such baggage and embrace things KNOWN to make people successful. Particularly you do not burn businesses and neighborhoods because you're "mad" and have been "unjustly treated". You don't emotionally jump to conclusions like with Michael Brown and start violent protests... when the kid attacked a police officer who defended himself.

You are being indoctrinated by malevolent people. They aren't out for your good. They are motivated by hatred and a desire to see "someone" punished for abuse not even done to them. They've chosen people who are NOT GUILTY of anything other than living peaceful, successful lives. People who haven't held anyone down and in MANY cases have helped people up. People who harbor NO racist motives or intent whatsoever. People who have adopted MLK's ideal of judging people on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.

But these people and perhaps you based on your avatar... are angry and full of hatred. So someone has to be the object of that hatred... and truth or justice makes no difference.
The political forum has taught me to not waste words on the ignorant. You have to be willing to put YOUR incredible white privileged logic away and see the other side. It comes across as if you have all the answers already. You are truly embarrassing yourself atm with these close minded posts.
I for one am glad they did not hire that a$$clown.

Yes I am also happy that we didn't get Mullen / Grantham combo and had the luxury of hiring a first time head coach to only fire them 3 years later instead of not having to fire a coach.....
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The political forum has taught me to not waste words on the ignorant. You have to be willing to put YOUR incredible white privileged logic away and see the other side. It comes across as if you have all the answers already. You are truly embarrassing yourself atm with these close minded posts.
I worked for the fed government for many years as an EEO investigator. The comments that "real discrimination is rare" was laughable. And yes move this to the political forum and I'll jump in.
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The political forum has taught me to not waste words on the ignorant.
And that's a VERY big problem for folks like you who have accepted a position uncritically because of anger. You have not proven me ignorant. Quite the contrary. Do you know the difference in success studies between black kids raised by their own married parents and white kids raised the same way? Nothing. It isn't about skin color. It is about character, values, and culture. Instill good, profitable ones in your kids... live decent moral lives in front of your kids... show you love them through sacrifice... show them how to commit to the other parent for life through thick and thin... TEACH THEM TO LOVE OTHER PEOPLE AND NOT HARBOR HATE FOR THEM... and you'll produce successful kids no matter what their skin color is or what challenges they face (fair or not).
You have to be willing to put YOUR incredible white privilege logic away and see the other side
No. Not really. I do not have to disregard objective truth and reality then enter your dark fantasy to understand human nature and recognize ill motives and reasoning.

My "privilege" was to be raised in one of the poorest counties in southern Appalachia by parents who stuck together even when they probably didn't want to. They instilled moral values and responsibility. They taught us to take responsibility for ourselves and specifically NOT to blame others when things didn't go our way. We were taught not to hate even those who hated us but to love people. We went to church 4 times a week and lived in a tight community where taking care of our neighbors in love was the norm... and though everyone had guns no one was ever shot.

We were lower middle class only because of my dad's Army retirement for 21 years of service. Most people in our community qualified for some "program"... most didn't apply because they didn't think it right to take something they didn't earn. My parents were both the youngest of 8 raised in what today would be called abject poverty. They were both the first an only HS graduates in their families. They poured themselves into my brother and me. They wanted us educated and successful. They wanted to see us honest, good people.

I earned some scholarships and graduated from a small state school and have worked hard to have some success. I've raised 3 kids who are also successful in their own way and right.

It isn't "privilege". It is values and culture.

My boss and a very good friend who I worked with in Seattle years ago was raised similar in another mountain community. We shared more in common than either of us did with the nuts around Seattle. His values were the same... and he was VERY successful in his career. Not because he was black or in spite of not being white... but simply because he had great values and was better than others at what he did.

It comes across as if you have all the answers already. You are truly embarrassing yourself atm with these close minded posts.
No. It does not mean I assume I have "all of the answers"... because I recognize illegitimate answers and the grotesque trap you are setting for yourself and others.

