Coaching Carousel in Hindsight, turned into.. something else

They are supposed to be professionals so I seriously doubt something their coach put in an email years ago is what affected their play.

Not saying in effort during the game it would. But listen to former players talk about how when they know the season is toast habits change. Instead of coming in at 7:00 for weights they come in at 7:45. Don't study film quite like they used to. I was listening to Mike Golic and a former jags player Tony Boselli discuss this about Urban. They were discussing how once a coach loses a locker room, or they assume he's going to get canned, preparation suffers. Between those two guys they probably have 15 years experience in the NFL. I will take their word for it.
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The political forum has taught me to not waste words on the ignorant. You have to be willing to put YOUR incredible white privileged logic away and see the other side. It comes across as if you have all the answers already. You are truly embarrassing yourself atm with these close minded posts.

That’s funny considering how much you post in here .
Well... objective facts. The experience of a nation and what works and what does not. And the historic product of the poison you're drinking.

The truth here is that one of us wants EVERYONE to succeed and live profitable, safe, and happy lives... and KNOWS it is available. Two of you cannot abide that unless white people are punished for the past... and not just the past but a revisionist conjuring of the past.

Well, yes. It is a growing problem. There was a generation when black illegitimacy climbed when grandparents, churches, and communities did a reasonably good job of substituting for the nuclear family. But that solution has never lasted over time. It didn't for the black community and it won't for white people either. It isn't racism. It isn't a problem of skin color. It is cultural decay.... and it has a predictable end.

I grew up near the Qualla Indian Reservation. If those in the 60's and 70's wanted to see what illegitimacy and welfare "generosity" would do to any community... they only had to visit any Indian Reservation. It destroys.

No. You have to realize that objective TRUTH outweighs your anger and feelings about historical events. You have to realize that all of that stuff you are believing has no good end to it. It won't fix what's wrong... it only breeds more hatred. If you can only be satisfied by someone else's suffering and your whole ideal depends on that... then no.. I don't need to join you to be "objective".

History isn't changeable. The future is. The only way history can hurt you is if you assume yourself to be a victim of it.

Pure... unadulterated... non-sense. Get inner city black kids to stop making girls pregnant everywhere, use their God given talents, and "put a suit on"... then get back to me on why it is my fault they aren't succeeding.

I have news for you. Companies are looking for great employees and virtually NONE of them care about their skin color. Do you know why Hispanic immigrants stay employed? Because they have great values and work ethics by and large.

Black people have challenges. Many have more challenges than many white people. But the opportunities are absolutely ENDLESS. And what if black men and women started creating strong nuclear families that build safe communities like the poor one I grew up in? What if black people could open businesses in inner city black communities without fear of crime?

You have YET to prove me "ignorant" or racist or any of the other names you've called me. You have yet to demonstrate ANY of this non-sense you spew objectively or factually. You have done nothing but make excuses and blamed others.

No one has an "equal" opportunity for success. We have different talents and abilities. We have different situations and opportunities. But you use that as an excuse not for people not to take advantage of all the talent and opportunity available to them. Yeah. I reject that. I reject it from white people, black people, and any other shade. And... it is exactly the rejection of that idea that lies at the core of the "privilege" that so offends you.

You are seeing phantoms where there is nothing really but wide open opportunity. You are hobbling yourself now... you don't need any racists to do it for you. How has anyone "oppressed" you in such a way that you could not run around or over them? What "privilege" did you need to move on to the next opportunity?

When I graduated college my desire was to commission into the regular Army out of ROTC. That was in an age when two things were happening. One, the military was drawing down from Cold War levels. Two, affirmative action was being applied to assure minorities and women were given active duty and choice assignments. I didn't get active duty.... and was fully aware that my grades and scores were better than others who did. I could have blamed black people or women or whoever. I could have let it cripple me. Instead, I became the best reserve officer I could be and started what has become a successful private career.... and yes a lot of doors have been closed in my face on that path too. I've been fired unfairly. I've had bosses who stole credit for my success to get themselves promoted. And... honestly... I've failed at times.

The thing I didn't do is quit and start playing the victim. You shouldn't either. You should apply that anger to being determined to succeed regardless. The opportunities are EVERYWHERE.

