If you aren't happy with a Vol victory (this upcoming game or any other) then I'm not certain how one can be considered a Vol fan. I just don't know how that could meet the definition.
No, the nettlesome part is that somehow, for some people, it is nigh impossible to posit realistic issues (like pointing out extreme youth/inexperience in key mismatch positions against an opposing team) without it being tantamount to, at best, "giving up" or "rolling over" or at worst basically rooting against UT. This simply makes no sense. There need be nothing mutually exclusive about pointing out there is precious little rational reason to believe we go to Norman and win vs cheering like hell in hopes that is exactly what happens. Those two points of view can easily coexist. If anything it makes any outcome better; a loss sucks but one hopes to glean some positive observations and a win is like reaching into a jacket pocket you haven't worn in a long time and pulling out a wad of money you didn't even know was there. Very much unexpected but but a happy surprise indeed.
I'm not about to preach down to how anyone wants to support the Vols but, damn, the really rabid kool-aide approach just looks emotionally exhausting.