Colin Powell to endorse Obama....developing

I've been saying that for weeks. Palin is a farce. As Limbaugh has said, she is all "Babies, Guns, and Jesus"...way to shore up that base.

Ha, you ain't the only one (see 6 million threads started by notverycrucial), but congratulations on recognizing what should've been obvious to the vast majority of Republicans. Maybe they knew it, but were just afraid to say it out loud? My guess: once the election is over, we'll be able to separate the true wingnuts from the fakers by who's still willing to support Sarah Palin. That'll be my litmus test.
Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark surpass us in education, health, public generosity, per capita aid to the developing world, and low rates of violent crime and infant mortality.

Welcome to the UN. It's your world.
youleft out that they're not remotely close in higher education (even as a group), health is a silly stat, public generosity measures are skewed to exclude much church giving so it's not even close, our aid to the entire freaking world dwarfs everyone else's combined, and the fractional difference in infant mortality rates is essentially negligible (and WHO stats are so skewed and senseless as to be worthless).

It's cool to buy into the UN anti US drivel, but don't let it fool you. Socialism is the least innovative method on earth and that's why all of the innovation over the past 30 years (save cellular) has been generated here and incubated through our capital markets.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
youleft out that they're not remotely close in higher education (even as a group), health is a silly stat, public generosity measures are skewed to exclude much church giving so it's not even close, our aid to the entire freaking world dwarfs everyone else's combined, and the fractional difference in infant mortality rates is essentially negligible (and WHO stats are so skewed and senseless as to be worthless).

It's cool to buy into the UN anti US drivel, but don't let it fool you. Socialism is the least innovative method on earth and that's why all of the innovation over the past 30 years (save cellular) has been generated here and incubated through our capital markets.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I was just answering the question. Spin it however you want, it still is what it is. I can't help it if you consider a silly statistic for health being life expectancy...public generosity includes Church giving considering it is a public duty to give to a church in some European countries...the simple fact remains that per person citizens of these countries give more to the developing world...and they do have lower infant mortality rates. The U.S., on the other hand, also ranks high in the world on homicide, abortion, teen pregnancy, and STD infection.

I love this country, it is the greatest in the world. And you are right that our markets are to be credited for much this world has been given...but we are deluding ourselves if we think we are the pinnacle of society in every concievable way.
I was just answering the question. Spin it however you want, it still is what it is. I can't help it if you consider a silly statistic for health being life expectancy...public generosity includes Church giving considering it is a public duty to give to a church in some European countries...the simple fact remains that per person citizens of these countries give more to the developing world...and they do have lower infant mortality rates. The U.S., on the other hand, also ranks high in the world on homicide, abortion, teen pregnancy, and STD infection.

I love this country, it is the greatest in the world. And you are right that our markets are to be credited for much this world has been given...but we are deluding ourselves if we think we are the pinnacle of society in every concievable way.
I don't have to spin. They're the ones using magical stats to make capitalism and our form of democracy seem like just another of the systems. It's the best system there has ever been, but it doesn't fit the UN or WHO worldview, which is about world equality. Measures like third world giving and giving per capita are just trash ways to make our machine appear not to give the bulk of the money in the world.

longevity / life expectancy is about many more things than health and healthcare. We have enormous numbers of at risk folks who use their circumstances to justify bad decisions. Those folk contribute heavily to our reduced education scores, health numbers, infant mortality problems, etc. I know that giving them more money sounds like a fix, but then we move to socialism and badly hamper the true source of our might, the economy.
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Nice. You followed up the UN home page link with a link on fighting climate change. How long does this go on before you provide a link that backs up the assertions you made?

How about taking more than 10 seconds to look at the link? have got to be kidding is the pdf report on the right of the article. It is titled "Human Development Report 2007/2008". I didn't want you to have to download the whole .pdf file. Here is the direct link to the .pdf report, start on page 229 so as not to strain yourself with too much reading...
How about taking more than 10 seconds to look at the link? have got to be kidding is the pdf report on the right of the article. It is titled "Human Development Report 2007/2008". I didn't want you to have to download the whole .pdf file. Here is the direct link to the .pdf report, start on page 229 so as not to strain yourself with too much reading...

