Conservative Hypocrisy on Trump Taking Secret Documents

I'm not familiar with this story but let me ask a question. Did you believe Hillary broke protocol and put the country at some risk? If so do you believe she should have been prosecuted?
Prosecute ANYONE who mishandles classified documents. The laws are there for a reason and there are no exceptions based on who you are
Prosecute ANYONE who mishandles classified documents. The laws are there for a reason and there are no exceptions based on who you are
I don't disagree. Was just wondering how impartial that guy was going to be. I though Hillary should have been held accountable, if Trump did something that put intelligence or classified info in jeapordy the same applies.
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No you don't get to take classified documents for your Presidential library. Seriously, you're proving my point. Where's your outrage? Bet you wanted to send Hillary to prison, but Trump, hey that's OK.
And you say that Obama did that? I challenge you to prove that (with legitimate proof, not Fox, OAN, Infowars or the Russian bots you guys are such suckers for).
Did you express outrage over Hillary or are you being the very thing you’re accusing others of being?
Conservatives are such hypocrites. In 2016 all we heard was "Lock Her Up" over Clinton's private file server, the gist of the argument being that she had endangered national security. Now we find Trump had 15 boxes of Top Secret documents that he illegally took to Florida.

Not a word about it from Fox, OAN or any of the self-styled "patriots" that post on here.

Pure hypocrisy.

You guys are jokes.
So now liberals want Trump locked up for the same thing they dismissed when Hillary did it. Weird how hypocrisy cuts both ways like that. I'm perfectly okay with locking them both up, as well as a lot of other politicians that have clearly broken laws, yet never face enforcement. Being a politician has clearly become a "get out of jail" card for many. Equal enforcement should be the goal. What political party they belong to shouldn't matter.

I'm gonna assume you feel the same. Or you could simply identify yourself as one of the hypocrites you're calling out.
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I've gotta say, I really don't understand why so many still have such love for Trump. The guy is a pompous douche bag. He's been romanticized as the outsider challenging the deep state, but that's just an inaccurate fantasy. I totally understand the appeal of an outsider challenging DC and making change for the betterment of all Americans, but at the end of the day, that's not Trump. He's too concerned with his own ego to give a **** about the average American. He's selling a load of BS, and it seems many of you are buying.

We need better choices, but Trump is not it. And that's not to say Biden, or any other current politician holding office is, but people need to see Trump for what he is and stop idealizing what he represents.
Conservatives are such hypocrites. In 2016 all we heard was "Lock Her Up" over Clinton's private file server, the gist of the argument being that she had endangered national security. Now we find Trump had 15 boxes of Top Secret documents that he illegally took to Florida.

Not a word about it from Fox, OAN or any of the self-styled "patriots" that post on here.

Pure hypocrisy.

You guys are jokes.
Kinda like "peaceful protest" while cities were being burned, people dragged from their cars and attacked, and even murdered. Then your side cries, "racist and violent" over truckers blowing their horns?🤣🤣 I'll fully agree that some act like Trump is a savior when he's not, but you calling Republicans hypocrite is hilarious.
Conservatives are such hypocrites. In 2016 all we heard was "Lock Her Up" over Clinton's private file server, the gist of the argument being that she had endangered national security. Now we find Trump had 15 boxes of Top Secret documents that he illegally took to Florida.

Not a word about it from Fox, OAN or any of the self-styled "patriots" that post on here.

Pure hypocrisy.

You guys are jokes.
Change your very first word to politicians. I think it's safe to say everyone knows I'm not a Trump fan, but to think it doesn't run both ways is comical.

I remember Obama running the first time on "traditional marriage" then the minute the polls showed that 51% of Americans supported gay marriage he concocted this story about his daughter talking about her friend with two moms and how it changed his mind.

Or how about this gem from Democratic Senate Majority leader Robert Byrd:
  • I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

The list goes on and on...for both sides. Both parties are full of hypocrites and outright liars and to suggest that either side is more "truthful" or "righteous" than the other is laughable.
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The Deep State is definitely scared of Trump and any chance of him holding office again.
Inside McConnell's Campaign to Take Back the Senate and Thwart Trump
Is the Deep State a 3rd cousin to Hillary's "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy?" Lol, Trump appointed 200ish lobbyists and insiders during his "Drain the swamp" days.
The only thing McConnell is afraid of is his party rallying behind someone that lost to a 78 year old Joe Biden. They know they have a shot the next time if they get behind the right candidate. Nobody's afraid of Trump, except maybe the White House plumbers.
Change your very first word to politicians. I think it's safe to say everyone knows I'm not a Trump fan, but to think it doesn't run both ways is comical.

