some of you are really sensitive.
The opponent thinks they can beat a team that hasn't been to a bowl game since 2010.
Is that really crazy?
I think Tennessee will win. I think Tennessee will win fairly comfortably. But, to be offended because another team thinks they can win the game is a little silly.
99gator I usually like your posts (for the most part), but it's no more silly than a Florida fan pointing out on their own board (if one exists) to Idaho fans or media or bloggers that just because Florida sucked
last year with a 4-8 season and got waxed by Georgia Southern, they might want to rethink the notion that the Vandals have a better shot than usual at winning the opener (even though they
really, really sucked
last year).
Your argument might be a disparity in talent, speed and strength, and
it's a new year and a lot of the Gators' existing problems have been worked on and should have been taken care of or shored up somewhat, and that you're historically a better program. And still all that would not mean you are overlooking them or didn't respect them or some of their better players.
The same arguments being made here... Just some people are vocal and generally hacked off because of being weary from the past several years of sub-par Tennessee football (but still never a 4-8

), and being constantly reminded of those years of being sub-par, and realize the first step to earning back respect is to attempt to curb stomp our first opponent - a worthy one based on
last year's performance which was part of the best years of their existence.
Now granted your first three opponents this year were collectively 5-31
last year, so maybe your breathing a bit easier and are more mellow than we are because we are playing Chuckie Keeton who
last year evidently proved he can walk on water - rehabbed knee and all, and can cure all the shortcomings of replacing almost as many starters as we do but with less talented players, and can single handedly nullify their historically abysmal opening game record (1-12 since 2000) -
if we are looking at past performance...
But this is
this year, and I will continue to be hopeful that we have improved and are on the right track until proven otherwise, and I for one am ready to tee this thing up so everybody can stop flapping their gums and we can start to sort it all out on the field... That is all.
Oh, and Go Big Orange!!!