Couch not going to Oregon

Also, do any of you in here whining about the reason given for Couch not going have a quote or link or anything?

Jones just said he's ineligible for this game while compliance looks into the issue.
As a public institution, don't lie. Life 101

And based on your observation, by the way, the correct thing would be to say nothing. Just don't bring him. Say nothing.

The problem is in concocting the obvious lie to excuse it.

The irony of course is that you didn't have to lie. It got you nothing. Even the people on this board are saying its a lie. It might be the dumbest one ever told.

TN Football just tweeted saying Jones said: "we have ruled him ineligible, investigation pending etc."

Doesn't sound like a lie to me. Seems like people jumped the gun on reason/not in plane today. Butch talks at the end of practice. People should wait till said horse speaks. Butch only said he didn't practice yesterday bc of heat exhaustion. Compliance office looked at stuff, he talked to Couch, says today he is ruled ineligible by UT.

Seems reasonable and forthright to me. Don't throw a guy in that situation yesterday until he can get out of practice/game prep and talk to people to see what came out. Now he did. Declares the news when he usually talks at end of practice today.

Edit: I don't actually remember anyone in an official capacity from UT today claiming heat exhaustion as a reason for him not getting on plane today. Butch said he sat practice for it yesterday (prob bc Butch found out during other work/practice/meetings, used an excuse till he could talk to peeps about what is going on, then officially comes out today after digests info/reports and rules him ineligible pending investigation and moves on). This is more a case of people jumping on rumor, non official news and calling UT and our coach liars, stupid etc. Everyone should have patience and quit judging others, especially prematurely
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No i wouldn't take the money. I have more integrity and discipline than that. plus i love Tennessee football more than $$$$.

Not going to make excuses for the young Man but doesn't he have a wife/baby and another baby on the way. NCAA doesn't allow him to work and unless you are in his shoes you do not know what the supposed money was needed for-- heck could have been used for diapers!
What about his wife and child? Do you think he loves UT football more than them?

So it's ok to lie, cheat and steal if you have a wife and children? I'm amazed by how many people's ethics and morals are compromised by opportunity. Hence we revert to carry permits because we can no longer trust those around us. What a country we have become, where acts of fraud can be justified by circumstance.
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I have to say, that excuse is so dishonest and lame. Everyone knows UT is lying about the real reason he's not going. Why not just say "Based on the report, which we are investigating, he's going to sit out this game"? Why compound the problem here by lying about it? All you've done is open yourselves up to more criticism, seems to me.

And now... you are exposed (again) for the fool you are.

And where do you as a Gator fan get off criticizing ANYONE for running a dirty program or lying? Your team doesn't even have to cheat or sign/tolerate thugs... and they do anyway. Get that massive log out of your eye... then you'll be able to see the speck in someone else's.
I don't blame the kid at all. Most players take money he was just thrown under the bus.

Stop w integrity and all this bs.

You guys are so hypocritical it's insane

I would 100% take money. Every college ath I ever met took something they shoudnt have.
UT had done nothing wrong in this original situation and imo it did not reflect negatively on UT at all.

Now they have done something wrong, and its pointless.

We sure are righteous now.How righteous was you when good ole Urb was running that Boy Scout of a program.
I don't blame the kid at all. Most players take money he was just thrown under the bus.

Stop w integrity and all this bs.

You guys are so hypocritical it's insane

I would 100% take money. Every college ath I ever met took something they shoudnt have.

Sorry that you struggle with morality like that... but everyone not getting caught has never been a good reason not to punish those who do.

Integrity isn't "bs"... it is absolutely the most important thing anyone or any institution can have. Without it, you can have nothing "good", meaningful, or purposeful. I hire people in my job. I'll take someone with integrity over someone with "skill" 100% of the time. A lack of integrity or even the understanding of its importance contributes to pretty much everything wrong with our society.

If it is $950 then that seems rather minor to me. Let him pay it back, count Oregon as his suspension game, and let him finish his career. If there's something more then deal with that when it is discovered.
If he misses the entire Oregon game, per the new "Manziel Scale", he should get several thousand more dollars for time served.
If agents are caught giving money to college players or working to get college players money, they should go to jail. It's the only way to stop them from doing it. It's ridiculous for them to be able to destroy a student-athlete's and a university's reputation by doing these type of shady deals.
Sorry that you struggle with morality like that... but everyone not getting caught has never been a good reason not to punish those who do.

