Coaching vs Talent.

Coaching any day. But this doesn't apply to every team. But for tennessee, theyre bound to get good talent every year just because of their name, so i'd take coaching. We've had a lot of talent for years and havent made a bowl game in 3 years, so definitely coaching.

Tennessee's ability to recruit talent, (with the exception of 2014 class) has been terribly hampered for the last 8-9 years....thus our record for the past 8-9 years
No school is ever going to reach Bama's level without both elite coaching and recruiting but UT even more so. As I tried apparently in vain to explain, if you depend as heavily on out of state talent to make your program great as UT does... you simply cannot afford and "average" coach even if he's a "great" recruiter. Over time even a great recruiter won't be able to pull the talent needed to win.

VegasVol does not post much anymore, which is a shame because while sometimes controversial his outlook was always very interesting.

anyway, what you are saying meshes with data that VV used to post. essentially, most recruits stay within a 200 mile radius of home. when bama, LSU, GA, UF, ole piss, SC, et al have decent programs it is very hard for UT to poach top players -- and TN (unlike LA, FL, TX, etc) does not have enough home grown talent to stock an SEC championship team.

for UT to ever be SEC relevant again (ie competing for championships) they are going to have to have elite recruiting, elite development, and elite coaching. CBJ is indicating so far that he might be able to pull off step one, but steps 2 and 3 are question marks.
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sorry but that analysis is terrible and simply ignores any outside factors involved.

first time a freshman has started at LB in the SEC? Seriously?

it is not an analysis, it is a list of factoids. you can attach whatever significance you choose.

the true Fr LB is a quote from the pregame propaganda show, part of a long list of "depth issues" that CDD was facing and being offered to temper the expectations of the fan base -- i did not double check their research.
it is not an analysis, it is a list of factoids. you can attach whatever significance you choose.

the true Fr LB is a quote from the pregame propaganda show, part of a long list of "depth issues" that CDD was facing and being offered to temper the expectations of the fan base -- i did not double check their research.

it's just a list of factoids that mean nothing when presented without context. What's the point?

and I absolutely do not believe we had the first true freshman LB start in SEC history
head coaches generally have an option to over turn any call a coordinator makes, either side of the ball. Its not like they change it on every play but to over turn from time to time.

many have said that CPF "micromanaged" and "handcuffed" Clawson by not allowing him to call his own plays, but it is awfully hard for me to believe that "pound the rock Fulmer" would call for Crompton to put the ball in the air (uh, wait, bounce the ball on the ground) 40+ times in the loss to UCLA.
many have said that CPF "micromanaged" and "handcuffed" Clawson by not allowing him to call his own plays, but it is awfully hard for me to believe that "pound the rock Fulmer" would call for Crompton to put the ball in the air (uh, wait, bounce the ball on the ground) 40+ times in the loss to UCLA.

bad rumors. made for good talk as to why they failed.

I was told by players on that team, that they went to Fulmer and asked him to take over the game planning and play calling. this happened in September.

He refused to do so. That is obvious because the one thing Clawson's offense (I met Clawson and personally liked him. I think his offense would have worked if they had been allowed more time) required was the flip flopping of the OL between left and right. They continued to do that all season so Fulmer did not revert back to his system and call plays.

Fulmer had a high level view of the Clawson offense but he did not know it. He could not have called the offense. Doesn't mean he did not provide input for play calls. As I said above, all head coaches do that.
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bad rumors. made for good talk as to why they failed.

I was told by players on that team, that they went to Fulmer and asked him to take over the game planning and play calling. this happened in September.

He refused to do so. That is obvious because the one thing Clawson's offense (I met Clawson and personally liked him. I think his offense would have worked if they had been allowed more time) required was the flip flopping of the OL between left and right. They continued to do that all season so Fulmer did not revert back to his system and call plays.

Fulmer had a high level view of the Clawson offense but he did not know it. He could not have called the offense. Doesn't mean he did not provide input for play calls. As I said above, all head coaches do that.

Thanks, Larry.

The UCLA game that year definitely got away from us. Clawson did try to get Crompdaddy "zoned-in" so to speak. I think everyone was confident we would win that game, but no one was prepared for JC's "deer-in-the-headlights" that early in the year.

I think after Bowling Green's conference championship, people are starting to realize that Fulmer was transitioning UT to the new realities of the SEC, Clawson just needed more time, and Hambone was a complete maroon as UTAD.
I played for Pete Potter at McCallie in high school. My junior year we were undefeated and unscored on in the regular season. We made it to the semi finals and got waxed by Jefferson County. We were small, well conditioned and very well coached. I don't know anything about the Jeff County coach at that time, but they were big and fast and we just couldn't handle them.

Great coaching with mediocre talent will only get you so far. I believe average coaching and great talent will prevail more times than not...
Picking one is a waste of time.

A coach might be able to win a game based on coaching.
Talent might be able to win a game based on talent.
Without talent AND coaching there will be no long-term success. It is a process, not a result.

Oh no. It's always either or at the VolNation.

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