Sure it is. You have freedom. You have talent. You have opportunity. You can make choices. You don't have to accept anyone else's "no" as the limit to your success in life. And frankly as a black guy... you can go get loans and grants to start a business or enhance your education that I can't get. White privilege isn't holding you back. You are.
I assume you meant biblical or Judeo-Christian... and in that you are factually wrong. And no, even major moral failures do not disprove that any more than slavery is legitimized by the fact that the first permanent slave in America was won in a court case... and his master was another black man.

Nope. Racism exists because people, like you, hate others based on their skin color. That's the ONLY reason it continues to exist. The solution is simply to stop hating people because of their skin color and to reject those you meet who do.

Please stop regurgitating ignorant, baseless talking points that really have no meaning. I don't deny that black INDIVIDUALS face challenges or that sometimes they're VERY difficult. But they are only made impossible by the victim mentality that YOU are promoting and professing.

He won’t and you are wasting your breath .
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It’s really sad how many people are defending this dude. We know from how he handled the connection to our job what kind of a d-bag he is. It should be surprise to anyone he’d make these kinds of comments. But how could you possibly defend these blatantly racist comments? What is wrong with people?
It's not sad it's my opinion. And me saying that the man should not lose his job for being an a$$hole isn't defending him. I have an opinion doesn't make me right nor wrong its my opinion
It's not sad it's my opinion. And me saying that the man should not lose his job for being an a$$hole isn't defending him. I have an opinion doesn't make me right nor wrong its my opinion

You realize he’s made like 100M or so throughout his career right? He’s not fixing to be homeless or anything. Amd saying he shouldn’t be held accountable for something he said because it was 10 years ago is absolutely defending him.
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You realize he’s made like 100M or so throughout his career right? He’s not fixing to be homeless or anything. Amd saying he shouldn’t be held accountable for something he said because it was 10 years ago is absolutely defending him.

Are we just holding him responsible for the things said in the past or do you think everyone should be held accountable for what’s crossed their lips years ago ?
Black people have challenges. Many have more challenges than many white people. … I don't deny that black INDIVIDUALS face challenges or that sometimes they're VERY difficult.
^I guess I’ll take these baby steps from you. The rest of your response was more of the same ignorance and privilege. See you on the other forum, or if not, please go get educated ASAP. You’re pretty lost. (Edit: Noticed this was moved after I replied 🤦‍♂️)

On topic: It is way too early to crown Heupel and most of this fan based would fire him today and then walk slowly on hot coals to LV to beg Gruden to replace him even after all of this.
@CAVPUT Absolutely felt the same way. The JH hire felt too conservative at the time and I feel most UT fans, including myself, really wanted a big home run hire this time. But you are correct, I have been eating crow and JH is exactly what the program needs currently.
CODE RED: Hey ESPN, Let's See All of Your Employees' Emails...All of Them


I have an alternate headline:

“Former ESPN analyst Jon Gruden’s leaked emails come back to bite him.”

Why note that he was an employee of ESPN? Because ESPN is a woke temple of woke thought. You can have opinions, but you must have the right opinion. Sage Steele was suspended because she had the temerity to wrong speak about vaccine mandates. She didn’t disparage vaccines, just forcing Americans to take them. Oh, and she pointed out that Obama was raised by his white mother, and white grandparents, but IDs as Black. That isn’t allowed in the woke temple.

CODE RED: Hey ESPN, Let's See All of Your Employees' Emails...All of Them
CODE RED: Hey ESPN, Let's See All of Your Employees' Emails...All of Them


I have an alternate headline:

“Former ESPN analyst Jon Gruden’s leaked emails come back to bite him.”

Why note that he was an employee of ESPN? Because ESPN is a woke temple of woke thought. You can have opinions, but you must have the right opinion. Sage Steele was suspended because she had the temerity to wrong speak about vaccine mandates. She didn’t disparage vaccines, just forcing Americans to take them. Oh, and she pointed out that Obama was raised by his white mother, and white grandparents, but IDs as Black. That isn’t allowed in the woke temple.

CODE RED: Hey ESPN, Let's See All of Your Employees' Emails...All of Them
Gruden's emails weren't on the ESPN server. They were from his personal account. The author is a dumbass

"Gruden’s messages were sent to Bruce Allen, the former president of the Washington Football Team, and others, while he was working for ESPN as a color analyst during “Monday Night Football.” In the emails, Gruden called the league’s commissioner, Roger Goodell, a “******” and a “clueless anti football pussy” and said that Goodell should not have pressured Jeff Fisher, then the coach of the Rams, to draft “queers,” a reference to Michael Sam, a gay player chosen by the team in 2014."

