Colin Kaepernick sits during national anthem

People throw the racist term on almost everything when what they really are describing is discrimination. Racism is discrimination based on skin color but this does nat make discrimination illegal. Everyone discriminates based on behavior, always have always will. I choose to discriminate against people who want to kill me, people who are too lazy to work and would rather be fed, people who wear their pants too low, ect ect ect regardless of their skin color white, black or brown equally. I am discriminated against my behavior everyday by someone. I can either change my behavior or just accept it and move forward. Its all up to me.
I'm sorry but no he's not disrespecting anyone. He's just being a petulant child.

This is the United States of America, he can stand, sit, blow his nose, he has the right. The 49s and the other NFL teams also have the right to not hire him, sponsors have the right to drop him and I as a consumer have the right to not buy products or services he endorses.

I respect this position a lot more than what I've seen most in here post.
List them

1st Amendment: We now live in a world of "Free speech zones" and govt backed political correctness.

2nd Amendment: Liberals have successfully eroded 2nd Amendment rights to the point that now, if you yell at your wife and the call it domestic abuse or domestic violence, you can have your rights revoked. Or if you disagree with the govt and find yourself on a no fly list, you can have your rights taken.

4th Amendment: Civil asset forfeiture, stop and frisk, the tactics used to allegedly stop terrorism and drug war.

9th Amendment: War on drugsome

10th Amendment: Weak state power and more centralized power in Washington.
No. You've got it wrong. Black pride is different from white supremacy. We're not teaching our children they are superior to other races or that whites are inferior. Rather we're teaching them to have pride in themselves, their people, and their history.

If you read my last post on the doll experiment, you'll see that black people have been brainwashed by white supremacy to hate themselves. When I say we need Black pride focused education targeted at our children, it's to fight off the horrible effects of white supremacy things like the doll experiment show.

Black people are taught to hate themselves and love everything white. We want our people to simply start loving themselves not hating anyone else.

No, D4H. You have it wrong. Teaching black pride will cause a "we have to stick together" mentality. The result is simple, segregation. Black business owners and manager will have pride of their pigment shoved into their heads from schooling and will act on the lessons and experiences.

Can you name a curriculum, media outlet for children or main stream entity that directly teaches kids black skin color is bad and white skin color is good? I'd venture to say you can't.

Reflecting back on my schooling, all I have learned is how sorry white people should be for slavery. All I have heard is that anything negative toward black people is racism. I'm 28. These lessons aren't fresh.

My family has also taught me to treat everyone equally and only judge on individual merits. I do that as best as a human can.

The solution is not to teach pride in differences. It's to erase the perceived importance of differences. Being black should never come up in anything whether it's scholarships, jobs, etc. Same with white or Asian or Latin. It shouldn't matter. But we have been reminded every day by the followers of BLM and your cognitive ilk that is DOES matter.

Your interests are not equality but rather an effort to become "more equal" than everyone else. Reparation requests prove that. Schooling on how great it is to be black prove that. Trying to create a separate country in the deep south for black people prove that.

I'm sure you'd be fine with white pride classes in the suburbs or rural areas of the country no? I actually want your answer on this. Seriously. Would you be OK with Asian pride classes in areas with Asian children? Or how about Latin pride in Texas and Florida?

Tell me, how are we going to make sure that a white, asian and latin kid can have a class for them? Do you think it is "just" or "equal" to have them sit through a class to learn how great you are? Sounds a bit like North Korea. We cant have all these pride classes as we dont even have a hold on the current curriculum without racial issues. So do we have schools for white, black, latin, asian, etc? This is getting closer 1860 the more we detail this asinine plan of yours.
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It's dumber than thinking North would be a top draft pick.

It's a serious question. I'm interested in his perspective of what "turning on their own people" means. Does it mean that blacks who have conformed to some type of societal norms and have become successful have therefore turned their backs on their own? Is it because they're educated, is it because they don't speak a certain dialect, is it because they dress a certain way, is it because they don't like rap music? What is it, exactly, that a black person does to turn against their own?

As an example, does D4H consider Obama a black person that "turned against his own"? If so, why or why not?
He doesn't have to. He does more than enough.

Its now on YOU to do something.

On me? Bull****. I don't agree with him. At all. I think he has been led down an ignorant race baiting path. Those race baiters are controlling him and you for their own agenda. You're just too naive to see it. The Democrats have been doing it for decades.

