Winning doe not come down to just one factor. During the last 10 years, Tennessee has not committed very many athletes which have been recruited by the Vols and Alabama, Auburn, Georgia, LSU, or USCe. The result has been losing seasons and 4 new Head Coaches. In Fulmer's early days, we were successful in recruiting a number of players recruited by those teams. Later in Fulmer's coaching years, we did not sign as many of those players, and the coaching staff began to grow stagnate. In Kiffins one year, we recruited those players but a majority of the players did not stay past 2-3 years because of a number of different reasons. His coaching staff were good pretty good, but broke a number of NCAA rules. Dooley turned out to be a disaster for a coach and the bottom of the Football Program fell out. Positive attitudes of the football coaches, football players, the Administration, and the fans deteriorated to the point that the known "cream of the crop" coaches would not give Tennessee the time of day. All of a sudden, a lesser known coach was hired and the attitude began to change. The football team's attitude began to change from Ok we will play, to we want to get into better shape, learn how to better execute plays. The new coaching staff began to work their tails off in teaching football and recruiting quality football players. The Administration began to support the football program rather than give it second hand attention. Communication with high school coaches was reestablished, High school football players again became interested in Tennessee football, and former players realized that football was again becoming a positive asset for the university. Tennessee was, once again, beginning to successfully recruit players who were also being recruited by teams included in the top 10 teams in the country. The National media is , once again, realizing that the attitude of Tennessee football is changing its culture. The athletes being recruited are, once again, players of good character and great skill. The coaching staff is skilled and are willing to do what ever is legally necessary to bring Tennessee Football back to the elite position it once held. While this can not be accomplished in 1-2 years, the foundation to accomplish this will be completed with the 2015 and 2016 recruiting classes.
So it is a complex set of issues which are required to return OUR Football Program the the top. We, as Tennessee fan, must also do our part by supporting our Program with positive attitudes and support. Lets put the past behind and concentrate on the future. GO VOLS.