Those are called "coons".
Black people that will turn on their own people to benefit themselves in the eyes of white people.
Also known as "uncle toms".
Unfortunately white supremacy is keeping this country from living up to it's ideals. And it's on white people to change themselves if they truly believe in justice. Cause it ain't on us black folks. We don't have the power to change the racial problems in this country. Its on white folks.
And until white folks reject white supremacy we'll never have equality and justice in this country.
So, blacks "that turn on their own people" are called a derogatory name. So, what does it mean to be black? If "white" in America means to try and uplift by generational improvement in means, in a structure that is static in capitalism, then what does being black mean?
Please tell me what being black is then if not correlated to "white" America?
As to your second quoted paragraph Frederick Douglass would ***** slap you for those words. Why is it that the majority of black youth don't know who he is?
Why is it that the most important black figure, and most important person for that matter concerning slavery and being able to lift oneself up by their own sweat and tears, is never discussed? Because he felt that it was the duty of individual blacks to fight for themselves and be self sufficient and holding themselves responsible to making their lives better and to never be dependent on anyone (especially a white) but themselves?
Is it because by his own remarks and beliefs the majority of black culture goes against everything he said? There is no excuse or problem too tough to conquer, he felt it and lived it. He didn't care if the entirety of the nation was racist, it wouldn't stop him from doing what was best for him. He worried about himself, not about white's changing themselves, this is what he wanted all blacks to know.
It's no ones job in the black community to improve their lot in life but the black community.
As someone who spent thousands of hours and a lot of money on computers, play grounds, and many school and community projects I did what I could to try and help. I challenge you to not post on here for a year and take that time and go out into the worst neighborhoods and do your part. When you aren't working, go volunteer.
Every minute on here could be spent trying to help in this fight you feel so passionate about, because you are doing no good on here in terms of helping this plight. You are just as bad as Kap and the talking without action, action by you, and sacrifice in time and money and effort shows you to be just another talking head, the worst type of black, or white for that matter, in the eyes of Douglass. Go help your community and stop talking on here about it.