The One Jon Gruden Email We Can All Agree On...And One the Media Doesn't Want to Talk About

"Gruden’s messages were sent to Bruce Allen, the former president of the Washington Football Team, and others, while he was working for ESPN as a color analyst during “Monday Night Football.” In the emails, Gruden called the league’s commissioner, Roger Goodell, a “******” and a “clueless anti football pussy” and said that Goodell should not have pressured Jeff Fisher, then the coach of the Rams, to draft “queers,” a reference to Michael Sam, a gay player chosen by the team in 2014."

The One Jon Gruden Email We Can All Agree On...And One the Media Doesn't Want to Talk About

He shouldn’t have used that one word, otherwise he was spot on.
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He shouldn’t have used that one word, otherwise he was spot on.

Never say to others or about others what you would not want said to or about you.

He is completely entitled to his opinions. How he approached discussing them is where the consequences come in.
E-mails, like almost everything on the internet, are forever. "Delete" doesn't mean data is gone if it has been shared. In fact, delete doesn't necessarily mean data is gone even on your own computer.

Don't send anything that you aren't willing to live with forever into the future. And realize that what you "meant" today may be viewed very differently 10 or 20 years from now when interpreted by people using 20/20 hindsight along with different mores.

Easy to say now with the benefit of hindsight. When first using email, a lot of us older guys probably never thought they would be preserved somewhere in the either. The interesting thing is that people are comfortable with our personal information being transmitted (and probably retained) when we do things like bank online or when other entities transfer personal information like medical or financial records.

Just imagine the things we don't know now or the beliefs we currently hold that might be our undoing in a few years. Even simple words have changed in meaning over the years. You can't judge the past by today's standards.
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I get that there's some sarcasm here, but there's also a difference between thinking something about a person's appearance, making a slightly off-color joke and employing racial stereotypes like "lips like Goodyear tires." If you didn't know that was wrong 10 years ago, it's not about changing times, cancel culture, or thought purity, your just a plain ole everyday racist.

Not to mention, who describes another person as a f@ggot in a professional email sent from a work account? That's just classless and dumb.

Sorry, but I reserve the right to be critical of trends (perhaps not of individuals). For example: women who favor a trend to butts that look like a Goodyear blimp are unappealing. Any guesses as to how that could be received in 10 or 20 years?
I agree with this logic, although, instant retroactive outrage is justified and I’d argue completely necessary at times. Specifically in cases of sexual assault, pedophilia, hate crimes, and grand theft/larceny. But that policy goes out the window when it comes to personal/character flaws or mistakes. We’ve all had moments of weakness and anger where we’ve lashed out and said something hurtful. It’s just as hurtful for a person with a thyroid condition to be called fat as it is for a gay person to be called a homophobic slur or a person of color to be called a racial slur. You are just as guilty as the racist “Karens” and homophobic “Kyles” if you’ve ever made fun of another human being for a physical or psychological condition that made them different. This isn’t to justify or excuse the racists and bigoted people’s actions, I’m just saying those who live in glass houses shouldn’t cast stones. People need to step down from the high horses and open up their eyes. Self righteousness and hypocrisy is so rampant amongst today’s world and it’s completely destroying the fabric of society.

Should we hold people accountable for their transgressions? Absolutely! Should we continue on with this 21st century witch hunt? Absolutely not!

One thing we absolutely should fear right now is how the retroactive look at past events might affect the stance on ex post facto law. We currently are protected from new laws that would criminalize past behavior - for very good reason. It seems like our founding fathers when they wrote the Constitution were a lot smarter than our woke generation. This new found aggressive behavior toward acts of the past reeks of vigilantism - or using unofficial means to carry out "justice" when there was no actual crime committed.

Article I, Section 9, Clause 3: No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.
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Lol you're wrong.. way more at play here than just "being an a$$hole"
I could be wrong I understand that but it's still my opinion. I don't have all the answers but I do have an opinion. If I'm wrong I'm wrong but you could be wrong as well

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