Couch not going to Oregon

"Couch not going to Oregon"

Ya freakin' think?!?!?!?!?
I have to say, that excuse is so dishonest and lame. Everyone knows UT is lying about the real reason he's not going. Why not just say "Based on the report, which we are investigating, he's going to sit out this game"? Why compound the problem here by lying about it? All you've done is open yourselves up to more criticism, seems to me.

because some people keep away from topics and keep their mouths shut and stuff like this seems to go away. Answering a myriad of questions about something that didn't happen while he was here as he is taking an undermanned team to Ore isn't a good idea. Ask Saban. Coaches want to focus on the game.
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What I dont get is what do the mutts that write these articles get out of it ? (besides being hated by an entire fan base)
getting married in college and having a child was his choice.. not mine. he should have thought of the consequences and sacrifices he would need to make a head of his actions. nothing wrong with getting married but having a child while going to school would create a lot of unnecessary stress that would lead to poor decisions, such as taking money from a bammer at any point and time legal or not. It's a bammer you know that money is going to be dirtier than the rodeo clown who fell face first into a field of fresh cow manure.
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UT had done nothing wrong in this original situation and imo it did not reflect negatively on UT at all.

Now they have done something wrong, and its pointless.
They've done jack wrong then and now. There is no reason at this point to confirm or deny any of that report, which is exactly all they've done.
I have to say, that excuse is so dishonest and lame. Everyone knows UT is lying about the real reason he's not going. Why not just say "Based on the report, which we are investigating, he's going to sit out this game"? Why compound the problem here by lying about it? All you've done is open yourselves up to more criticism, seems to me.

If we were Florida he would be starting the next two don't worry about the reason he is not traveling to Oregon....or Florida next week....pretty bad when a Gator fan accuses another team of lying with coachs like Myer Zookeeper and now Muschamp...

Couch has been through enough and will go through a lot more...I admire CBJ for protecting him if true....why do you care really not your problem unless you are a closet Vol fan....
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I have to say, that excuse is so dishonest and lame. Everyone knows UT is lying about the real reason he's not going. Why not just say "Based on the report, which we are investigating, he's going to sit out this game"? Why compound the problem here by lying about it? All you've done is open yourselves up to more criticism, seems to me.

UT had done nothing wrong in this original situation and imo it did not reflect negatively on UT at all.

Now they have done something wrong, and its pointless.

Come on now, every team does it. I'm sure even your precious Florida has sat someone for a game before, called it an injury and it was because the coach caught them doing something wrong.

Please watch being so righteous when your own team/players are questionable at best when it comes to ethical behavior.
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OP is pounding his chest behing a computer from his mom's basement... I agree that Butch did the right thing by not letting Mo play, but the comment about MO packing his bags shows the true idiot here.

Hard to slam a young man for taking some $$ that is going to school, playing football, and raising a family. More than most on this board could handle. He did the crime and he'll do the time, but blasting him and saying he needs to pack his bags shows what kind of true fan of this team you really are.

Easy to talk a big game behind a computer, but I bet you wouldn't dare say that to his face.
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because some people keep away from topics and keep their mouths shut and stuff like this seems to go away. Answering a myriad of questions about something that didn't happen while he was here as he is taking an undermanned team to Cali isn't a good idea. Ask Saban. Coaches want to focus on the game.

Exactly. They took the path of least discussion, the only way to go when at this point you have less than the full picture of what did happen in the past and what can happen in the future. These things are fluid.
Uh, no, I wouldn't. My integrity is worth a whole lot more than $950.00.

What ever happened to honesty, integrity and dignity? We are surely much too quick to excuse the lack thereof!

Is that all it was?

All this whoopla over 950$? He can pay that back and be ready to go for Florida.
Couch was left off the plane. Great Job Butch!!, hope couch is packing up his stuff to transfer to bama where he can get all the money he wants without affecting us.

I didn't think the team was leaving to go out there until tomorrow. If so then how was he left off the plane if it hasn't gone anywhere yet?
I have to say, that excuse is so dishonest and lame. Everyone knows UT is lying about the real reason he's not going. Why not just say "Based on the report, which we are investigating, he's going to sit out this game"? Why compound the problem here by lying about it? All you've done is open yourselves up to more criticism, seems to me.
I just got off the phone with Butch and he said that they handled it this way just to piss you off.
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I have to say, that excuse is so dishonest and lame. Everyone knows UT is lying about the real reason he's not going. Why not just say "Based on the report, which we are investigating, he's going to sit out this game"? Why compound the problem here by lying about it? All you've done is open yourselves up to more criticism, seems to me.

I'd believe that Maurice Couch is really suffering from heat exhaustion sooner than I'd believe the bouncer whose eardrum was broken by Aaron Hernandez just decided to drop the charges out of the goodness of his heart.
They've done jack wrong then and now. There is no reason at this point to confirm or deny any of that report, which is exactly all they've done.

You're not saying there is anything to it. You are saying you are checking into it, which is what is actually going on. Just say that and can't comment further until investigation complete.
i went to school and got a degree did i take cash for playing a bluegrass band? i think not. i wouldn't say those exact words but i would say something to him, like Good Luck in life.
I'm sure LG believes every time a FL player breaks a rule that the coach and AD should come out and say exactly what is going on... It's politics and the powers at be will do some jockeying. 99% of how bad you get busted by the NCAA is dependent on how much you're dumb enough to admit. That's not right, that's just the way it is.
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You're not saying there is anything to it. You are saying you are checking into it, which is what is actually going on. Just say that and can't comment further until investigation complete.

That insinuates there is merit which maybe at this time they haven't had time to do.
What I dont get is what do the mutts that write these articles get out of it ? (besides being hated by an entire fan base)


Dan Wetzel is one of the lowest forms of crap the media has to offer, perhaps second only to Travis.
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I have to say, that excuse is so dishonest and lame. Everyone knows UT is lying about the real reason he's not going. Why not just say "Based on the report, which we are investigating, he's going to sit out this game"? Why compound the problem here by lying about it? All you've done is open yourselves up to more criticism, seems to me.

Oh come on Law, you're smarter than that...that's just you taking a pot shot. You know that TN officials are not going to give credibility to a Yahoo story by holding Couch out because of that story. Not without doing their own investigation first.

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