"Cool Story Bro" Thread

I was a freshman in 2004, and UT was in the middle of a pretty good season rotating 2 freshman QB's. People around campus were excited about the team and the future of the two young QB's. Then Brent Schaffer had a season ending injury against USCe and then Erik Ainge also suffered a season ending shoulder injury against Notre Dame the following week.

About a week after Ainge's injury I was walking home to Melrose from Presidential and turned a corner around a building. Once I turned the corner I came about half an inch from ramming into Ainge's injured shoulder. He was coming around the same corner and I had to literally jump out of his way.

Took me a couple seconds to collect myself because I almost further injured UT's starting QB. I was convinced I would have gotten kicked out of school if I had run into him.
I gave up UT Football completely several years ago. Our kicker missed the XP against UF and cost us the game . I texted the guy a death threat and just walked awayaway . Decided to check back in tonight. How has the team been doing?
Met Kamiko Williams' family a month ago as they moved up north.
Her father is retired military. The coolest part is her younger brother is quite good already. Good handle and a smoother jumper too. Future Vol of course...
You back now that things are looking promising again?

Cool bro. Gonna send some more death threats this season? Don't worry about how the team's been doing, just go ahead and check back out of the fanbase.

Better hope that wasn't a boomerang. (That went over your head.)
Not sure I would want to hang with the OP either. Nothing like a loud guy who thinks he's funny.

I bet you sit down for the entire game.

and I am only loud at games. And sorry i was a student there during the worst stretch of UT football ever, and the only fun to be had at games was to heckle the opposing team.
I was sitting in the front row at the Tennessee vs Temple BB game when Ernie and Bernie were here and Temple ran the 4 corner offense the whole game ( prior to shot clocks) and the final score was I believe 11-7 Tennessee. We gave coach Chaney he!! the whole game and the Temple players were cussing us as flipping us the bird the whole game. I was very young but the adults around me were unmerciful on those players and Chaney.
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1982 my freshman year at UT. Went to a BBall game at Stokely and while waiting to go in, the ushers held everyone back and the team came strolling in!
My all time favorite BB Vol Dale Ellis walked right by, looked at me and said "Hey".
I stood there staring at him with my mouth hanging open like an idiot! :crazy:
Never forget how tall he seemed. It was a privilege watching him play, he was fluid grace in motion! :rock:

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Met Big Al Wilson after the orange & white game last year. Also, met Justin Worley after the Auburn game last year. My husband runs into Phillip Crosby all the time at the grocery store here in Charlotte. Went to Vols vs. UCLA football game and night before went to the Sparks game. There was a meet & greet with Candace Parker and she was kind of rude.
Oh lord, this thread could get dangerous.

I was at UT from 1997-2002 and participated in, or witnessed things that make Mardi Gras look tame.

Some of the memories from that time are sheer insanity. I was a UT ROTC cadet, and ran with that crowd-probably the only other group on campus that had as much piss and vinegar as the football players. Our classes and work-out facilities were in Stokely Athletic Center so we frequently ran into football players in Gibbs hall. Not only that but we had use of the Football team's indoor training facilities in adverse weather conditions. It was a cool arrangement. In fact, many of those guys took the first two years of ROTC classes for the easy elective A, so I ran into guys like Travis Henry, Jamaal Lewis, etc.

I also lived in Andy Holt Tower. Between fall and Spring Semester 2000 (might have been 2001) I moved off campus to live with some of my ROTC buddies. Kelly Washington moved in to my spot in my old room. I used to go back to visit my old roommates, or to hang out between classes when I didn't have enough time to go home, and often ran into him. He loved Playstation, and women. And debauchery. My old roommates have wild stories about their brief time living with him. It was like they lived the movie "Hangover." I can't tell those stories though, they aren't mine, and I don't want to incriminate anyone.

One story I can tell is this: back in about 2000 there was a club behind Wendy's on the strip called "Dante's Inferno." The ROTC crowd tended to frequent the joint, especially on Wednesday nights when they had fifty cent pitchers. My best friend and I (he is now a special forces major) got into some adventures down there, several involved football players.

One night in particular, we arrived at Dante's about 9pm to get our drink on. We wanted to get there soon enough to wallow out a little room so when the place was crazy later that night, we could stretch our legs a bit. There is no better way to hit on women than to have a place for her to sit when the club is packed.

Anyway, we were drinking at a table that was nothing more than plastic outdoor furniture. We were totally inebriated and the club was packed. Standing room only. The place is sweaty full while he and I are sitting at a table with about 6 empty chairs, drinking, aloof. That was our game at the time. Two military types ignoring women tend to get a lot of attention (it worked, believe it or not).

Into the club walks in the whole offensive line. I am not joking, it was quite literally the whole line.

Of course the women swoon, the men size these monster's up, and the Major and I sit drinking in our prime real estate with empty chairs. Some sorority girls we knew came up and we stood to talk to them, our back to the table. We turn around and the offensive line is starting to sit down in the seats we had just occupied. The Major hooks his foot in one of the chairs they are pulling out and simply says "someone's sitting there" and he scoots the chair back under the table. He doesn't even turn to look at the football players, one who is now left without a seat.

