So he says he throws 93 with no control of a football. I know several HS players that pitch at 93 that want to come to UT. Why would you spend time trying to teach a college player to pitch when you have guys that already know most of the stuff and want to come? I know it is intriguing but I don't see it happening. We have too many guys that throw mid to upper 90's that are not getting to pitch already on staff. That would be like spending hours teaching a track star how to play baseball because he has 1 of the tools. We tried that years ago with a couple of HS guys and it was a total waste. They could not catch a ball even though they had the crazy speed to get to it. They could not steal because they never understood when to run so they were behind and would not slide. I know a HS team that took a track guy and tried to teach him to steal bases. They put him on third, no conversations ahead of time, and told him to steal next pitch. He was so fast the other team did not even try to throw him out. But I'm not sure you count stealing second from third a stolen base.

Next pitch after a conversation he was back on third. Last experiment with track guys playing baseball. You have to have more than 1 tool to play this game. Most complex game on campus.