Integrity isn't "bs"... it is absolutely the most important thing anyone or any institution can have. Without it, you can have nothing "good", meaningful, or purposeful. I hire people in my job. I'll take someone with integrity over someone with "skill" 100% of the time. A lack of integrity or even the understanding of its importance contributes to pretty much everything wrong with our society.

If it is $950 then that seems rather minor to me. Let him pay it back, count Oregon as his suspension game, and let him finish his career. If there's something more then deal with that when it is discovered.

Taking a few hundred dollars doesn't mean you lack morals.

If agents are caught giving money to college players or working to get college players money, they should go to jail. It's the only way to stop them from doing it. It's ridiculous for them to be able to destroy a student-athlete's and a university's reputation by doing these type of shady deals.

The only way I can see for this to ever be curtailed is if the NFLPA agrees to decertify agents that are caught doing this.
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The only way I can see for this to ever be curtailed is if the NFLPA agrees to decertify agents that are caught doing this.

The agents in this case used a mule - and so far only the mule has talked .
Why is it that we hate on the kid who gets caught, all the while we know that this is a routine procedure in college football that no university is immune to?

You'd take the money too.

Because VN is liberally sprinkled with self-righteous bigots who do worse things on the sly and yet assume they're holier than those they so readily condemn. I call it the Jerry Springer Syndrome.
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i said nothing about him being guilty.

All one has to do is read your posts and see you imply it. You don't have to utter the precise words to accuse someone, verbal pointing amounts to the same thing. Pretending to be cute about doesn't change the fact.

Too many on VN are too eager to jump on and beat our players at the slightest opportunity. They're no different than the east Tennessee folks who are hard up, some in danger of losing farmland, who turn to growing pot in hidden plots and sheds to make ends meet. Don't hear condemning statements about them. Some inner city guy accepts free cash from a snaky agent probably without awareness of the consequences or needs to feed a kid or pay rent, and the same silent ones about pot growers are all over the player. If you're going to damn people, at least be an equal opportunity damner.
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Why is it that we hate on the kid who gets caught, all the while we know that this is a routine procedure in college football that no university is immune to?

You'd take the money too.
If reports are true, they are Tennesssee players taking payments from a former Bama player. That is just plain dumb. Rule #1 If you are going to break rules, do not get caught.
As a public institution, don't lie. Life 101

And based on your observation, by the way, the correct thing would be to say nothing. Just don't bring him. Say nothing.

The problem is in concocting the obvious lie to excuse it.

The irony of course is that you didn't have to lie. It got you nothing. Even the people on this board are saying its a lie. It might be the dumbest one ever told.

Urban Meyer laughs at your post
Mo "will be sittin on tha" Couch

Scenerio (1) Couch sits until the NCAA figures this out. Then he is able to play a few games before he graduates.

Scenerio (2) Couch doesn't play at U.T. again. He participates in "Pro Day" at U.T. prior to the N.F.L. combine. He gets no invite to the combine or to a senior bowl game. Some team signs him as a free agent and gets a good player for a cheap price and with no risk.
We'd better hope that losing Couch is the only thing we lose from this situation. We cannot afford for the NCAA to slap the football program with additional penalties!
As a public institution, don't lie. Life 101

And based on your observation, by the way, the correct thing would be to say nothing. Just don't bring him. Say nothing.

The problem is in concocting the obvious lie to excuse it.

The irony of course is that you didn't have to lie. It got you nothing. Even the people on this board are saying its a lie. It might be the dumbest one ever told.

TOS reported that Couch was carried off the field on Tuesday for heat exhaustion and concussion related symptoms. The thought was that he probably wouldn't play. There is your "lie." It wasn't one. After discussions with Couch on Wednesday and early Thursday, they declared him ineligible last night. Again, you have no clue what happens in the program.
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The only way I can see for this to ever be curtailed is if the NFLPA agrees to decertify agents that are caught doing this.

Agreed, including any caught using a 3rd party found to do the same also. We all know though that where there is a will there is a way. It's not much different than steroids. Feign shock when someone is busted but know secretly many if not most are.

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