It's on at this point. The offensive line stands up, almost turning the table over, and goes shoulder to shoulder. The major puts his drink down, calmly turns around to face them and just says "people are sitting here."

I'm 6'2'', about 220 and in excellent shape at the time but these monsters terrified me. I couldn't hide, the whole club was watching as this scene unfolds. All I could do is stand next to the Major and hope that my end came quickly. We were "battle buddies" so where he went, I went. I knew that if I got my tail beat and went to jail, I would get in worse trouble from our commanding officers if I left him alone in danger. I was full on committed.

There was this O.K. Corral type stand off, with just us two and about 6 football players. To this day I don't' believe it, but those guys ended up backing off of the Major. We ended up hugging and shaking hands and they left. To their credit, they had the sense to not start a bar brawl and that certainly built some street cred for the two ROTC cadets who backed down the much bigger guys who weren't actually looking for a fight. Months after that night he and I would get stopped somewhere and some random person, usually a girl, would say...hey, you're those guys that almost fought the football team (little do they know that I had to change my underwear when I got home). Ha.

End of story...I guess it's safe to say that you had to be there.

Wow, sounds like my life there, only about 15 years earlier. Except, they didn't always back down and my best friend was only about 5'3" and he wouldn't back down either. I was his "big friend" who always had his back. Good thing no one got arrested for fighting in those days.
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While I was at work, I met big Albert Haynesworth. He has a daughter that plays in a soccer league that plays at the soccer arena I work at. I knew how big he was, but when I met him face to face, I didn't realize he was extremely tall. He's taller than what I thought. Very nice guy.

When I was walking through the Cool Springs Galleria Mall, I met Wayne Chism. Is hook his hand and I could believe how big his hands were. They made my hands look small. Nice guy too.
I bet you sit down for the entire game.

and I am only loud at games. And sorry i was a student there during the worst stretch of UT football ever, and the only fun to be had at games was to heckle the opposing team.

Not at all. I stand and scream. But I don't feel the need to heckle. I'm sorry if I didn't find your comments as funny as you did.
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I bet you sit down for the entire game.

and I am only loud at games. And sorry i was a student there during the worst stretch of UT football ever, and the only fun to be had at games was to heckle the opposing team.

I have to say though, that there is something really funny about the guy posting about his heckling prowess getting his feelings hurt so easily.
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In '98 we went to the Ga. game in Athens...While walking around town on Fri. we got al of these condescending remarks, "How bad you gonna beat us?" and snorting loudly...Of course, Jamal was injured and a guy by the name of Henry ran all over them...Sat in the endzone bleachers where Vol fans were put then and when their fans began to file out in the 3rd qtr., the entire group gave them plenty of lip...Then orange fans began shouting, "Keep Jim Donnan, Keep Jim Donnan..." so loudly that it echoed throughout the stadium..That was the last yr. that Vol fans were seated in that end zone...Drove home with big sign in back of car..."Vols March Through Georgia With General Martin"....
Coolest: I was along one of the parade routes at Mardi Gras in February of '98 with some friends I'd met that had come to school at UT from New Orleans. We had met up with several of their friends at this spot and this particular area we'd taken over happened to be directly across the street from a bunch of Auburn students. We were hanging out there all day, watching the different parades and drinking. In between the parades, and as we became more and more buzzed, it turned into heckling back and forth between the UT and AU fans, nothing serious, all in good fun. We were chanting S-E-C...S-E-C...S-E-C since we'd just beaten them in the SEC Championship game a few months before. Seeing as Auburn fans have pea brains and nothing else to brag about at that time in their program, the best they could do was try to dog on Woodson's robbing Manning of the Heisman Award. They start chanting HEISMAN...HEISMAN...HEISMAN. Out of nowhere, every single Auburn fan starts to come running across the street towards us. Standing in the middle of our group, it's Trey Teague and Peyton Manning. All the AU fans are wanting pics and autographs. We treated it like they were with us, gave em' some beers and got a pic of me and Peyton with me looking completely Mardi Gras ridiculous. I'm wearing viking horns with panties on them, ton of beads...I really need to get around to scanning that pic.

Pretty Cool: I had some friends that lived in the condos behind Pilot on the strip. I was at a party after the Auburn game in '98. Turned out that Tee Martin also lived at those condos. He was having a party a few condos down. Even Jamal Lewis was there, on crutches as he'd just blown out his knee in that day's game. One of the guys at our party was a UT cheerleader and went down to Tee's condo. He comes back about 5 minutes later and asks if anyone knows how to tap a keg, I follow him down there and walk into the party. The frustrated guy trying and failing at tapping the keg looks at me and asks me what I want. Told him, 'I'm here to fix that'. 3 seconds later, it's tapped and I look back at him and said, 'where's my cup?' Bounced back and forth between parties and drank on Tee's keg for a while that night.
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