Everybody has been catering to you out of nonsensical guilt and now you lack accountability. Not my problem. Furthermore, Ive spent time and resources helping local folks. I've volunteered. At my wedding, we decided to donate to charities instead of the obligatory koozies with our wedding date on it. This is a mentality problem. Not a systematic problem.
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Funny, I never heard of that site until you slithered in and brought it to my attention.


I figured that's where you robbed most of your memes from. Well, you're welcome I guess. I'm sure you'll find it to be the Amazon Prime of anti liberal pictures. No doubt you'll be like a kid in the candy store over there.
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I figured that's where you robbed most of your memes from. Well, you're welcome I guess. I'm sure you'll find it to be the Amazon Prime of anti liberal pictures. No doubt you'll be like a kid in the candy store over there.

Facebook also provides the obligatory political memes, to be fair.
Hey Huff, Rodney Harrison, ya boy, just said Kaepernick isn't black and doesn't understand the black struggle. what're your thoughts?
A thoughtful post, but the main question still stands of "okay, and?" in regards to his actions. So he is making a stand against a perceived injustice with regards to the black community...and what now? Will he continue sitting on the sidelines to where his actions become a running joke and are ignored? Will he do something more to help the situation? Will he start focusing on the entire problem rather than just a singular part of it? You yourself have pointed out many a time that true change starts at home (or lack thereof) in so many cases of black youth falling into ill ways. So the big question at this point is "okay, now what?" in regards to his actions.

The problem that many see on here (discounting the idiocy of D4H's posts) is the fact he has had way more opportunities than other black males of his age group to make something of his life. And in turn, to effect positive change in the community by standing as an example and pushing for necessary change. While he certainly wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he for sure can point to his upbringing and say "this is what happens when you have a family environment that won't accept mediocrity and will push you to higher levels. I am proof that you can achieve greater things when you have a family that backs you and makes sure you are striving to be the best in life." But instead, he (so far) has only done a symbolic gesture that does nothing to help the problems. As many have stated already in this thread, his actions are not helping further the discussion on race relations any more than they were before. And claiming that the U.S. is inherently racist certainly is a lie in the face of his current position (and salary) he has worked to earn. Now it's true that not everyone can be a professional football or basketball player, but aren't there enough examples out there of minorities rising above the challenges of their upbringing to make something out of their lives?

So the question now is "and?" for everyone concerned. He's made his stance clear and what happens next? Will he use his newfound media attention to try to effect real change at the very root of the problems? Or will he continue to perform symbolic gestures that don't affect any change and are ignored after the media moves on to something else?
Another great post GV. I was sort of wondering the same thing. 'until he sees changes....'. That is massively open ended. How is HE going to acknowledge those changes even if they are perceptable? Like I said earlier, I think the only way his 'protest' ends is with his departure from the NFL.
Lebron's whole life is not an outlier. Making the completely unfounded assumption that he's never been discriminated against by the government, this still would prove nothing.
While I despise reality TV, at least LeBron is putting his money where his mouth is. -Cleveland Hustles on CNBC- (And I have not seen the show yet.) Cedric The Entertainer had a good handle on Kaepernick in the following clip:

"**** jesse jackson" :eek:lol::eek:lol:

D4H's head is gonna explode if he watches that.
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Eagles player Myke Tavarres is now joining the cause and will sit during the National Anthem. This is going to become a thing.
Yes I went to Duke.

And Obama should have instituted programs to specifically remedy the effect of structural anti-black racism in America. He should have made a stimulus package specifically for inner cities to put young black men to work. He should have demilitarized the police departments. He should have instituted a race conscious educational system in urban inner city schools specifically teaching black pride and power to students.

why should the government institute more work programs that never end up working? Perhaps the individual is responsible for finding a job.

I'm willing to guess your retort is: young black men can't get jobs because everyone is racist against them.
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Eagles player Myke Tavarres is now joining the cause and will sit during the National Anthem. This is going to become a thing.

Personally, I think the best decision they could make in protest this year would be to donate their entire paychecks (save for what is necessary for cost of living) to black urban and black rural investment initiatives.
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As for CK, the only time he will see a big "change" is when he is cut and no longer has an audience to watch him sit during the National Anthem.
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