Unconstitutional. No elected bueracrat has the power to defy you your ability to provide for your family, whilst they are still able to be paid civil servants.
I would never have shut down any company I owned. I would make it clear that some douche politician is going to tell me what is best for me, if they feel so, they can personally come shut me down, and tell their security detail that they should call home and talk to their spouse and make sure that the possibility of dying over shutting me down is a reality, and maybe, they should think about being in my shoes.
Cash flow is king, my creditors are not going to care about my plight, regardless of the situation or political climate, as they have obligations as well, and if we all just acquiesce then somewhere the ball rolling down hill becomes a meteor crushing everything under it.
Man's codified laws are just that, man's, and for this, this man disagrees and thus, we will have to see how things shake out. Because, I am willing to fight, and die, for what is important to me. Is it that important to the police or security details, probably not, to the politician, certainly not. Leave me alone.