Columbus teen shot by police

This post can’t be serious. You’re going to hit a moving target in the leg with an innocent victim on the other side?

You’ve seen John Wick one too many times

Gun Fu is soon to be a part of the weapons training program in the Academy.

And proper use of a pencil.
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Gun Fu is soon to be a part of the weapons training program in the Academy.

And proper use of a pencil.

“This is how to do a cross body, no-look leg shot with the right hand, while using your taser on a 2nd offender with the left hand”
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After watching the video.... There were adults there. Including the knife wielding teen's father. Why did they let these kids take it to the point that the police were needed

Was he the one kicking the girl in the head after she gets thrown down?
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After watching the video.... There were adults there. Including the knife wielding teen's father. Why did they let these kids take it to the point that the police were needed
One thing is certain I can tell you with absolute certainty whom the “adults” present and didn’t chose to act won’t see as culpable in this fiasco.
Here is what I am trying to figure out in the situation. At what point did she get the 12" knife. So it is said that she called the cops for help. Was she jumped outside, and then went into the house to call the cops, and then grabbed the knife and went back outside. Was she jumped outside and then called the cops, and then her guardian brought her the knife outside? When did the knife come into play?
Because they are themselves involved in higher rates of violence. I'm sure she just got cut off and couldn't finish the sentence.
Lebron James Says 'Hold My Beer,' Threatens Officer Involved in Columbus Police Shooting

Then there’s Lebron James. He decided to say “hold my beer” and just outright threaten the officer in question because this is what our country has come to.
— LeBron James (@KingJames) April 21, 2021

Next for what? A commendation for saving the life of an unarmed black girl? You’d also be mistaken for thinking James’ threat is one of physical violence. There are certainly a lot of people in the violent mobs we’ve witnessed over the last year that will be more than happy to dance to James’ tune here, and I don’t think they are thinking about courtrooms.

Lebron James Says 'Hold My Beer,' Threatens Officer Involved in Columbus Police Shooting
No liberals have commented in the thread yet. The officer is safe.

No charges will be filed against the cop who shot the protestor at the capitol - kinda sets a precedent. She wasn't even armed. It sure would look foolish to say that was a justified shoot, and one to save a person's life wasn't. Of course, libs are full of contradictions, and this begins with one was white and the current "victim" was black - so plenty of fuel for lib self immolation.
Lebron James Says 'Hold My Beer,' Threatens Officer Involved in Columbus Police Shooting

Then there’s Lebron James. He decided to say “hold my beer” and just outright threaten the officer in question because this is what our country has come to.
— LeBron James (@KingJames) April 21, 2021

Next for what? A commendation for saving the life of an unarmed black girl? You’d also be mistaken for thinking James’ threat is one of physical violence. There are certainly a lot of people in the violent mobs we’ve witnessed over the last year that will be more than happy to dance to James’ tune here, and I don’t think they are thinking about courtrooms.

Lebron James Says 'Hold My Beer,' Threatens Officer Involved in Columbus Police Shooting
Ha, he’s already deleted the tweet.
If cops are going to be vilified when they take appropriate action, then the communities which are in the most danger will have to start policing themselves. Older members remember the guardian angels of NYC in the 70s/80s. That would be the best model to follow.
Paul Kersey approves this post.
After watching the video.... There were adults there. Including the knife wielding teen's father. Why did they let these kids take it to the point that the police were needed
It was at a foster home. No idea who those people were.

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