But in a way... yes. America was never "America" because of legal documents or any of that. It was American because large numbers of people accepted and lived by Judeo-Christian values and ethics. Live peacably with your neighbors. Be kind and generous. Only expect what you earn. Be honest. Respect the rights and property of others. Don't blame others without genuine evidence of their PERSONAL guilt.

Those values work. They work for anyone who learns and lives by them... and skin color makes no difference.
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I worked for the fed government for many years as an EEO investigator. The comments that "real discrimination is rare" was laughable. And yes move this to the political forum and I'll jump in.
Rare is a relative term. If you dealt with 10,000 cases in a nation of 330 million people... that's still rare.

Having worked on the other side of that equation... I can tell you that EVERY company I've worked for was VERY conscious of any hint of racial prejudice or discrimination.

Edit. I was curious so I looked it up. In 2020, the EEOC filed about 22K race based charges/cases. About 16,500 were found to have no reasonable cause. IOW's, for every one charge that has merit... 3 do not. So my 10,000 estimate was actually high.
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Well, no. It really wasn't.... and even if it was it certainly isn't. If you do not succeed in America today then look at yourself and the people and culture that you came from. Want to be successful? Virtually 100% of the time you can do so by NOT BEING A RACIST but rather emulating successful people regardless of what they look like.

And this kind of evasion is what liars do. Again, you are NOT a victim when YOU are in control of how YOU choose to respond to the challenges in front of you.

And no... I support REAL victims. Women who are attacked included... as well as REAL victims of racial discrimination. Those however are pretty rare... so folks like you had to find another mechanism to blame those whose values and behavior have led to success for the failure of those whose values and behavior have produced failure.

The blight of illegitimate births in the black community has been known since the 1960's. A study was performed predicting crime, poor education, poverty, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, violence, and various other problems because of that one factor. At the time, black illegitimacy was 35%. Today it is 70%. Get fathers and mothers to make commitments to one another and to their own kids... and watch ALL of those problems blamed on the "system" dissipate into thin air. Truth is... you can see the exact same trends among all races.

Blaming others, blaming "the system", and calling people racist for not giving you what you have not EARNED or accepting ridiculous arguments.. won't fix anything. The "system" remarkably works extremely well for black people who assimilate to it... the folks that race hustlers call sell outs who are nothing of the sort.
You couldn't make yourself any more racist sounding without saying the n world. You literally jump right to criticizing the black home. Conveniently leaving out all the stress on the average black family for having to do everything better than white families just to get an opportunity in most cases. Then you bring up research from the 60's. Literally a time when blacks weren't looked at as full humans. Literally. Then you make the expert comment about blacks having to "assimilate" to succeed. So, you're saying basically that white is right and you better get your butts to the white side of life. That is pretty disgusting. You clearly have spent much of your life resenting black people.
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I do not wanna do this here in consideration of the actual topic of the thread. You can catch me in the other forum on occasion and there is plenty of material available for your education. This will be my last response unless you say something that just has to be defended.

And that's a VERY big problem for folks like you who have accepted a position uncritically because of anger. You have not proven me ignorant. Quite the contrary.
You’ve proven yourself beyond ignorant and you continue to. What makes you worthy of diagnosing and solving a centuries long problem in this country. You’re coming across as if you cannot see the other side at all. You even admit below you grew up sheltered.
Do you know the difference in success studies between black kids raised by their own married parents and white kids raised the same way? Nothing. It isn't about skin color. It is about character, values, and culture. Instill good, profitable ones in your kids... live decent moral lives in front of your kids... show you love them through sacrifice... show them how to commit to the other parent for life through thick and thin... and you'll produce successful kids no matter what their skin color is or what challenges they face (fair or not).
This is such an incredibly dumb argument on so many levels and it seems you are hanging your ultimate conclusion on it. Did you know there are more single white parents than single AA parents?? It isn’t close either. What’s your next excuse? All the way into propensity? Racism will not go away by putting your head in the sand and screaming it does not exist. It is still incredibly prevalent today. The vestiges of yesteryears have not fully been eliminated.
No. Not really. I do not have to disregard objective truth and reality then enter your dark fantasy to understand human nature and recognize ill motives and reasoning.
You have to understand you’re exercising sheltered and close-minded white privileged logic to be objective. We cannot have a sincere convo until you do.
My "privilege" was to be raised in one of the poorest counties in southern Appalachia by parents who stuck together even when they probably didn't want to. They instilled moral values and responsibility. They taught us to take responsibility for ourselves and specifically NOT to blame others when things didn't go our way. We were taught not to hate even those who hated us but to love people. We went to church 4 times a week and lived in a tight community where taking care of our neighbors in love was the norm... and though everyone had guns no one was ever shot.

