Conservative Hypocrisy on Trump Taking Secret Documents

Biden left the democratic party?

BS response. Come on, even you don't really believe Biden is racist. It would be more effective if you just responded "Bite me" at least it wouldn't be some right wing "Oh yeah, well you're one too."
Conservatives are such hypocrites. In 2016 all we heard was "Lock Her Up" over Clinton's private file server, the gist of the argument being that she had endangered national security. Now we find Trump had 15 boxes of Top Secret documents that he illegally took to Florida.

Not a word about it from Fox, OAN or any of the self-styled "patriots" that post on here.

Pure hypocrisy.

You guys are jokes.
Have a link? Or we just going full LG? Never go full LG btw.

"I cant believe no one is taking this news story seriously" *doesnt provide said news story*
BS response. Come on, even you don't really believe Biden is racist. It would be more effective if you just responded "Bite me" at least it wouldn't be some right wing "Oh yeah, well you're one too."
Biden is INCREDIBLY racist.

Praises known racists.
Voted through, and even authored, racist laws.
Spent his entire career saying racist things.
The only reason he isnt blasted as racist is because his token black friend is Obama.
It’s funny to see the fake libertarians and arbiters of “neutral” politics chime in.
The way some of those guys talk you would think they are the second coming of Billy Graham or Saint Francis of Assisi.
I work in IT, I know EXACTLY what I mean. Do you have a Security A+ Certtification? I do. Tell you what, I will not argue law with you if you will not argue Server Security with me.

Did you just capitalize "Server Security?"

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I thought HC kept an private email server for public and official use. What exactly was "hacked?"
Biden is INCREDIBLY racist.

Praises known racists.
Voted through, and even authored, racist laws.
Spent his entire career saying racist things.
The only reason he isnt blasted as racist is because his token black friend is Obama.

Best friend is black, brings in a black as his second in command.

Clearly, he hates those people.
So tokenism is ok. Got it.

It's always been OK. Mike Pence and Sarah Palin were nothing but tokens used to drum up voting blocs. I'd like to point at Trumps friends but we all know he didn't have any.

I'm just saying that a real racist wouldn't have had a black woman sniff the VP position and damn sure wouldn't be nominating one for SCOTUS.
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BS response. Come on, even you don't really believe Biden is racist. It would be more effective if you just responded "Bite me" at least it wouldn't be some right wing "Oh yeah, well you're one too."

Why wouldn't I believe Biden is racist? He has a long history of racist remarks even very recently, associations with admitted racists and sponsored a crime bill specifically targeting the black community. I mean if it walks like a duck isn't it a duck?

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