Columbus teen shot by police

Is it going to get to the point that police responses will require only similar colored cops? IE, if a police officer responds to a scene involving people of color, the officer is required to be of color. idiotic, I know, but it just seems there is no end to this race narrative.
Biracial, Asian,...calling dispatch, send the Asian division...... nevermind the perp killed everyone and ran in front of a bus. I'll be 10-10 dispatch.
Is it going to get to the point that police responses will require only similar colored cops? IE, if a police officer responds to a scene involving people of color, the officer is required to be of color. idiotic, I know, but it just seems there is no end to this race narrative.
In the movies, black people say black cops are worse on them than white cops.

What we need are robocops.
What's amusing is it's the politicians that have given the police the power to make BS stops for tinted windows, the power to seize assets and took away their power to make judgement calls. The very same politicians condemning the police are responsible for how they behave but have any introduced legislation to remove stupid laws that cause police interactions?
Man, I need to grow me a pony tail for protection.

What's amusing is it's the politicians that have given the police the power to make BS stops for tinted windows, the power to seize assets and took away their power to make judgement calls. The very same politicians condemning the police are responsible for how they behave but have any introduced legislation to remove stupid laws that cause police interactions?
Bravo. Agreed.

That's pruning back to the roots, my friend.
What's amusing is it's the politicians that have given the police the power to make BS stops for tinted windows, the power to seize assets and took away their power to make judgement calls. The very same politicians condemning the police are responsible for how they behave but have any introduced legislation to remove stupid laws that cause police interactions?
All of these problems in inner cities run by Democrats. And somehow Democrats not only escape blame but are empowered by it. Police are a local issue, so if you don’t like it then hold your mayor accountable. Democrats tho love to exploit this stuff. And how in the world does someone like Joe Biden get off by decrying “systemic racism”. He’s been in power for 50 years. If systemic racism were a thing then he certainly is part of it.
Can you translate to old man English for me?
On Twitter, the ratio is likes to comments. Generally when you have more likes than comments, your tweet has been received positively. When it’s the reverse, your being ratioed. Currently she has a little over 700 likes compared to over 6k comments. So her tweet isn’t going over very well.
All of these problems in inner cities run by Democrats. And somehow Democrats not only escape blame but are empowered by it. Police are a local issue, so if you don’t like it then hold your mayor accountable. Democrats tho love to exploit this stuff. And how in the world does someone like Joe Biden get off by decrying “systemic racism”. He’s been in power for 50 years. If systemic racism were a thing then he certainly is part of it.

Yep. The police do nothing but enforce the idiocy passed by politicians at all levels so the politicians have no desire to actually fix anything. Fixing the problem only reduces their ability to use the police.
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