I remember Obama running the first time on "traditional marriage" then the minute the polls showed that 51% of Americans supported gay marriage he concocted this story about his daughter talking about her friend with two moms and how it changed his mind.

Or how about this gem from Democratic Senate Majority leader Robert Byrd:
  • I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

The list goes on and on...for both sides. Both parties are full of hypocrites and outright liars and to suggest that either side is more "truthful" or "righteous" than the other is laughable.

You are correct, there are people in both parties who are hypocrites, my argument is that Conservatives practice it with relish.

As far as the racists that were once in the Democratic party, they are gone. Either by death or by expulsion (Strom Thurmond, although he had one redeeming factor in that all of his staffers were women and almost all of them were former Miss South Carolina pageant winners. When I was at Pentagon, there was no shortage of volunteers to "courier" something over to his offices.) or by conversion to Republican, the racists are gone. They have a new home in the Republican Party.
You are correct, there are people in both parties who are hypocrites, my argument is that Conservatives practice it with relish.

As far as the racists that were once in the Democratic party, they are gone. Either by death or by expulsion (Strom Thurmond, although he had one redeeming factor in that all of his staffers were women and almost all of them were former Miss South Carolina pageant winners. When I was at Pentagon, there was no shortage of volunteers to "courier" something over to his offices.) or by conversion to Republican, the racists are gone. They have a new home in the Republican Party.

Biden left the democratic party?
Kinda like "peaceful protest" while cities were being burned, people dragged from their cars and attacked, and even murdered. Then your side cries, "racist and violent" over truckers blowing their horns?🤣🤣 I'll fully agree that some act like Trump is a savior when he's not, but you calling Republicans hypocrite is hilarious.
I keep seeing people use the phrase "cities being burned". That has to be a rightwing propaganda phrase. No city was burned - none. Try saying "some buildings were burned in a few cities."
You are correct, there are people in both parties who are hypocrites, my argument is that Conservatives practice it with relish.

As far as the racists that were once in the Democratic party, they are gone. Either by death or by expulsion (Strom Thurmond, although he had one redeeming factor in that all of his staffers were women and almost all of them were former Miss South Carolina pageant winners. When I was at Pentagon, there was no shortage of volunteers to "courier" something over to his offices.) or by conversion to Republican, the racists are gone. They have a new home in the Republican Party.
Change it to politicians do it with relish.

"It is absolutely men’s responsibility to fight sexism too. And as spouses and partners and boyfriends, we need to work hard and be deliberate about creating truly equal relationships." Obama

Barack Obama inducts Jay-Z into Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: "I’ve turned to Jay-Z’s words at different points in my life"

List goes on and on.... they're all posers and fakes. You can try to tilt it to the right as much as you like but your kidding yourself.

Insurance carriers aren't going to be paying out billions in claims over the truckers.
Nope, it is just straight up business and personal loss, unlike the insurance companies that are paying out 73 million for Remington.
Change your very first word to politicians. I think it's safe to say everyone knows I'm not a Trump fan, but to think it doesn't run both ways is comical.

I remember Obama running the first time on "traditional marriage" then the minute the polls showed that 51% of Americans supported gay marriage he concocted this story about his daughter talking about her friend with two moms and how it changed his mind.

Or how about this gem from Democratic Senate Majority leader Robert Byrd:
  • I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

The list goes on and on...for both sides. Both parties are full of hypocrites and outright liars and to suggest that either side is more "truthful" or "righteous" than the other is laughable.
There is some truth there, but we have to acknowledge that many people can and do change.....thank god.
It's the people who never change that are most deserving of contempt.
I work in IT, I know EXACTLY what I mean. Do you have a Security A+ Certtification? I do. Tell you what, I will not argue law with you if you will not argue Server Security with me.
Sad thing is…. He doesn’t realize he just had his ass e kicked
I've gotta say, I really don't understand why so many still have such love for Trump. The guy is a pompous douche bag. He's been romanticized as the outsider challenging the deep state, but that's just an inaccurate fantasy. I totally understand the appeal of an outsider challenging DC and making change for the betterment of all Americans, but at the end of the day, that's not Trump. He's too concerned with his own ego to give a **** about the average American. He's selling a load of BS, and it seems many of you are buying.

We need better choices, but Trump is not it. And that's not to say Biden, or any other current politician holding office is, but people need to see Trump for what he is and stop idealizing what he represents.
The better choice was Trump.

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