Yea, pardon me for not finding some report on your link and then making it to page 229 only to find hardly anything that backs up the assertions you made.
This is clearly a move by Powell to do 2 things.
1: A legacy move. He is known as one of THE guys to help push the US to war in Iraq. Now, he is endorcing the canidate that didnt want it in the first place? This move would help with his legacy not only with the liberal elites and the media, but also with minorities.
2: Gets him a job in the Obama administration. Thus becoming one of the biggest suckups since Jenna Jameson.
How about taking more than 10 seconds to look at the link? have got to be kidding is the pdf report on the right of the article. It is titled "Human Development Report 2007/2008". I didn't want you to have to download the whole .pdf file. Here is the direct link to the .pdf report, start on page 229 so as not to strain yourself with too much reading...

Who said he could read. He was looking for the pictures.
This is clearly a move by Powell to do 2 things.
1: A legacy move. He is known as one of THE guys to help push the US to war in Iraq. Now, he is endorcing the canidate that didnt want it in the first place? This move would help with his legacy not only with the liberal elites and the media, but also with minorities.
2: Gets him a job in the Obama administration. Thus becoming one of the biggest suckups since Jenna Jameson.

you are so dead wrong. He doesn't need a job but it would be nice he he were in there to provide his experience and knowledge on foreign affairs. Maybe this time it will be used and not ignored.

As to no. 1 He really did not have much of an option. Faulty intel provided and an Administration pushing for a war in Iraq. It was a lie that was perpetrated by the Bush Administration to get us into an unnecessary war and out of the fight in Afghanistan where we were needed to be. It was W trying to out do daddy. What a mess. The Bush administration opened up a Can of Worms that would have been well enough left alone.
Think you could provide a better link to back up your post than the home page of the UN?
Why should he? I mean honestly, nothing is good enough for you all, there's an excuse or faulty reasoning for everything. If it's not from Fox news or some right winged blog spouting off the gays, abortion and jesus...OH MY! routine, it's obsolete.
This is clearly a move by Powell to do 2 things.
1: A legacy move. He is known as one of THE guys to help push the US to war in Iraq. Now, he is endorcing the canidate that didnt want it in the first place? This move would help with his legacy not only with the liberal elites and the media, but also with minorities.
2: Gets him a job in the Obama administration. Thus becoming one of the biggest suckups since Jenna Jameson.
Or just maybe, he thinks it's the better option at this point in time.
This coming from a guy that needs analysis from Powell in order to decide how to vote.

What I should have said is that his creditability and forethought means everything. He was very passionate about the subject and spoke in complete sentences (Not like Palin) about the reasons we need to support his candidate Obama. Knowing Powell and his thought process means everything.

MC Cain and Palin have no substance in what they say about the issues so all they know is to Smear their opponents. Pretty Dense choice. The Republican party has turned into the party of lies, deceit and misinformation. They offer nothing of what they will do instead they just talk about what there opponent is doing. No Substance.

I think Mc Cain and Palin have man crushes on Obama.

Powell managed to state his opinion and reasoning without breaking stride and without the use of footnotes.

He was telling the old man and batty vp nominee to grow up and quit acting like spoil brats because somebody beat them to the finish line.

Their campaign has now been reduced to pointing fingers and whining because somebody spilled their milk or crapped in it and they accidentally ate it.

Grow UP and fight like a man or leaders but don't ask us to bail you out of a fight that you picked.

GOP now equals the Party of Whiners/liars and Gimmicks.

Crompton is greater than Palin. I know that is not saying much about either but it is a fact.

OBTW I am glad that Joe Liberman is on that side of the fence.
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What I should have said is that his creditability and forethought means everything. He was very passionate about the subject and spoke in complete sentences (Not like Palin) about the reasons we need to support his candidate Obama. Knowing Powell and his thought process means everything.

