Congress Criminal Referral Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Strzok, and Page to DOJ

Comey divulged the details of the four Americans connected to Trump in an exchange with Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy.

“Late July of 2016, the FBI did, in fact, open a counterintelligence investigation into, is it fair to say the Trump campaign or Donald Trump himself?” Gowdy asked.

“It's not fair to say either of those things, in my recollection,” Comey replied. “We opened investigations on four Americans to see if there was any connection between those four Americans and the Russian interference effort. And those four Americans did not include the candidate.”

But he mentioned them again later in the interview when Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democrat, pressed him further.

“Those individuals were affiliated with the campaign?” she said.
“I believe they were in some form.” “At least some of them were,” he replied.

James Comey Tells Congressional Investigators Four Americans Connected to Trump Probed Ahead of Election for Links to Russian Meddling

Does anyone want to take a guess at the identity of the other 3? We know of Papadopoulos.
...and write a book about it.
The Dims are panicking, get it right.
Panicking over what? We've lived the worst case scenario for two years. Things will only get better. The only question is how much better. Retaking the house is a huge step in the correct direction.
Panicking over what? We've lived the worst case scenario for two years. Things will only get better. The only question is how much better. Retaking the house is a huge step in the correct direction.
Better? You may need to look up the meaning of that word.
How’s the economy? How’s your 401K? That’s what better is compared to jug ears 8 years of doing nothing.
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Better? You may need to look up the meaning of that word.
How’s the economy? How’s your 401K? That’s what better is compared to jug ears 8 years of doing nothing.
If we ranked our top five priorities and assigned a point value to each that totaled 100, we would assign massively different values to personal pocket book issues.
That seems to be true about every redhatter I know.
If we ranked our top five priorities and assigned a point value to each that totaled 100, we would assign massively different values to personal pocket book issues.
That seems to be true about every redhatter I know.

It should be true with every conservative bs your list that you know , not just a “ red hatter” . That’s why you are a liberal ( one end of the scale and conservatives aren’t ( he other end of the same scale .
Still waiting for Strzok and his FBI lover to bring this whole thing down. How's that coming along red hats?
It should be true with every conservative bs your list that you know , not just a “ red hatter” . That’s why you are a liberal ( one end of the scale and conservatives aren’t ( he other end of the same scale .
True, for the most part, and I assume we are both comfortable with the way we prioritize.
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