Coronavirus (No politics)

@bigdaddy @kiddiedoc plus other physicians, nurses, respiratory techs etc. here on VN (I cant remember who does what)

My daughter is a primary care physician who is attempting to keep her family from getting sick, as she assumes that she will become infected at some point. She shared this article describing successful protection of healthcare workers in Singapore and Hong Kong.

Feel free to share if you like, and please know how grateful we are for what you are doing. Stay safe, dang it! 💕

Keeping the Coronavirus from Infecting Health-Care Workers

Thank you for your kind words and support. Crazy times. I'm hanging in there.

Good article. That's almost exactly what we are doing in our office. I haven't donned headgear, but my nurses and I are in N95, gloves, gown, and eye protection for close contact with kids exhibiting suspicious symptoms. Nobody is in the waiting room, as we are doing parking-lot check-in. We are diligently cleaning.

Thanks for sharing.
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I should also add, at this point the results do not matter other than paperwork with our employment. Even if the test comes back negative you cannot convince me that we did not have it.

The PCR is a very good test. It involves multiplication of any virus RNA to better detect its presence in the specimen. Usually, PCRs are far more accurate than rapid antigen tests (like what we use in the office for quick flu diagnosis).
Thank you for your kind words and support. Crazy times. I'm hanging in there.

Good article. That's almost exactly what we are doing in our office. I haven't donned headgear, but my nurses and I are in N95, gloves, gown, and eye protection for close contact with kids exhibiting suspicious symptoms. Nobody is in the waiting room, as we are doing parking-lot check-in. We are diligently cleaning.

Thanks for sharing.

I told my wife tonight that shuttered restaurants should loan doctors their paging systems so that patients could wait in cars. Good luck, and stay safe.
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Thank you for your kind words and support. Crazy times. I'm hanging in there.

Good article. That's almost exactly what we are doing in our office. I haven't donned headgear, but my nurses and I are in N95, gloves, gown, and eye protection for close contact with kids exhibiting suspicious symptoms. Nobody is in the waiting room, as we are doing parking-lot check-in. We are diligently cleaning.

Thanks for sharing.

My wife is a PT in acute care. We are having serious talks about what happens when she is inevitably exposed. Then brings it home to me and our 3 kids. Worst case scenario we both end up in the hospital where do our kids go. Here parents and my mom are all in their 70s. Her sister has asthma and so does her 5 year old daughter plus she has a 1 year old. We have my older sister who is skirting the line of the vulnerable age. She is in good health but has kids of her own too. Then we have an 18 year old niece. Who do we send our little COVID carriers to?

IN RECENT WEEKS, investment bankers have pressed health care companies on the front lines of fighting the novel coronavirus, including drug firms developing experimental treatments and medical supply firms, to consider ways that they can profit from the crisis.

The media has mostly focused on individuals who have taken advantage of the market for now-scarce medical and hygiene supplies to hoard masks and hand sanitizer and resell them at higher prices. But the largest voices in the health care industry stand to gain from billions of dollars in emergency spending on the pandemic, as do the bankers and investors who invest in health care companies.

My wife is a PT in acute care. We are having serious talks about what happens when she is inevitably exposed. Then brings it home to me and our 3 kids. Worst case scenario we both end up in the hospital where do our kids go. Here parents and my mom are all in their 70s. Her sister has asthma and so does her 5 year old daughter plus she has a 1 year old. We have my older sister who is skirting the line of the vulnerable age. She is in good health but has kids of her own too. Then we have an 18 year old niece. Who do we send our little COVID carriers to?
My daughter now sleeps in the basement guest quarters of their house. She comes home, showers, leaves her work clothes downstairs, visits upstairs wearing mask and gloves, and then goes back down to sleep. We now visit via FB Portal, although they live 5 minutes away.

I’m 65 and my husband is 70. We also have thought about the both-in-hospital with a toddler son scenario.
My wife is a PT in acute care. We are having serious talks about what happens when she is inevitably exposed. Then brings it home to me and our 3 kids. Worst case scenario we both end up in the hospital where do our kids go. Here parents and my mom are all in their 70s. Her sister has asthma and so does her 5 year old daughter plus she has a 1 year old. We have my older sister who is skirting the line of the vulnerable age. She is in good health but has kids of her own too. Then we have an 18 year old niece. Who do we send our little COVID carriers to?
That would certainly be a tough scenario. While it's good to prepare and think ahead, remember that the chance of either, much less both, of you ending up in the hospital is very, very small.
That would certainly be a tough scenario. While it's good to prepare and think ahead, remember that the chance of either, much less both, of you ending up in the hospital is very, very small.
Lots of members from heavy metal bands and their road crews apparently got infected while touring Europe a few weeks back. Only one person is hospitalized, the rest are self-quarantined at the moment. It sounds like most people will be ok with a small percentage needing medical treatment. I’m in no way saying this thing shouldn’t be taken seriously, but I do believe we either have to take our lumps and get on with this as a society or we will collapse when the economy is wrecked. It’s already making a comeback in Hong Kong. No amount of quarantining is going to eradicate it.