We were lower middle class only because of my dad's Army retirement for 21 years of service. Most people in our community qualified for some "program"... most didn't apply because they didn't think it right to take something they didn't earn. My parents were both the youngest of 8 raised in what today would be called abject poverty. They were both the first an only HS graduates in their families. They poured themselves into my brother and me. They wanted us educated and successful. They wanted to see us honest, good people.

I earned some scholarships and graduated from a small state school and have worked hard to have some success. I've raised 3 kids who are also successful in their own way and right.

It isn't "privilege". It is values and culture.
Do you know what white privilege is? It’s the ability to take for granted issues that do not affect you. It encompasses the act of being born in a poor white community, but being able to put a suit on to blend in with the majority. Simply put, you do not understand or recognize problems that AAs face on a daily basis. You continuing to comment as if you’re an expert makes you ignorant. People like you do so much incredible disservice to progress. It’s time for you to stop talking and become educated if you truly want to make a difference.
My boss and a very good friend who I worked with in Seattle years ago was raised similar in another mountain community. We shared more in common than either of us did with the nuts around Seattle. His values were the same... and he was VERY successful in his career. Not because he was black or in spite of not being white... but simply because he had great values and was better than others at what he did.

No. It does not mean I assume I have "all of the answers"... because I recognize illegitimate answers and the grotesque trap you are setting for yourself and others.
I live this life every single day. I don't have your privilege. You cannot tell me about my experiences or my oppressors. You clearly have no idea and choose to be ignorant.
But in a way... yes. America was never "America" because of legal documents or any of that. It was American because large numbers of people accepted and lived by Judeo-Christian values and ethics. Live peacably with your neighbors. Be kind and generous. Only expect what you earn. Be honest. Respect the rights and property of others. Don't blame others without genuine evidence of their PERSONAL guilt.

Those values work. They work for anyone who learns and lives by them... and skin color makes no difference.
It’s time to wake up now. America for you is not the same as America for everyone else. This country was not founded on the bolded values, and today, racism and inequality exist as a product. Please stop talking in absolutes and go get educated. That’s your responsibility as the privileged. You have to go further than your own “common sense.”
I do not wanna do this here in consideration of the actual topic of the thread. You can catch me in the other forum on occasion and there is plenty of material available for your education. This will be my last response unless you say something that just has to be defended.

You’ve proven yourself beyond ignorant and you continue to. What makes you worthy of diagnosing and solving a centuries long problem in this country. You’re coming across as if you cannot see the other side at all. You even admit below you grew up sheltered.

This is such an incredibly dumb argument on so many levels and it seems you are hanging your ultimate conclusion on it. Did you know there are more single white parents than single AA parents?? It isn’t close either. What’s your next excuse? All the way into propensity? Racism will not go away by putting your head in the sand and screaming it does not exist. It is still incredibly prevalent today. The vestiges of yesteryears have not fully been eliminated.

You have to understand you’re exercising sheltered and close-minded white privileged logic to be objective. We cannot have a sincere convo until you do.

