"Cool Story Bro" Thread

Lived in AZ for a while and attended several spring training games. Always wore my Orange. Todd Helton walked directly to the first base line where I was sitting before a game. We talked UT, then he autographed a baseball for me.
I was at Philip Fulmer Football camp and:
1.) Al Wilson was in my Defensive Backs group
2.) Lovie Smith was the DB coach during the week
3.) During that week OJ was running from Johnny Law in the Bronco and we didn't know anything about it because we didn't have TVs.

Bonus: Carl Pickens was working out in the weight room and being "not cool" to all the youngsters that were excited to see him.

I was fortunate enough to get into the locker room once after a game in the early 90's and all players were cool and very accommodating, except for Pickens. He was a jerk.
I don't have much but....

I was at the 1986 Liberty Bowl and watched Tennessee beat Minnesota. The cool part was watching Lee Greenwood in the halftime show sing "Proud to be an American." The line "From the lakes of Minnesota...to the hills of Tennessee" was spine tingling as the crowds from both sides cheered in Patriotic unison.
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I worked at the Circuit City in Cleveland, TN during its Grand Opening. We knew that CC would hire a celebrity to be there, but no one had any idea who. We were out back having our pre-game meeting and when I walked out there I saw a giant, black, jacked up F-150. I've always loved big trucks so I said "who drives that truck?" to the employees around me. One of them said "Seriously? Did you not see who is in it?"

Right at that time out stepped Albert Haynesworth. He said hey to everybody and was there to sign footballs for customers as our celebrity. Very cool guy. We had a grill going for the employees out back. He asked one of my coworkers if they would bring him something to eat, my coworker said we have grilled hot dogs. Haynesworth asked for 4 of them. He downed all 4 in maybe 5 minutes.
I gave up UT Football completely several years ago. Our kicker missed the XP against UF and cost us the game . I texted the guy a death threat and just walked awayaway . Decided to check back in tonight. How has the team been doing?
Do you not get sport news in prison?
"The kick is GOOD!

Oh, wait a minute...

the kick is no good, it's no good!"

A call that will go down in infamy.
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In 1982 my dad took me to one of my first UT games and we spent the night afterwards (big deal when you are a little kid haha). The next day leaving town we had a flat tire. As my dad got out to change it, a car with three guys stopped to help. After talking to my dad for a second, one of them came back to to rear window and introduced himself "Hi, my name is Reggie White and your dad says you are my biggest fan!"
I'm 40 and I still love him for that memory.
PS I'm sure the other two were vols also, but I either didn't know or don't remember, and dad's gone now. Always wondered who those guys were.
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1 night at Spinnaker ' s in Jackson, TN, we were having a few beers when the crowd parted and the dj announced "we would like to welcome the new starting quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts, Mr. Peyton Manning." He walked out onto the dance floor and waved to the crowd and danced with about 6 blondes at 1 time and had a Bud Light in each hand. He walked over to the corner and stood there with Trey Teague and I bought him a beer and took it over to him and shook his hand. I asked him for his autograph and handed him the beer and he said "thank you but let me buy you 1." He signed a dollar bill and we talked UT Football for a few and I said "thank you for the autograph and the memories Peyton, good luck in Indy."

He is a very humble and very nice guy....Trey Teague should have taken lessons from him.
One night while bartending at nightclub in Chattanooga Eddie Moore came up to my bar and bought a shot for every girl in the club. Needless to say some other shenanigans happened after all the shots got passed out but this is a family friendly website so I will just leave it at that. :shaking2::censored:
So I thought it would be cool to have a cool story bro thread, where we could all get together and tell our cool stories dealing with UT football. Please keep it relevant to games you have been to. (nb4 "Cool Starry Bra" meme)

So I will start:

so back when Dooley was head doofus here we hosted bama here once, and my friends and I were students and had front row seats. Now most of my family are bama fans :sick: so I have a lot of saved up aggression and other factoids to use on bama. Anyway after half time, and some good ribbing of the team and their millionth of a dollar band, the espn guy comes around and checks the mike in front of the student section. He ends up moving it back. we ask him why and he goes on about how they are picking up one guy over crowd, he said this person wasn't cursing too much or saying things not safe for TV but that it was funny and for some reason they have a policy to not air one person 'giving it' to the other team. We asked what that person was saying and sure enough it was me, he shook my hand and said in his years of working for ESPN he has never had to move the mike for one person. This is why I am 'too loud for ESPN'

second story: again while students and again on the front row I got some good heckling in on kentucky (I want to say this was Fulmers last game but not sure) there was this one defensive linemen on their team that was a bench rider and so I was giving it to him pretty harsh. "How does it feel to play against the team that didn't recruit you." "Did you know you weren't even alive the last time you beat Tennessee" "Why are you drinking all that poweraid you haven't done anything on the field" any way at one point he responded to some other students trying to get him to throw them his helmet, he acted like he was going to toss it but then shook his head and pointed at the field. To this I yelled at him "Hey man you can give me your helmet, don't worry I won't be wearing it on the field either." this got him angry and a couple of his teammates actually had to guide him back to the bench.

so anyway lets hear some 'cool stories bros' and first thread!!!

Several years ago, bill Hullander the president of hullco windows in chattanooga, would have pre season booster parties at his farm in apison. These events wpuld occur in late July prior to the freshmen reporting and every year, 9 or 10 players would attend.
On year, a tall skinny prospect showed up, and not many of the attendees knew who he was, but I did. Me and a couple of other guys struck up a conversation with him and handed him a football and asked him to see if he could throw it across a pond on bill's property. The pond was no more than 50 yards across, so the young man gave it the old college try. Much to our chagrin, the ball didn't make it across and we all walked away disappointed in the young man' slack of arm strength. It was none other than Peyton Manning!:eek:lol:
Another time, years ago, I was with a buddy and encountered john ward just off the strip before a game. I yelled give him six and John just about jumped out of his shoes!
I Also met Larry Munson before a basketball game in Knoxville.
I have a couple of Doug Dickey stories...

Story 1: It must have been June 2000 when I was at Innisbrook, a resort not too far from Tampa, for an industry convention. I had a little free time and decided to go swimming. As I normally do, I had on a UT shirt as I swam. There were only 2 or 3 of us in the large pool but one of the others was a guy doing the backstroke and spitting water up in the air. After a couple of minutes, he stopped swimming and stood up in the pool. I saw that it was Doug Dickey. I knew the SEC athletic directors were meeting at the same resort so it wasn't a big shock to see him. I introduced myself and we spoke for several minutes just standing in the pool. He mentioned this freshman QB by the name of Casey Clausen. I had, of course, heard of Clausen, but was surprised to hear Dickey speak so highly of him.

Story 2: Back in 1992 when my wife and I were on our honeymoon, we went to the NC mountains and then traveled over to Knoxville so I could introduce her to all that is Big Orange and holy! We were headed to where they housed a lot of memorabilia and as we were approaching the entrance, Doug Dickey came up the other sidewalk with a couple of men. I couldn't help but stop them and introduce myself and my wife. DD was the first person I introduced her to as my wife.

So you've been stalking Doug Dickey for 22 years! Nice!
After almost 4 decades as a fan I was able to get a pass to stand on the field for about 90 minutes b4 a game watching warmups, etc. !st time I ever stood on Neyland itself looking up at the stands filling instead of just looking down at the field.Pretty neat experience.
One night while bartending at nightclub in Chattanooga Eddie Moore came up to my bar and bought a shot for every girl in the club. Needless to say some other shenanigans happened after all the shots got passed out but this is a family friendly website so I will just leave it at that. :shaking2::censored:

No no, please, continue.

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