Is that what YOU'RE thinking?
"Will Obama's election hurt BLACK Americans?" No. Absolutely not. 1st off, some black folks, like the college athletes you watch every Saturday, or the ones in college period, or the ones driving nice cars with the jobs that make $100,000s a year, or the ones who own their own business, or have a great government job, etc. will not be affected at all. So the question about BLACK people being affected, why would it? Just because there are some black folks who bring up the past, doesn't mean EVERY black person brings up the past. Or would vote against Obama so they will have something to complain about. Not every black person is in the bricks living off the government.
And who gives a damn about what Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton has to say. They do not represent folks like me, they represent themselves. All they care about is jumping on TV and yelling "RACE!!" They are the exact reason that some white folks look at black folks as complaining all the time. I am not the "typical whining black man" get that through your head. There are many like me who are over all the BS and ready to move foward the way God wants us to.
But I will say this, racism DOES exist. And if you object to that then you are in denial. So yes I still stand up for my people when it is necessary, any white man would do the same.
I was in Louisiana when Jena 6 happened and you would be amazed how many white people showed up to show support. Just stop putting black people as a category, not all of us bring up the past