Do you know what white privilege is? It’s the ability to take for granted issues that do not affect you. It encompasses the act of being born in a poor white community, but being able to put a suit on to blend in with the majority. Simply put, you do not understand or recognize problems that AAs face on a daily basis. You continuing to comment as if you’re an expert makes you ignorant. People like you do so much incredible disservice to progress. It’s time for you to stop talking and become educated if you truly want to make a difference.

I live this life every single day. I don't have your privilege. You cannot tell me about my experiences or my oppressors. You clearly have no idea and choose to be ignorant.

It’s time to wake up now. America for you is not the same as America for everyone else. This country was not founded on the bolded values, and today, racism and inequality exist as a product. Please stop talking in absolutes and go get educated. That’s your responsibility as the privileged. You have to go further than your own “common sense.”
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Reports from major sporting news outlets saying Jon Gruden is resigning as the head coach of the Raiders. This may undoubtedly end his coaching career with the surfacing of the emails he sent back in 2010-2011.

I know we are early on in the Heupel tenure, but this hire still looks so much better than the other "names" that were always bounced around during coaching surfaces.

Jon Gruden, Tony Elliot, PJ Fleck, Matt Campbell, Mike Leach, Gus Malzahn, Tom Herman, etc etc etc.
The list of names goes on and on and it is encouraging to see what originated as a "boring hire" to what Heupel has done thus far.

Still ALOT of football to go and he still is super early in his tenure, but compared to some of the "popular" names and their performance at other schools/NFL, the Danny White and Josh Heupel hires are looking better than ever today.
I said it elsewhere that I was not a fan of the Heupel hire. Having eaten a healthy helping of crow, it's clear that, while he may not have been what UT fans wanted, he is looking like what UT's program needed at this point in time. For the record, Freeze was my top choice and if we had to take an up and comer, Chadwell was the one. Liked the thought of having a TN boy lead the program.
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You couldn't make yourself any more racist sounding without saying the n world.
Racism is fundamentally hate. Irrational hate. I am not the one in this conversation motivated by skin color or hate.

You literally jump right to criticizing the black home. Conveniently eaving out all the stress on the average black family for having to do everything better than white families just to get an opportunity in most cases.
No. That isn't even necessary. Just stand by your commitment to the women you choose to have children with... support them... marry them... commit your life to them and together to your kids. How do you know that white families just get better opportunities? There are LOTS of things over the course of my life that I could not take advantage of specifically because I was a white male.

The issue has nothing to do with race. It is purely cultural. Just the universal model for societal success. Nigerian immigrants as a group are more successful than most other demographics. They're black. Their kids on average succeed at a higher rate than US born white kids or various white immigrant groups. Want to take a stab at why?

Then you bring up research from the 60's. Literally a time when blacks weren't looked at as full humans. Literally.
Really? You mean the time period when white people across the country voluntarily created laws specifically to address racism toward black people? The guy behind that study wasn't a conservative or Republican. It was a Democrat... I believe Moynihan. At that time in spite of institutional racism and other REAL issues... the black middle class was expanding. Black property and business ownership was increasing. But some were being left behind and that study correctly associated those failing with that very specific cause- the break down of the black family. The liberals solution made it many times worse by creating a culture of dependency and incentivizing single motherhood... but those weren't conservative ideas based in the US Constitution... they were progressive, "big government has the solutions" programs. Government handouts and leftist "kindness" did more harm to black people than any KKK member ever could.

Then you make the expert comment about blacks having to "assimilate" to succeed. So, you're saying basically that white is right and you better get your butts to the white side of life. That is pretty disgusting. You clearly have spent much of your life resenting black people.
Do you really not see that you are reading your racial hatred into EVERYTHING? Values don't have a skin color. Look around you. Asian, Latino, African, Caribbean, etc immigrants are succeeding PRECISELY because they are assimilating into what makes people successful within the culture and framework in which we live. IT IS NOT ABOUT SKIN COLOR.

These values and ethics weren't created by "white Europeans". White Europeans were violent tribes when these values proved their worth in the Middle East... and Far East... and parts of Africa for that matter.

