Oh lord, this thread could get dangerous.
I was at UT from 1997-2002 and participated in, or witnessed things that make Mardi Gras look tame.
Some of the memories from that time are sheer insanity. I was a UT ROTC cadet, and ran with that crowd-probably the only other group on campus that had as much piss and vinegar as the football players. Our classes and work-out facilities were in Stokely Athletic Center so we frequently ran into football players in Gibbs hall. Not only that but we had use of the Football team's indoor training facilities in adverse weather conditions. It was a cool arrangement. In fact, many of those guys took the first two years of ROTC classes for the easy elective A, so I ran into guys like Travis Henry, Jamaal Lewis, etc.
I also lived in Andy Holt Tower. Between fall and Spring Semester 2000 (might have been 2001) I moved off campus to live with some of my ROTC buddies. Kelly Washington moved in to my spot in my old room. I used to go back to visit my old roommates, or to hang out between classes when I didn't have enough time to go home, and often ran into him. He loved Playstation, and women. And debauchery. My old roommates have wild stories about their brief time living with him. It was like they lived the movie "Hangover." I can't tell those stories though, they aren't mine, and I don't want to incriminate anyone.
One story I can tell is this: back in about 2000 there was a club behind Wendy's on the strip called "Dante's Inferno." The ROTC crowd tended to frequent the joint, especially on Wednesday nights when they had fifty cent pitchers. My best friend and I (he is now a special forces major) got into some adventures down there, several involved football players.
One night in particular, we arrived at Dante's about 9pm to get our drink on. We wanted to get there soon enough to wallow out a little room so when the place was crazy later that night, we could stretch our legs a bit. There is no better way to hit on women than to have a place for her to sit when the club is packed.
Anyway, we were drinking at a table that was nothing more than plastic outdoor furniture. We were totally inebriated and the club was packed. Standing room only. The place is sweaty full while he and I are sitting at a table with about 6 empty chairs, drinking, aloof. That was our game at the time. Two military types ignoring women tend to get a lot of attention (it worked, believe it or not).
Into the club walks in the whole offensive line. I am not joking, it was quite literally the whole line.
Of course the women swoon, the men size these monster's up, and the Major and I sit drinking in our prime real estate with empty chairs. Some sorority girls we knew came up and we stood to talk to them, our back to the table. We turn around and the offensive line is starting to sit down in the seats we had just occupied. The Major hooks his foot in one of the chairs they are pulling out and simply says "someone's sitting there" and he scoots the chair back under the table. He doesn't even turn to look at the football players, one who is now left without a seat.
It's on at this point. The offensive line stands up, almost turning the table over, and goes shoulder to shoulder. The major puts his drink down, calmly turns around to face them and just says "people are sitting here."
I'm 6'2'', about 220 and in excellent shape at the time but these monsters terrified me. I couldn't hide, the whole club was watching as this scene unfolds. All I could do is stand next to the Major and hope that my end came quickly. We were "battle buddies" so where he went, I went. I knew that if I got my tail beat and went to jail, I would get in worse trouble from our commanding officers if I left him alone in danger. I was full on committed.
There was this O.K. Corral type stand off, with just us two and about 6 football players. To this day I don't' believe it, but those guys ended up backing off of the Major. We ended up hugging and shaking hands and they left. To their credit, they had the sense to not start a bar brawl and that certainly built some street cred for the two ROTC cadets who backed down the much bigger guys who weren't actually looking for a fight. Months after that night he and I would get stopped somewhere and some random person, usually a girl, would say...hey, you're those guys that almost fought the football team (little do they know that I had to change my underwear when I got home). Ha.
End of story...I guess it's safe to say that you had to be there.