Carter had little to do with his economy and a lot to do with the boom in the 80's. He's unfairly maligned. I have no hope for Biden to be the great deregulator that Carter was, but he will probably be unfairly maligned for this shaky economy. Trump intervenes in the market and disrupts supply chains with tariffs in his failed trade wars and then we have a pandemic, and here we are now with supply chain problems. This isn't on Biden.
Highlighted is the key point in your post; the supply chain issues today are primarily due to global, pandemic shutdown. There was little disruption in the supply chain before pandemic that wasn't being offset, even if at higher distributor and consumer prices, and economic expansion continued. You can say this isn't on Biden by blaming Trump; how ridiculous.
Here's the blame: the political left who insisted that we keep the world closed even after we had a better understanding of the virus. Domestically - yep! - the left again as they STILL insist on choking off commerce, education of our youth, free association in a "if it just saves lives" justification of smiley-faced fascism. Now, you can't blame a 100-year pandemic on Joe - or Trump - but one can readily observe that's Biden's anti-capitalist moves further mire us. But then, he promised us this bounty of deprivation when stating he'd be "the most progressive president ever!" It's what Rand themed a book for, '
The Return of The Primitive', the anti-industrial age, anti-capitalist Marxofascists. They can't be this stupid economically; it is purposeful, and it is just the tip of the spear.
Consider what both the tariff war and pandemic exposed, a sizeable economic interdependence upon a totalitarian regime with designs on global hegemon. Western capital - not Mao's Marxofascism - has lifted China economically to consider this practical. I think that of more importance than cheap goods and temporary supply issues and prices. Trump would have better served this goal by simply stating consumers will see higher prices, but that we must diversify our economic balance sheet.
Three decades of libertarian economic thought applied to China - that trade makes good friends and will cause China to liberalize - are found wanting. Paradoxically, it was Uncle Milton who told us that while capitalism is a requirement for liberty, it alone is not sufficient for establishment of liberty.
Congrats on your vote for someone other than Trump, and ensuring the person most antithetical to liberty was elected.