Cohen likely to cooperate with prosecution

That's why I am hoping there is some documentation of the evidence that Trump directed him to commit illegal actions -- beyond the audio tape we have already heard of Trump doing just that. Too easy for the Trump slurpers like yourself to dismiss the things he says, otherwise.

What illegal action?
Good Lord it’s never going to end until Trump finishes his second term. The entire democratic party has evolved into a full blown sh!t show before our very eyes and it only took 2 months. Never in my 44 years have I witnessed such blind hatred for a man, woman, tri- gendered, bi- gendered, non- gendered, multi-gendered or gendered by square root as I see today. It’s ridiculous and honestly disgusting.
I could never have imagined that 34% of the American population would still be brainwashed to the point of continuing support of a despicable human and global joke. I sincerely believe that they need help. I worry about how they will cope with the inevitable.

Hope and change....yes we can!
Good Lord it’s never going to end until Trump finishes his second term. The entire democratic party has evolved into a full blown sh!t show before our very eyes and it only took 2 months. Never in my 44 years have I witnessed such blind hatred for a man, woman, tri- gendered, bi- gendered, non- gendered, multi-gendered or gendered by square root as I see today. It’s ridiculous and honestly disgusting.
The current democrat/socialist/antifa party are among the most despicable people to have ever walked the earth
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Democrats will now say Cohen is purer than snow.
If Bin Laden or Hitler came back to life and said they have some dirt on Trump from 1967 not only would the left believe them but they would be on their knees serving them up because they were willing to rat on Trump
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Just re-upping this thread since I got blasted when I originally posted it. Today's a sweet, sweet day. Callooh, callay

Why....the party of JFK (whom the media sheltered and protected) and Slick Willy and you have the balls to sit here and enjoy roasting a philandering (pre-politician too please understand) douche paying off whores.......and could have waited a few days until he was back. But, neither here nor there, the whole thing is pitiful.
Why....the party of JFK (whom the media sheltered and protected) and Slick Willy and you have the balls to sit here and enjoy roasting a philandering (pre-politician too please understand) douche paying off whores.......and could have waited a few days until he was back. But, neither here nor there, the whole thing is pitiful.

The comment about Cohen cooperation is pure speculation. The man hasnt even been indicted.
Nor will he
Accidentally opened page one. A couple of post from about 14 months ago. If time permitted, it would be fascinating to go back through the old Trump'Putin threads and see how much you guys have continued to move the threshold of what is acceptable from Trump.
Accidentally opened page one. A couple of post from about 14 months ago. If time permitted, it would be fascinating to go back through the old Trump'Putin threads and see how much you guys have continued to move the threshold of what is acceptable from Trump.

Sounds like a plan, get back to us with your findings. 👍
Accidentally opened page one. A couple of post from about 14 months ago. If time permitted, it would be fascinating to go back through the old Trump'Putin threads and see how much you guys have continued to move the threshold of what is acceptable from Trump.

Data is fluid
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Accidentally opened page one. A couple of post from about 14 months ago. If time permitted, it would be fascinating to go back through the old Trump'Putin threads and see how much you guys have continued to move the threshold of what is acceptable from Trump.

I’ve yet to see the wrong doing. Can you point it out to me?

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