Couch not going to Oregon



Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
Couch was left off the plane. Great Job Butch!!, hope couch is packing up his stuff to transfer to bama where he can get all the money he wants without affecting us.
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Why is it that we hate on the kid who gets caught, all the while we know that this is a routine procedure in college football that no university is immune to?

You'd take the money too.
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"Heat exhaustion"

I have to say, that excuse is so dishonest and lame. Everyone knows UT is lying about the real reason he's not going. Why not just say "Based on the report, which we are investigating, he's going to sit out this game"? Why compound the problem here by lying about it? All you've done is open yourselves up to more criticism, seems to me.
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No i wouldn't take the money. I have more integrity and discipline than that. plus i love Tennessee football more than $$$$.
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yes, it did folks need to know he was made to stay home. instead of being allowed to go anyway.
I have to say, that excuse is so dishonest and lame. Everyone knows UT is lying about the real reason he's not going. Why not just say "Based on the report, which we are investigating, he's going to sit out this game"? Why compound the problem here by lying about it? All you've done is open yourselves up to more criticism, seems to me.
:crazy: :clapping::crazy::clapping::crazy::clapping::crazy:
Why is it that we hate on the kid who gets caught, all the while we know that this is a routine procedure in college football that no university is immune to?

You'd take the money too.

Uh, no, I wouldn't. My integrity is worth a whole lot more than $950.00.

What ever happened to honesty, integrity and dignity? We are surely much too quick to excuse the lack thereof!
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UT had done nothing wrong in this original situation and imo it did not reflect negatively on UT at all.

Now they have done something wrong, and its pointless.
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