A thoughtful post, but the main question still stands of "okay, and?" in regards to his actions. So he is making a stand against a perceived injustice with regards to the black community...and what now? Will he continue sitting on the sidelines to where his actions become a running joke and are ignored? Will he do something more to help the situation? Will he start focusing on the entire problem rather than just a singular part of it? You yourself have pointed out many a time that true change starts at home (or lack thereof) in so many cases of black youth falling into ill ways. So the big question at this point is "okay, now what?" in regards to his actions.
The problem that many see on here (discounting the idiocy of D4H's posts) is the fact he has had way more opportunities than other black males of his age group to make something of his life. And in turn, to effect positive change in the community by standing as an example and pushing for necessary change. While he certainly wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he for sure can point to his upbringing and say "this is what happens when you have a family environment that won't accept mediocrity and will push you to higher levels. I am proof that you can achieve greater things when you have a family that backs you and makes sure you are striving to be the best in life." But instead, he (so far) has only done a symbolic gesture that does nothing to help the problems. As many have stated already in this thread, his actions are not helping further the discussion on race relations any more than they were before. And claiming that the U.S. is inherently racist certainly is a lie in the face of his current position (and salary) he has worked to earn. Now it's true that not everyone can be a professional football or basketball player, but aren't there enough examples out there of minorities rising above the challenges of their upbringing to make something out of their lives?
So the question now is "and?" for everyone concerned. He's made his stance clear and what happens next? Will he use his newfound media attention to try to effect real change at the very root of the problems? Or will he continue to perform symbolic gestures that don't affect any change and are ignored after the media moves on to something else?