I don't resent anyone. That's pure projection on your part. I WANT to see black people succeed. I have HELPED black people succeed. What you are doing and promoting is detrimental to all of us but PARTICULARLY black people who need to hear that they can succeed... not that they are helpless victims unless they hate white people and American culture/economics/society/traditions/laws.
Off topic but I really don't agree with this. Gruden in my humble opinion should not be forced to resign because of something he said or emailed 10 years ago. I think this is really unfair because when this happened he didn't have this job.
How the hell is he going to effectively lead a locker room, with the vast majority of his team being black, after using a racist trope? They also have team mate, who
is very productive, and is the first openly gay active NFL player. How's he going to lead him? Did you watch the game they played on Sunday? They looked like crap. Worst they looked all season. Coincidence? I doubt it.
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I do not wanna do this here in consideration of the actual topic of the thread. You can catch me in the other forum on occasion and there is plenty of material available for your education. This will be my last response unless you say something that just has to be defended.

You’ve proven yourself beyond ignorant and you continue to. What makes you worthy of diagnosing and solving a centuries long problem in this country. You’re coming across as if you cannot see the other side at all. You even admit below you grew up sheltered.
Well... objective facts. The experience of a nation and what works and what does not. And the historic product of the poison you're drinking.

The truth here is that one of us wants EVERYONE to succeed and live profitable, safe, and happy lives... and KNOWS it is available. Two of you cannot abide that unless white people are punished for the past... and not just the past but a revisionist conjuring of the past.

This is such an incredibly dumb argument on so many levels and it seems you are hanging your ultimate conclusion on it. Did you know there are more single white parents than single AA parents?? It isn’t close either. What’s your next excuse? All the way into propensity? Racism will not go away by putting your head in the sand and screaming it does not exist. It is still incredibly prevalent today. The vestiges of yesteryears have not fully been eliminated.
Well, yes. It is a growing problem. There was a generation when black illegitimacy climbed when grandparents, churches, and communities did a reasonably good job of substituting for the nuclear family. But that solution has never lasted over time. It didn't for the black community and it won't for white people either. It isn't racism. It isn't a problem of skin color. It is cultural decay.... and it has a predictable end.

I grew up near the Qualla Indian Reservation. If those in the 60's and 70's wanted to see what illegitimacy and welfare "generosity" would do to any community... they only had to visit any Indian Reservation. It destroys.

You have to understand you’re exercising sheltered and close-minded white privileged logic to be objective. We cannot have a sincere convo until you do.
No. You have to realize that objective TRUTH outweighs your anger and feelings about historical events. You have to realize that all of that stuff you are believing has no good end to it. It won't fix what's wrong... it only breeds more hatred. If you can only be satisfied by someone else's suffering and your whole ideal depends on that... then no.. I don't need to join you to be "objective".

History isn't changeable. The future is. The only way history can hurt you is if you assume yourself to be a victim of it.

Do you know what white privilege is? It’s the ability to take for granted issues that do not affect you. It encompasses the act of being born in a poor white community, but being able to put a suit on to blend in with the majority. Simply put, you do not understand or recognize problems that AAs face on a daily basis. You continuing to comment as if you’re an expert makes you ignorant. People like you do so much incredible disservice to progress. It’s time for you to stop talking and become educated if you truly want to make a difference.
Pure... unadulterated... non-sense. Get inner city black kids to stop making girls pregnant everywhere, use their God given talents, and "put a suit on"... then get back to me on why it is my fault they aren't succeeding.

I have news for you. Companies are looking for great employees and virtually NONE of them care about their skin color. Do you know why Hispanic immigrants stay employed? Because they have great values and work ethics by and large.

Black people have challenges. Many have more challenges than many white people. But the opportunities are absolutely ENDLESS. And what if black men and women started creating strong nuclear families that build safe communities like the poor one I grew up in? What if black people could open businesses in inner city black communities without fear of crime?

