Congress Criminal Referral Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Strzok, and Page to DOJ

Financial Bounty Hunters Testify: Clinton Foundation Operated As Foreign Agent - Sara A. Carter

Some inserts from the article.

The Clinton Foundation “began acting as an agent of foreign governments ‘early in its life’ and throughout its existence. As such, the foundation should’ve registered under FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act),” he said. “Ultimately, the Foundation and its auditors conceded in formal submissions that it did operate as a (foreign) agent, therefore the foundation is not entitled to its 501c3 tax exempt privileges as outlined in IRS 170 (c)2.”

Particularly, he noted the case of the Clinton Presidential Library in 2004. He noted that the foundation’s role before and after library was built was a misrepresentation to donors “of the approval organizational tax status to raise funds for the presidential library programs therein. In these pursuits the foundation failed the organizational and operational task 501c3 internal revenue code 7.25.3.”

Additionally Doyle stated that the foundation’s intentional “misuse of donated public funds.” He stated that the foundation “falsely attested that it received funds and used them for charitable purposes which was in fact not the case. Rather the foundation pursued in an array of activities both domestically and abroad.”
Not allowing his lawyer there was against the law Comey.

Comey admits decision to send FBI agents to interview Flynn was not standard

Former FBI Director James Comey admitted in a recent interview that he personally made the decision to send a pair of agents to interview President Trump’s national security adviser Michael Flynn in 2017, and acknowledged the arrangement was not typical for dealing with a White House official.

The new details about that fateful interview -- which led to criminal charges against Flynn -- come as a federal judge ordered Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team late Wednesday to turn over all the government's documents related to Flynn's questioning, ahead of sentencing.

Asked to describe how two FBI agents ended up at the White House to interview Flynn in January 2017, Comey, speaking to MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace during a forum discussion Sunday, said flatly: “I sent them.”


Comey went on to acknowledge the way the interview was set up – not through the White House counsel’s office, but arranged directly with Flynn – was not standard practice. He called it “something I probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away with in a more … organized administration.”
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The Senate really should get out of the investigating business, they still haven't caught Hillary.
They have no real power. They can't arrest anyone. If a special prosecutor, with subpoena power and the ability to convene a grand jury, was on her ass, it would be different. They can't get to the bottom of anything. That is for public consumption, and to try to hurt the opposition. The Dem House will be doing the same soon.
They have no real power. They can't arrest anyone. If a special prosecutor, with subpoena power and the ability to convene a grand jury, was on her ass, it would be different.
You know the Justice Department has been on her ass hoping to get a whiff.
They have no real power. They can't arrest anyone. If a special prosecutor, with subpoena power and the ability to convene a grand jury, was on her ass, it would be different. They can't get to the bottom of anything. That is for public consumption, and to try to hurt the opposition. The Dem House will be doing the same soon.

Why a special prosecutor?

Why not any US Attorney General? Like say John Huber of Utah.
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So how are the investigations into Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Strzok, and Page by the Trump justice department going?

Any arrests around the corner?
So how are the investigations into Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Strzok, and Page by the Trump justice department going?

Any arrests around the corner?
Get the DOJ to name a Special Prosecutor and there will be more of this sh!t show only with dirty Dems attached to it.

They won't because DOJ/FBI members would be in peril.

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