Thanks for all of your updates and thoughts, Doc!
I know it's an assumption but if the percentage of private positives are equal to the percentage of public then TN has done quite a bit of testing
72 positives / 983 tests = 7.3% positive
543 assume 7.3% positive
So 543/X 7.3/100= 7, 438 private tests
983+7,438= 8,421 total tests
View attachment 267928
I have used the same arguments but I now believe that the private sector has performed much more tests than the public tests. $$$ will get you a test and the state probably does not desire to reveal this number in until there are more tests available.
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We’ve only sent out a handful of tests from my ER, but all that have resulted to this point have been negative. Still waiting on the one potentially positive case to result, but LabCorp is now backlogged on getting results out due to the number of tests they’re being sent. We now have our first positive case in our county though. Part-time resident, tested elsewhere.
Ohio has been aggressive and got out of the box early regarding the Coronavirus and restrictions. Have they flattened the curve or made headway to do so? The numbers are beginning to show some slowing over the last several days. It could easily be faulty reporting. Afterall they did send Brady Sluther to FL.
60 million had H1N1 we did nothing to isolate a virus that originated here and would kill half a million worldwide
38 million get seasonal flu most don't even bother to get a vaccine
46k or 0.014% of the population get COVID19 We shut everything down and hoard toilet paper
You are way WAY off base on this one. You don't know this woman at all.

That's right, I don't. I just know that her general statement was more consistent with Hannity and Trump than with information reported by Chinese doctors, which became highly concerning before those two and others declared it a hoax. I responded to what she said.
60 million had H1N1 we did nothing to isolate a virus that originated here and would kill half a million worldwide
38 million get seasonal flu most don't even bother to get a vaccine
46k or 0.014% of the population get COVID19 We shut everything down and hoard toilet paper

I know this has been the theme of those against shutting things down. I previously said my piece and hate that it's gotten to this point. I was reminded again this morning by a prominent Memphian, a doctor who founded the Church Health Center. He said the flu symptoms come on within 2 days, and you feel so bad that you go home. The coronavirus is more contagious, and you may not feel symptoms for a week or feel them at all. Because you haven't felt sick, you've been around many people. It's not necessarily about numbers; it's about the timing of those numbers and the capacity and equipment needed that can't handle them in a short period of time.

I have said from day one that people need to consult the doctors that they trust and hear from them. I spoke to one locally over 2 weeks ago. Doctors will tell you that this is certainly not the flu.
No, I don't. I just know that her general statement was more consistent with Hannity and Trump than with information reported by Chinese doctors, which became highly concerning before those two and others declared it a hoax. I responded to what she said.
Did you note the date that this thread was started? January 30. And that was the date of my reply, which was one word. (“General statement”? Seriously?)

At the time, the only media reports that I had seen were links here on VN to outlets that cover Elvis sightings and 3-headed calves. We (husband and I) don’t watch mainstream media of any stripe, as all they do is dance to their advertisers’ tunes. Once I started seeing the medical journal citations on the only other social media I visit (bogleheads), I started researching and became very concerned indeed.

The idea that I listen to Hannity or any similar blowhard is so ludicrous as to defy belief. I would not even recognize his photo. I have better things to do, including (pre social isolation) work via the League of Women Voters to fight voter suppression, pass the ERA, and help non-computer-users with the 2020 census, along with working with Asheville Greenworks to try to save our rapidly-diminishing urban forest. (Yes, I am a tree-hugger.)

You seem to have a tendency toward jumping to conclusions on no evidence whatsoever. You will probably find that this tendency will bite you in the ass in the future. Critical thinking is (or should be) your friend.

Stay safe, and take care or your loved ones, as we all need to do.
Scientific American quoted exactly the same medical sources in China, with exactly the same information which was quoted earlier in mainstream media.

Add: Nowhere in the record did I call you a Trump Hannity fan girl, and I think you know that. I said that your post was more consistent with them. You might be a wonderful person, but you are being sloppy with words.
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Scientific American quoted exactly the same medical sources in China, with exactly the same information which was quoted earlier in mainstream media.
Wow, you’re amazing. What part of “January 30” and “we don’t follow mainstream media” do you not grasp?

I missed Scientific American. I’ve been gnawing on JAMA, NEJM, and Lancet and several medical podcasts.

I’m glad you were all woke and stuff back on Jan 30. I grovel in apology for being initially distracted. Lead on.
I know this has been the theme of those against shutting things down. I previously said my piece and hate that it's gotten to this point. I was reminded again this morning by a prominent Memphian, a doctor who founded the Church Health Center. He said the flu symptoms come on within 2 days, and you feel so bad that you go home. The coronavirus is more contagious, and you may not feel symptoms for a week or feel them at all. Because you haven't felt sick, you've been around many people. It's not necessarily about numbers; it's about the timing of those numbers and the capacity and equipment needed that can't handle them in a short period of time.

I have said from day one that people need to consult the doctors that they trust and hear from them. I spoke to one locally over 2 weeks ago. Doctors will tell you that this is certainly not the flu.

Spot on. People getting too hung up on the numbers and comparing it to the flu. There is a bigger picture that is is all about medical resources right now.

If this was just the flu, we would call it the flu. But its not the flu.

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