Read through every movie mentioned ITT, here are the ones I have never seen...
Gone With The Wind
Citizen Kane
Alvin And The Chipmunks
Happy Feet
Kinda makes an abrupt turn halfway there, I admit
Still not bad for somebody who makes it to the theater maybe.... MAYBE once a year. And when I do it's by my film nerd friends dragging me to this indie arthouse type theater.
For Boondock Saints, I think we've all had that friend.
Friend: "Dude, you HAVE to watch this. SUCH a good movie."
You: "Alright, I guess... Willem Dafoe? Sure."
Friend: "Awesome, right?!"
You: "I mean, it was pretty good I guess."
*awkward silence*
You: ".... Bye now."
Also, anybody who's never seen Godfather I and II. Do it. Now.