MC Cain and Palin have no substance in what they say about the issues so all they know is to Smear their opponents. Pretty Dense choice. The Republican party has turned into the party of lies, deceit and misinformation. They offer nothing of what they will do instead they just talk about what there opponent is doing. No Substance.

I think Mc Cain and Palin have man crushes on Obama.

Powell managed to state his opinion and reasoning without breaking stride and without the use of footnotes.

He was telling the old man and batty vp nominee to grow up and quit acting like spoil brats because somebody beat them to the finish line.

Their campaign has now been reduced to pointing fingers and whining because somebody spilled their milk or crapped in it and they accidentally ate it.

Grow UP and fight like a man or leaders but don't ask us to bail you out of a fight that you picked.

GOP now equals the Party of Whiners/liars and Gimmicks.

Crompton is greater than Palin. I know that is not saying much about either but it is a fact.

OBTW I am glad that Joe Liberman is on that side of the fence.

Wow! You just took up a lot of space to say nothing. But the capitalizing of random words was real cool.

Did Powell help you realize this? Or you already knew it but still needed him in order to make your decision.
Why should he? I mean honestly, nothing is good enough for you all, there's an excuse or faulty reasoning for everything. If it's not from Fox news or some right winged blog spouting off the gays, abortion and jesus...OH MY! routine, it's obsolete.

I love you people that are from that big tent party!
What I should have said is that his creditability and forethought means everything. He was very passionate about the subject and spoke in complete sentences (Not like Palin) about the reasons we need to support his candidate Obama. Knowing Powell and his thought process means everything.

MC Cain and Palin have no substance in what they say about the issues so all they know is to Smear their opponents. Pretty Dense choice. The Republican party has turned into the party of lies, deceit and misinformation. They offer nothing of what they will do instead they just talk about what there opponent is doing. No Substance.

I think Mc Cain and Palin have man crushes on Obama.

Powell managed to state his opinion and reasoning without breaking stride and without the use of footnotes.

He was telling the old man and batty vp nominee to grow up and quit acting like spoil brats because somebody beat them to the finish line.

Their campaign has now been reduced to pointing fingers and whining because somebody spilled their milk or crapped in it and they accidentally ate it.

Grow UP and fight like a man or leaders but don't ask us to bail you out of a fight that you picked.

GOP now equals the Party of Whiners/liars and Gimmicks.

Crompton is greater than Palin. I know that is not saying much about either but it is a fact.

OBTW I am glad that Joe Liberman is on that side of the fence.

now this little honey makes me very confident in your thinking. You're clearly issues driven and wholeheartedly believe in Obama because he's better prepared to be pres.

Maybe you could have added about 7 more paragraphs of nothing. The quality just kept going up withe each one, so 7 more would have probably started you on the road to a Pulitzer (that's a writin' prize).
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To pretend that either party has anything of substance to offer the American people right now is down right laughable.

I am beginning to think we really have become a nation of pansies. It is no longer about working to fix problems. We are fat and bloated and our only recourse these days is throwing money at problems.

Tax and spend + pork = bribing us with our own money.

Believing that anyone in this election is a maverick or has any real change to bring to Washington is simply a misplaced hope.
Why should he? I mean honestly, nothing is good enough for you all, there's an excuse or faulty reasoning for everything. If it's not from Fox news or some right winged blog spouting off the gays, abortion and jesus...OH MY! routine, it's obsolete.
Obsolete? Do what?

No. The point is that the UN is a garbage org. bent on world equality, which is stupidity today.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Obsolete? Do what?

No. The point is that the UN is a garbage org. bent on world equality, which is stupidity today.
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Any statistic not showing the U.S. is the greatest country in the world in every category is wrong? And if not, then let's go ahead and forget the statistics and change the topic to the "biased agenda" of the organization responsible for gathering the statistics. Allvol123 can't even read the stupid report. Why even bother?

If somebody on here says "show me one European country that is better than us" I will just not answer next time. Because it seems to me the best argument against the statistics is basically "The UN sucks". Nice.

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