No. You've got it wrong. Black pride is different from white supremacy. We're not teaching our children they are superior to other races or that whites are inferior. Rather we're teaching them to have pride in themselves, their people, and their history.
If you read my last post on the doll experiment, you'll see that black people have been brainwashed by white supremacy to hate themselves. When I say we need Black pride focused education targeted at our children, it's to fight off the horrible effects of white supremacy things like the doll experiment show.
Black people are taught to hate themselves and love everything white. We want our people to simply start loving themselves not hating anyone else.
No, D4H. You have it wrong. Teaching black pride will cause a "we have to stick together" mentality. The result is simple, segregation. Black business owners and manager will have pride of their pigment shoved into their heads from schooling and will act on the lessons and experiences.
Can you name a curriculum, media outlet for children or main stream entity that directly teaches kids black skin color is bad and white skin color is good? I'd venture to say you can't.
Reflecting back on my schooling, all I have learned is how sorry white people should be for slavery. All I have heard is that anything negative toward black people is racism. I'm 28. These lessons aren't fresh.
My family has also taught me to treat everyone equally and only judge on individual merits. I do that as best as a human can.
The solution is not to teach pride in differences. It's to erase the perceived importance of differences. Being black should never come up in anything whether it's scholarships, jobs, etc. Same with white or Asian or Latin. It shouldn't matter. But we have been reminded every day by the followers of BLM and your cognitive ilk that is DOES matter.
Your interests are not equality but rather an effort to become "more equal" than everyone else. Reparation requests prove that. Schooling on how great it is to be black prove that. Trying to create a separate country in the deep south for black people prove that.
I'm sure you'd be fine with white pride classes in the suburbs or rural areas of the country no? I actually want your answer on this. Seriously. Would you be OK with Asian pride classes in areas with Asian children? Or how about Latin pride in Texas and Florida?
Tell me, how are we going to make sure that a white, asian and latin kid can have a class for them? Do you think it is "just" or "equal" to have them sit through a class to learn how great you are? Sounds a bit like North Korea. We cant have all these pride classes as we dont even have a hold on the current curriculum without racial issues. So do we have schools for white, black, latin, asian, etc? This is getting closer 1860 the more we detail this asinine plan of yours.