You have YET to prove me "ignorant" or racist or any of the other names you've called me. You have yet to demonstrate ANY of this non-sense you spew objectively or factually. You have done nothing but make excuses and blamed others.

No one has an "equal" opportunity for success. We have different talents and abilities. We have different situations and opportunities. But you use that as an excuse not for people not to take advantage of all the talent and opportunity available to them. Yeah. I reject that. I reject it from white people, black people, and any other shade. And... it is exactly the rejection of that idea that lies at the core of the "privilege" that so offends you.

I live this life every single day. I don't have your privilege. You cannot tell me about my experiences or my oppressors. You clearly have no idea and choose to be ignorant.
You are seeing phantoms where there is nothing really but wide open opportunity. You are hobbling yourself now... you don't need any racists to do it for you. How has anyone "oppressed" you in such a way that you could not run around or over them? What "privilege" did you need to move on to the next opportunity?

When I graduated college my desire was to commission into the regular Army out of ROTC. That was in an age when two things were happening. One, the military was drawing down from Cold War levels. Two, affirmative action was being applied to assure minorities and women were given active duty and choice assignments. I didn't get active duty.... and was fully aware that my grades and scores were better than others who did. I could have blamed black people or women or whoever. I could have let it cripple me. Instead, I became the best reserve officer I could be and started what has become a successful private career.... and yes a lot of doors have been closed in my face on that path too. I've been fired unfairly. I've had bosses who stole credit for my success to get themselves promoted. And... honestly... I've failed at times.

The thing I didn't do is quit and start playing the victim. You shouldn't either. You should apply that anger to being determined to succeed regardless. The opportunities are EVERYWHERE.

It’s time to wake up now. America for you is not the same as America for everyone else.
Sure it is. You have freedom. You have talent. You have opportunity. You can make choices. You don't have to accept anyone else's "no" as the limit to your success in life. And frankly as a black guy... you can go get loans and grants to start a business or enhance your education that I can't get. White privilege isn't holding you back. You are.
This country was not founded on the bolded values,
I assume you meant biblical or Judeo-Christian... and in that you are factually wrong. And no, even major moral failures do not disprove that any more than slavery is legitimized by the fact that the first permanent slave in America was won in a court case... and his master was another black man.

and today, racism and inequality exist as a product.
Nope. Racism exists because people, like you, hate others based on their skin color. That's the ONLY reason it continues to exist. The solution is simply to stop hating people because of their skin color and to reject those you meet who do.

Please stop talking in absolutes and go get educated. That’s your responsibility as the privileged. You have to go further than your own “common sense.”
Please stop regurgitating ignorant, baseless talking points that really have no meaning. I don't deny that black INDIVIDUALS face challenges or that sometimes they're VERY difficult. But they are only made impossible by the victim mentality that YOU are promoting and professing.
I disagree man. I don't believe you should lose a job that you didn't have for an email from 10 years ago. My opinion but it doesn't make me right or wrong just my opinion

It’s really sad how many people are defending this dude. We know from how he handled the connection to our job what kind of a d-bag he is. It should be surprise to anyone he’d make these kinds of comments. But how could you possibly defend these blatantly racist comments? What is wrong with people?
You act like I'm a racist or something because I'm not a sensitive person and I understand how the world is. I don't like Gruden never have. I don't have any connection to him. I don't believe a person should be fired for something they said 10 years ago. Now if he has said these things while being currently employed by the Raiders that's different. But stop coming at me like I'm some kind of racist
You keep saying 10 years ago. At least get your facts straight. The emails were all the way up to 2018
How the hell is he going to effectively lead a locker room, with the vast majority of his team being black, after using a racist trope? They also have team mate, who
is very productive, and is the first openly gay active NFL player. How's he going to lead him? Did you watch the game they played on Sunday? They looked like crap. Worst they looked all season. Coincidence? I doubt it.

They are supposed to be professionals so I seriously doubt something their coach put in an email years ago is what affected their play.
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